Preparation courses for JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N5 (Lower Intermediate Levels) *These courses will lead to the JLPT- N5 level. They are suitable for anyone who wants to further their Japanese study. *JLPTs are held twice a year every year: 1st Sunday of July and 1st Sunday of December. JLPT-N5-1 (Lower Intermediate 1) JLPT-N5 -2 (Lower Intermediate 2) JLPT –N5 -3 (Lower Intermediate 3) Book – Japanese For Busy People -1 Book- Japanese For Busy People -2 Book – Japanese For Busy People -2 Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: Describing periods and duration of time by train/bus/foot etc. Understanding ‘being warned or advised’ Describing one’s current action Describing one’s preference and desire Language Focus: Introduction to Kanji: read and write 60 Kanji Forming ‘-nai’ verb forms to create, ‘Please do not to~’ sentences Forming present progressive and habitual actions by using ‘-te’ form verbs More usages of particles -4 Asking for advice and opinion Making comparison between people and things Describing people/things in details Interacting with people at work/university ;polite and casual conversations Language Focus: Making comparison: 1) expressing completive degree Language Focus: 2) the superlative Getting information/advice ( ‘I’d like to, but…?’ forms) Connecting related sentences Using ‘-te’ form verbs to describe on-going actions/states in effect Learning plain form of verbs Inviting someone to go/do somewhere/something Making strong suggestions Greeting new comers to work Describing one’s personal history Writing personal blogs and sending and receiving emails Giving reasons Adverbial forms to modify verbs Expressing a sequence of event before/after ‘When I …’ sentences in past and present tenses Making indirect speeches Forming modified clauses Read and write 60 new Kanji *By the end of this level, you’ll know 180 Kanji. The N5 requires around 120 Kanji. Read and write 60 new Kanji