Biology Syllabus

Biology Syllabus 2015-2016
Teacher: Mr. Rollins
Classroom: Room 205
Phone: 903.532.3236
Conference Period: 6th Period (1:07 – 1:52)
Class Website: Click my name under school website
Miller, Levine, “Biology.” Pearson, 2015. Digital.
Course Description (as defined by TEKS):
In Biology, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during
investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving.
Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses;
growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological
evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis;
and ecosystems and the environment.
Class Expectations:
Class Rules:
1. Be on time. The tardy policy requires that you be in your seat when the bell rings. You should in your
seat working on the warm-up at that time. You also need to have any assignments that are due out and
be ready to be turned in.
2. Be prepared. You are expected to bring all necessary materials to class everyday. The hard copy
textbook will be a classroom copy and will only be taken home if necessary. The textbook also has a
digital version that will be uploaded to your school issued iPad. We will use the iPads in class daily,
therefore it is necessary to bring it with you to class every day and make sure it has been charged prior to
class. If you find that your iPad runs out of battery during the school day, bring a charger with you to
school. You must also always be prepared with a notebook, paper and writing utensil.
3. Be attentive. All individual conversations should stop when the bell rings. You are expected to stay in
your seat and to raise your hand for permission to speak. Keep your head off your desk. Work only on
class work for this class (unless otherwise noted).
4. Be honest. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in zeros and will be treated
with the proper disciplinary action.
5. Be respectful. In my classroom, you will show respect for yourself, others and property. Bullying of any
form will not be tolerated. Do not interrupt others. You will need to ask before borrowing my property
or the property of others.
6. No Food or Drinks allowed in class.
*** Most of my class rules boil down to 4 things: Respectful, Responsible, Productive, and Positive
Laboratory Rules:
Each student will be required to pass a lab safety quiz before participating in any lab activities. When you enter
the classroom, take your seat in the front (desk) area of the classroom. No student should be in the lab section of
the classroom without instruction. Being in the lab area without being instructed to do so is a safety hazard and
will be handled as a discipline matter.
Grading and Evaluation:
Howe High School Science Grade Scale:
Below 70
Grade Weighting:
Major Tests/Projects
Labs/Daily work/Mini Quiz
Make-Up Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to take care of their make-up assignments, notes, labs, tests, quizzes, etc. After
an absence, the student will be provided with a make-up assignment sheet. This sheet can be obtained from the
bin at the front of the classroom with the appropriate class period labeled. Students will need to pick up their
make-up work the day they return to school. Upon turning in the make-up work, each student will need to attach
their make-up work sheet to the assignment so it is not counted as late work. All make-up work will be due
according to district policy (see student handbook). If you are taking a planned absence, such as an extracurricular
absence, ask me beforehand and I will get assignments ready for you.
Late Work:
Work is due on the due date at the beginning of the period, unless otherwise noted. Work may be turned in one
day late, but you will receive only 70% of the total points. Work will not be accepted more than one day late
unless special arrangements are made with me.
If a student does not have his/her work to turn in when it is due, they will hand in a yellow “Late Work” sheet.
They must fill out the information required on the sheet. If the student brings the assignment the next day, this
“Late Work” sheet will be attached to the assignment and the appropriate amount of points will be deducted from
the assignment.
Students not turning in assignments after the 1 day grace period will obtain a “Missing Work” sheet. They will fill
out the sheet and submit it in place of the missing assignment. This sheet indicates that they will be receiving a
zero for the assignment. These forms will remain on file as grade documentation.
If you fail a test (69% and below), you will have an opportunity to correct the test to improve your grade. Students
will be given one week to make corrections after viewing their grade. All corrections must be made during
tutorials or break. The highest grade possible on corrected tests will be 70%.
Homework will be assigned most days. In order to participate effectively in class activities, it is essential that
students do the assigned work on a daily basis. Homework may consist of reading or written assignments from
the text, working on a project, writing up a lab report, reviewing work already completed, or studying for a test or
quiz. All written assignments are to be labeled with a title on the top line and name, hour and date in the upper,
right corner of the paper.
*** I do try to limit the amount of homework to take home. Students will have an opportunity most days to at
least start the assignments. If they are taking large amounts of work home with them, it usually means they
aren’t doing the right things in class.
Tutorials are for students needing additional help throughout the year. Our new PEP period should be an excellent
time to get the help for those students needing it. Due to athletic duties, before and after school is taken to fulfill
those responsibilities. I generally eat lunch in my classroom, so if a student wants to sit down to discuss questions
they may bring their lunch to my room to meet with me. If a student is in need of tutorials and he/she is not able
to make it during this time period, talk to me about scheduling an alternative time for tutorials.
Large package of notecards (5”x 8” or 4”x 6” notecards; 3”x 5” will be too small)
Class supply
o Each class period will be asked to bring a different supply for classroom use throughout the
school year. I will not require students to bring the assigned supply, but will give a free 100 for
those who choose to bring the assigned item. Students cannot earn more than one 100 for
bringing multiple items, although they will be gladly accepted 
3-ring binder with medium sized rings (about 1-2 inches) **Notebook dividers are recommended
loose-leaf paper (No spiral notebooks unless pages can be removed cleanly, please!)
pencils preferred . Pens with blue or black ink only. No red, please.
(Assignments done in red will have to be re-copied to be graded.)
ITEM NEEDED FOR MY CLASS PERIOD: _________________________
*** Students may also bring their own colored pencils, ruler, highlighters, or other materials they need for success!
***Students are expected to bring books, notebook, paper and pencil to class each day.
Students are to keep an organized notebook which should include a table of contents and all assignments,
whether they have been graded or not. There will be reading assignments periodically that will need to be kept in
the notebook as well. Notebooks will be checked occasionally for completeness and organization for a daily
Strategies for success in this class:
Come to class, on time, every day. There is no substitute for being in class and getting information 1st hand.
Ask questions. Everyone can learn science, it just takes longer to click for some than others. If you wait until right
before or right after the test to ask questions, you aren’t prepared for the test which hurts your grade substantially.
Ask me questions early on and I can help before it snowballs.
3) Do your work. If I don’t see work turned in I don’t know where you are with understanding the material, I don’t know
what help you need, and you get a zero for that assignment. Continuously not doing the work drags down the
homework grade which usually precedes a bad test grade because the student is not prepared.
Helpful websites:
2) – can help you if you are failing to understand certain topics.
Youtube: Look up “Bozeman science” videos by topic, or “Crash course” videos by topic
Biology Topics Overview:
This syllabus is intended to be a general overview of what will be discussed throughout the year in biology.
The following information/timeline is subject to change.
1st Six Weeks:
Unit 1: Science and Evidence-Based Thinking
Unit 2: Ecology
Unit 3: Biochemistry
2nd Six Weeks:
Unit 3: Biochemistry (continued)
Unit 4: Cells
Unit 5: Cellular Processes: Photosynthesis and Respiration
3rd Six Weeks:
Unit 6: Cellular Processes: Cell Cycle
Unit 7: Cellular Processes: Protein Synthesis
4th Six Weeks:
Unit 8: Genetics and Heredity
Unit 9: Evolution
5th Six Weeks:
Unit 9: Evolution
Unit 10: Classification
Unit 11: Viruses and Bacteria
Unit 12: Plant Structures and Adaptations
6th Six Weeks:
Unit 13: Body Systems
Unit 14: Experimental Design