APUSH/Michelena Chapters #28, #29 Exam Review: The exam is

Chapters #28, #29 Exam Review: The exam is 65 questions, but there are several sets of “matching” questions for
amendments, acts, and Progressive presidents.
Why did an insurrection begin in the Philippines?
What was the nature of the Philippine insurrection?
Open Door Policy
Boxer Rebellion
Teddy Roosevelt’s personality and character
Panama Canal events
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Why did TR negotiate the settlement to the Russo-Japanese War/
Where did the peace negotiations take place?
Who inspired the Progressives?
What were the goals of the Progressives?
How did European ideas influence the Progressive movement?
Muckrakers: David Phillips, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Baker, Lincoln Steffens
What did TR think about muckrakers?
From what social class did Progressives come?
Who were the Progressive presidents?
Did Progressivism occur in both political parties?
Recall, referendum, initiative
Progressive amendments: 16, 17, 18, 19
Settlement houses, Jane Addams, Hull House
Muller v. Oregon
Municipal progressivism
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Square Deal
1902 anthracite coal strike
Elkins Act, Hepburn Act
TR: trust-buster or trust regulator?
Who “busted” more trusts – TR or Taft?
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
TR”s foreign policy; Taft’s foreign policy
Supreme Court’s “rule of reason” in restraint-of-trade cases involved what industry?
Presidential election of 1912
Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Interstate Commerce Act
Wilson: Payne-Aldrich Tariff, Federal Reserve System