7th Grade Science Classroom Rules and Syllabus Welcome to your 7th grade year at Edwards Middle School! I’m looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you and your parents/guardians. Please take a few minutes to read over the Syllabus and Rules to ensure we all have a successful and enjoyable school year! The following are some simple rules we will all follow while in science class: Miss Smith’s Classroom Rules 1. Respect EVERYONE at all times. 2. Be ON TIME and PREPARED for class. 3. Have an open mind, ready to learn. 4. Be responsible at all times – especially during labs! 5. HAVE FUN!!! Next we have some procedures in science class that you will become familiar with as the school year progresses. These procedures will make for an orderly classroom which makes learning easier and even more fun! Classroom Procedures 1. Students are required to bring the following to class EVERYDAY!!: Science Binder (1” 3-Ring Binder, 5 dividers), writing utensil, agenda and textbook. No exceptions! We will periodically clean out the binders to stay organized. 2. Always keep your hands, feet and personal belongings to yourself. We can be pretty tight fit and we need to keep walk ways clear. We don’t want anyone to trip during a lab and injure himself/herself! 3. Students are expected to follow all school rules as stated in the student handbook. 4. Always sit in your assigned seat, unless otherwise directed. 5. Students MUST DO THEIR OWN WORK! This applies to all homework, classwork, tests and projects. If caught cheating, the student handbook states a zero-tolerance policy. This means – you cheat; you get a zero. 6. Please use a dark colored writing utensil to do work, and please write neatly. If I cannot read it, I cannot give it a good grade. 7. At the beginning of class the FIRST THING we do is check our homework and bellwork. This means once the bell rings your homework should be out ready for me to check. While I check, you complete your bellwork. 8. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR MISSING WORK!!!!! There are many easy ways to do this. #1 Check Progressbook for your science grade OFTEN. This will make you aware of your missing assignments. #2 Check the Extras bin for handouts you may have missed if you were absent. #3 Use your agenda to record your assignments! 9. Homework, late assignments and make up work: Homework may either be a completion or accuracy grade of 10 pts. Homework is due during your class period. If homework is completed and turned in on time students will receive a stamp for later rewards! If you are absent, check the Extras bin for your assignments AND talk to Miss Smith. Turn in your ABSENT work to the Absent Bin on Miss Smith’s desk! YOUR RESPONSIBILTY! If homework is not complete on the due date, you will have up to 2 days to turn in your work for less credit. 1 day late = 8/10 points, 2 days late = 6/10 points. After 2 days the assignment is given 0/10 points. Turn into the Late Side of the Blue Box. No exceptions. 10. Stamps and Reward Tickets: For each complete and on time homework assignment students will receive a stamp. Stamps can also be earned on A’s on paper tests and other assignments deemed appropriate by Miss Smith. Students need to keep their stamped papers in the identified section of their Science Binder. At the end of units students will redeem their stamps for tickets! Tickets will be put in a raffle drawing (number of tickets drawn varies) for some classroom rewards!!! 11. Don’t forget; HAVE FUN and BE RESPECTFUL. This will make for a happy and wonderful place to be during the day!! Syllabus – Course of Study COURSE OVERVIEW: Throughout the school year, the students will learn about the following information, as determined by the Ohio Department of Education. Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to: 1) describe interactions of matter and energy throughout the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, and how this affects global climate patterns and atmospheric properties 2) identify patterns of motion and positions of Earth that cause eclipses, tides and moon phases 3) explain how matter is transferred continuously between organisms and their environment, and identifying properties of biomes and their populations 4) understand how matter is determined based on properties and arrangement of atoms 5) describe how energy can be transformed or transferred in a variety of ways, but never lost 6) use scientific inquiry skills to help understanding SCIENCE BINDER, WEBSITE, REMIND, and TWITTER: The science binder, textbook, agenda and writing utensil should be brought to class EVERY DAY. *This binder will contain handouts and other papers from science class as well as blank notebook paper. Refer to this binder for papers to help you study or if you are missing any work – it may have been lost in the shuffle. *Remind is a cell phone text message alert system I will be using for assignment dates and announcements for students and parents. Directions to set up your phone to the proper class period will be given later. We will use Remind often. *My school website will be updated with homework assignments, projects, and announcements. I am trying to be “green” and print the least amount of copies as possible. Please indicate if you have internet access at home to complete assignments found online. Lastly, student and parents are encouraged to follow me on Twitter. This is a quick way for students to get ahold of me if necessary (forgot the homework? I’ll take a picture of it), see quick reminders, and enjoy interesting science facts or inspirational ideas. Students/parents are not able to communicate with me via Remind, so Twitter is a way to ask a quick question. Follow me on Twitter: @tsmithscience Science Binder Sections 1. Bellwork & Stamps 2. Notes & Handouts 3. Classwork & Homework 4. Assessments 5. Filler Paper BELLWORK: Bellwork is an activity the students work on as soon as they walk into the classroom each day. Our Bellwork will contain two items the students will need to focus on and write in the first portion of their Science Binder. I-CAN Statements will be posted (and copied down) for the day’s objective. And, a Thought of the Day will be posted for the students to write their response/answer! TESTS/PROJECTS: There will be periodic tests/assessments over each unit/concept to ensure the students are learning and understanding the required material. Projects will also be used over the course of the year to assess student learning. GRADING: Tests, projects, labs, class activities, homework, and other assessments will be combined to calculate student grades. Students are welcomed to ask the teacher for their updated science grade any time during 4th/5th period. ProgressBook is the easiest way for students AND parents to track their current grades and ask questions if needed. It is imperative students and parents have access to Progressbook. Paper report cards will no longer be sent home later this year. The following is the breakdown of assignment categories used in Science Class: Science Assignments and Weighted Categories: Type Weight Assessments: labs, test, etc. 9 Homework/Work Habits 1 Percentage of Grade 90% 10% Seventh grade is a transition year. It is our job as teachers to help you become more responsible students and human beings. It is your job to do your best at this as well! Good luck this school year!!! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email: Tsmith@bcsoh.org or by calling Edwards Middle School (330) 273-0488. I look forward to a great year! Miss Smith