活動 Counting in Japanese/ Kanji characters 1-10 Language Activity トピック 01 Japanese Literacy & Numeracy Content Japanese Literacy: Kanji, Numeracy : Numbers, Ages Area/Topic 作成者 Roisin McGowan 添付書類 あり Attachemnt 時間 80 minutes Duration クラスサイズ Unspecified Numbers of S 目的 日本語で数字を覚え、それを使いながら遊ぶ。(母語でやっているゲーム,遊びを Aim 日本語でも楽しむ。 ) 到達目標 Students can count from 1 to 100 in Japanese. Objectives/ Students can write and recognise kanji characters 1 to 10. Students can say how old they are. Students gain an insight into the significance of numbers in Japanese culture. Outcomes 活動の概要、流れ 1. Students learn how to count verbally. Students listen to the teacher and try to associate the sound with an image Overview in English.Students can either write the pronunciation they hear or draw a picture. E.g. 1= itchy 4 = yo! (Like American yo) 7 = a granny 10 = JU…ice 2 = knee 5 = go (traffic light) 8 = hachet 3 = sun 6 = rock (music) 9 = Q (the letter) 2. Students then progress to counting from 1-99. 3. Next, I teach the students how to say their age, while paying close attention to the sound changes for numbers ending in ち. Sample Conversation: T: _____さん、何才ですか。 S: 私は十五才です・私は十六才です。 4. Using this model conversation, the students play a guessing game, which requires the students to guess the age of celebrities/ members of teaching staff. I usually make this a competitive team activity. See PPT attached. Target Question: _________さんは何才ですか。 Target Response: ________さんは__才です。 5. Students then play battleship with each other. See attached print. Battleship is a pair activity but can be played with more than two people. The easiest way to teach this activity is by demonstration on the board. The rules may be adjusted to suit time restraints. Battleship Rules: http://boardgames.about.com/od/battleship/a/Rules-of-Battleship.htm 6. Cultural Significance of Numbers in Japan. This is a discussion based activity. Use the mind map to guide the conversation, rather than a lecture. 7. Students are taught kanji / stroke order for numbers. 8. Students are given attached sudoku print for homework. 教授法、教え方の ポイント Teaching Approach 伸ばす能力 1. Communication ○ 6. Being personally effective Key Skills 2. Information Processing ○ 7. Academic achievement 3. Critical and Creative Thinking ○ 4. Working with others ○ 9. Learner Autonomy 5. Intercultural Competence ○ 10. Responsibility リソース/教材 Resources 評価方法 Evaluation 備考 Notes ○ 8. Activities to encourage critical thinking and creative problem solving PPT x2, Battleship print, kanji practice print, Sudoku print ○