The Global Crisis: 1921-1941

AP US History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 27-28 Study Guide
The Global Crisis: 1921-1941
Important terms, people, and ideas
Washington Conference
Nine-Power Pact
Four-Power Pact
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Benito Mussolini
Fascist Party
Adolf Hitler
Nazi Party
Good Neighbor Policy
Neutrality Acts
The Axis
Quarantine Speech
Munich Conference
1. Washington Conference
5 Power Pact:
Nine-Power Pact:
Four-Power Pact:
2. Kellogg-Briand Pact
Idea of original pact:
American version:
How many signed immediately?
How many eventually signed?
3. 1924 Dawes Plan
Why was it needed?
How did it solve the problem?
In reality, what did it do?
Atlantic Charter
Tripartite Pact
Pearl Harbor
4. Describe the impact of the high tariffs set by the Republican Congress.
5. Describe Hoover’s policy in Latin America
6. Describe US reaction the Japan’s invasion of Manchuria.
7. Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
Describe the Act.
Describe the result.
Describe why it was not a complete success.
8. Describe the Good Neighbor policy and who it impacted.
9. Describe the provisions of the 1935 Neutrality Act.
10. Describe the provisions of the 1937 Neutrality Act.
11. Quarantine Speech
What did Roosevelt propose?
How did America react?
How did Roosevelt react to American reaction?
12. Appeasement
Name the most prominent element of this policy:
Describe the impact of the policy.
13. Why was Roosevelt able to relax the cash-and-carry policy after the invasion of France?
14. Describe the Lend-Lease Act and why it replaced the Cash-and Carry policy.
15. Describe what the Atlantic Charter was, both literally and in disguise.
16. Who was involved in the Tripartite Pact and how strong was the alliance it formed?
17. Describe the actions that Roosevelt took towards Japan.
18. Why was the US ill prepared for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
America in a World War: 1941-1945
Important terms, people, and ideas
General MacArthur
Union gains
War Production Board
Enigma Machine
A. Philip Randolph
Bracero Program
Role of Women
Japanese Interment
Korematsu v. US
Battle of Bulge
Manhattan Project
Trinity Bomb
Pros and Cons of bomb use
19. Describe Japanese aggression following the attack on Pearl Harbor.
20. Describe the significance of the following Battles
Coral Sea
Solomon Islands
21. Describe the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad.
22. Describe the Anti-Semitic actions of the US government.
23. How did the US justify not taking action against the Holocaust?
24. Explain the biggest impact that WWII had on domestic life.
25. Describe the give & take relationship that developed between unions and the govt. during the war.
26. Describe the OPA and the role it played in war time economics.
27. Describe the role of the War Production Board.
28. What was the Enigma machine and why was it so effective?
29. Describe Ultra and Magic.
30. A. Philip Randolph
Who was he?
What did he demand?
What did he plan to do about it?
Describe the final outcome13. Describe what CORE was and the type of actions it directed.
31. Who were the code-talkers?
32. Explain the bracer program.
33. Describe the role women filled during the war.
34. Describe the American view of the German and Italian people.
35. Describe American attitude towards the Japanese people.
36. Describe the difference between the Issei and Nisei.
37. Why were the Japanes “relocated” to dentention centers?
38. Explain the Supreme Court case Korematsu v. US.
39. What important gain was made for the Chinese in America?
40. Explain the significance of D-day.
41. Explain the significance of the Battle of the Bulge.
42. Describe the cost of victory at Okinawa.
43. Describe the Manhattan Project.
44. Describe the debate surrounding the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.
45. Explain the reasons why Truman decides to drop the bomb.