Ch. 28 Ppt

Chapter 28:
Around the Globe
Section 1:
China Resists Outside Influence
Discuss How Militarism & Political Alliances Brought
the World to War
China and the West
 Did not need outside world
 Very proud
 1700s, China had a strong farming economy
 Rice and peanuts
 Silk, cotton ceramics
 Salt, tin, silver, and Iron
China and the West
 China limited trade with Britain
 Favorable balance of trade
 Britain looking for something China wanted/needed
 1800s, British smuggled Opium to China
 Heroin, Morphine
 1835, 12 million+ people became addicted
 Opium War -War between Britain and China over
the opium trade
 British took over Hong Kong
 1842, Treaty of Nanjing to end war
 1844, US and other countries gained
extraterritorial rights - Rights of foreign
residents to follow the laws of their own
government rather than those of the host country
 Chinese resentment grew
Foreign Influence Grows
 The Taiping Rebellion was an attempt to overthrow the
Cing Dynasty. It failed but it weakened China
 Late 1800s, Empress Cixi had some reforms because
China was weakened by rebellion and famine
 Other countries took advantage of China’s weakness
 US wanted Open Door Policy - Policy proposed by the
United States giving all nations equal opportunities to
trade in China
 Europeans agreed
 End Result- China is Dominated by foreign powers
Society of Harmonious Fists
 Peasants formed SHF, also known as Boxers
 Wanted to get rid of Western influence
 The Boxer Rebellion
 1900, Rebellion aimed at ending foreign influence in China
 Nationalism increases
 Rebellion squashed by multi-national army
Chapter 28:
Around the Globe
Section 2:
Modernization in Japan
• Explain why Japan ended its isolation
• Trace the growth of Japanese imperialism
Japan Ends Isolation
 1600-1800’s – Japan was mostly isolated
 Refused to trade
 1853, American war ships entered Japanese waters
(Commodore William Perry)
 1854, Treaty of Kanagawa -Treaty between the United
States and Japan opening trade between the two
 Japan opened up to Europe shortly thereafter
Change in Government
 Many did not agree with these negotiations
 Emperor Mutsuhito overthrew the shogun (military
 Meiji era- Period of rule by Emperor Mutsuhito from 1867
to 1912
Emperor modernized Japan
 Based on what officials saw in Europe and
 Government and Army modeled after Germany
 Navy modeled by Britain
 Education modeled by US
 Changes in Economy
 Mined for Coal
 Railroads
 Factories
Japan Dominates Asia
 Forced Europeans to give up special privileges
 Sino-Japanese War- Japan went to war with China
 Drove China out of Korea
 Gained Taiwan + other islands
 Russo–Japanese War- War between Russia and Japan fought
in 1904
 For control of China’s Manchurian territory
 Japan surprised the world
 Japan attacked Korea
 Korea became a protectorate
 1910, Japan annexed (added) Korea
Harsh Japanese Rule
 Shut down Korean Newspapers
 Taught only Japanese history and language
 Took land from Korean farmers and gave to Japanese
 Built Japanese only factories
 No new Korean businesses
Chapter 28:
Around the Globe
Section 3:
U.S. Economic Imperialism
Discuss U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America
Problems in independent Latin America
 Most worked on farms, poor
 Political problems
 Caudillo – military dictator
 Poor people had no power
 Only property owners vote
 Reformers quickly removed from
Economies Grow Under Foreign
 Britain and US became main trading partners
 Businesses soon controlled countries
Latin American Empire
 1823, US President
James Monroe issued
Monroe Doctrine – US
statement of
opposition to
European influence in
the Americas
 Latin American
Economies Depended
on Exports
International Police
 1904, President Roosevelt says US is international Police
 Roosevelt Corollary
 Controlled by Colombia
 US offered Colombia $10 million
to build Panama Canal
 Colombia wanted more money
 US helped Panamanians rebel
 US built Panama Canal in 1914
Chapter 28:
Around the Globe
Section 4:
Turmoil and Change in Mexico
Understand the Effects of War and Reform in Mexico
Santa Anna and the Mexican War
 Antonio López de Santa Anna
 Fought for Mexican independence from Spain
 Served as president 4 times
Santa Anna Vs Texas
 1830s, Texas won independence from Mexico
 1840s, United States annexed Texas
 Angered Mexicans
Mexican American War
 Border dispute arose (Rio Grande/Nueces River)
 Santa Anna lost
 Mexico surrendered a LOT of land
La Reforma
 Benito Juarez – leader of La Reforma
 La Reforma - Movement in Mexico aimed at achieving land
reform, better education, and other goals (Began in 1854)
 Break the power of the large landowners
 1858, Juarez won control of Mexico
 1862, Conservatives and Napoleon III from France captured
Mexico in 18 months
 Juarez and his followers took 5 years to finally remove
French from Mexico
After Juarez
 1872, Juarez died
 Porfirio Díaz Dictator who came to power after Juárez
 In power for 30+ years
 Porfirio Diaz restored order but limited political
 Diaz was challenged by Francisco Madero (Madero
sought democratic principles)
Calls for Reform
 “Pancho” Villa -Popular leader of the Mexican
 Emiliano Zapata Leader of a powerful revolutionary
 Both raised armies to overthrow Diaz, Madero takes over