Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding Chapter 8 Chapter 8 1 Lewis Symbols and the Octet Rule There are three types of chemical bonds (intramolecular force) - Ionic Bond - electrostatic attraction between ions of opposite charge (NaCl) - Covalent Bond - sharing of electrons between two atoms (Cl2) - Metallic Bond - sharing of electrons between several atoms (Ag). Chapter 8 2 Lewis Symbols and the Octet Rule - The electrons involved in bonding are called valence electrons. - Valence electrons are found in the incomplete, outermost orbital shell of an atom. - We can represent the electrons as dots around the symbol for the element. - These pictorial representations are called Lewis Structures or Lewis Dot Structures. Chapter 8 3 Lewis Symbols and the Octet Rule Octet rule – Atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons until they are surrounded by eight valence electrons. Chapter 8 4 Ionic Bonding Consider the reaction between sodium and chlorine: Na(s) + ½Cl2(g) NaCl(s) Chapter 8 5 Ionic Bonding Consider the reaction between sodium and chlorine: Na(s) + ½Cl2(g) NaCl(s) Chapter 8 6 Ionic Bonding Na(s) + ½Cl2(g) NaCl(s) - DH°f = -410.9 kJ This reaction is very exothermic Sodium loses an electron to become Na+ Chlorine gains an electron to become ClNa+ has an Ne electron configuration and Cl- has an Ar configuration Chapter 8 7 Ionic Bonding Energetics of Ionic Bond Formation Lattice Energy (DHlattice) – The energy required to completely separate one mole of a solid ionic compound into its gaseous ions. Lattice energy depends on: -the charge on the ions -the size of the ions Coulomb’s equation: Chapter 8 8 Ionic Bonding Energetics of Ionic Bond Formation Lattice Energy (DHlattice) – The energy required to completely separate one mole of a solid ionic compound into its gaseous ions. Lattice energy depends on: -the charge on the ions -the size of the ions Coulomb’s equation: Q1Q2 Ek d Q1, Q2 = charge on ions k = 8.99 x 109 J-m/c2 d = distance between ions Chapter 8 9 Ionic Bonding Electron Configurations of Ions of the Representative Elements - common ions have the same electron configuration as the nearest noble gas. Mg : [Ne]3s2 Mg+: [Ne]3s1 not stable Mg2+: [Ne] stable. Cl : [Ne]3s23p5 Cl-: [Ne]3s23p6 = [Ar] =stable. Chapter 8 10 Ionic Bonding Transition-Metal Ions - Common charges, +1, +2, +3 - In general, electrons are removed from orbitals in order of increasing n (i.e. electrons are removed from 4s before the 3d). Chapter 8 11 Ionic Bonding Polyatomic Ions - Covalently bound molecule with a charge (SO42-, NO3-) Chapter 8 12 Sizes of Ions - Cations are smaller than their parent atoms. - Anions are larger than their parent atoms. - For ions of the same charge, ion size increases down a group. Chapter 8 13 Sizes of Ions Isoelectric Series – a series of atoms or ions with the same number of electrons. O2- > F- > Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+ As nuclear charge increases in an isoelectronic series, the ions become smaller. Chapter 8 14 Sizes of Ions Chapter 8 15 Covalent Bonding When similar atoms bond, they share pairs of electrons to each obtain an octet. Chapter 8 16 Covalent Bonding When similar atoms bond, they share pairs of electrons to each obtain an octet. Example Cl + Cl Cl Cl has electrons connecting the two nuclei. Chapter 8 17 Covalent Bonding Multiple Bonds - It is possible for more than one pair of electrons to be shared between two atoms (multiple bonds) -One shared pair of electrons - single bond (H2) -Two shared pairs of electrons - double bond (O2) -Three shared pairs of electrons - triple bond (N2). Chapter 8 18 Covalent Bonding Multiple Bonds - It is possible for more than one pair of electrons to be shared between two atoms (multiple bonds) -One shared pair of electrons - single bond (H2) -Two shared pairs of electrons - double bond (O2) -Three shared pairs of electrons - triple bond (N2). H H O O Chapter 8 N N 19 Covalent Bonding Multiple Bonds - It is possible for more than one pair of electrons to be shared between two atoms (multiple bonds) -One shared pair of electrons - single bond (H2) -Two shared pairs of electrons - double bond (O2) -Three shared pairs of electrons - triple bond (N2). H H O O N N - Generally, bond distances decrease as we move from single through double to triple bonds. Chapter 8 20 Bond Polarity and Electronegativity - Electrons in a covalent bond may not be shared evenly. Electronegativity – The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself. - The periodic trend for electronegativity is up and to the right across the periodic table. Chapter 8 21 Bond Polarity and Electronegativity Electronegativity Chapter 8 22 Bond Polarity and Electronegativity Electronegativity and Bond Polarity - A chemical bond between elements with large differences in eletronegativity will shift the electrons to the atom with the higher electronegativity. - The positive end (or pole) in a polar bond is represented + and the negative pole -. - This is called a polar covalent bond. - If the electronegativity difference is small, the bond is nonpolar; if it is large, it is a polar bond. Chapter 8 23 Drawing Lewis Structures 1) Draw a skeleton structure of the molecule or ion showing the arrangement of the atoms and then connect each atom to another with a single bond. 2) Determine the total number of valence electrons in the molecule or ion. 3) Deduct 2 electrons for each single bond used in step 1. 4) Distribute the rest of the electrons so that each atom (except H) has 8 electrons. - If you are “short” electrons, form multiple bonds If you have “extra” electrons, one of the heavy atoms may be able to hold more than eight electrons. Chapter 8 24 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Chapter 8 25 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Cl P Cl Cl Chapter 8 26 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Cl P Cl Cl Element Number Electrons Total P 1 5 5 Cl Total Electrons Chapter 8 27 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Cl P Cl Cl Element Number Electrons Total P 1 5 5 Cl 3 7 21 Total Electrons Chapter 8 26 28 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Cl P Cl Cl Element Number Electrons Total P 1 5 5 Cl 3 7 21 Total Electrons 26 Electrons used 6 Electrons remaining 20 Chapter 8 29 Drawing Lewis Structures PCl3 Cl P Cl Cl Element Number Electrons Total P 1 5 5 Cl 3 7 21 Total Electrons 26 Electrons used 6 Electrons remaining 20 Cl P Cl Cl Chapter 8 30 Drawing Lewis Structures Formal Charge Used to predict the correct Lewis Structure. 1) Half of the electrons in a bond are assigned to each atom in the bond. 2) Both electrons of an unshared pair of electrons are assigned to the atoms to which the unshared pair belong. 3) The formal charge of an atom is equal to the valence electrons minus the number of electrons assigned to each atom. Formal Charge = (group number) – (assigned electrons) 4) The sum of the formal charges will equal the charge on the molecule or polyatomic ion. Chapter 8 31 Drawing Lewis Structures Using Formal Charge 1) A Lewis structure in which all formal charges in a molecule are equal to zero is preferable to one in which some formal charges are not zero. 2) If a Lewis structure has non-zero formal charges, the one with the fewest nonzero formal charges is preferred. 3) A Lewis structure with one large formal charge is preferable to one with several small formal charges. 4) A Lewis structure with adjacent formal charges should have opposite signs. 5) When choosing between several Lewis structures, the structure with negative formal charges on the more electronegative atom is preferable. Chapter 8 32 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - Some molecules are not well described by Lewis Structures. Chapter 8 33 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - Some molecules are not well described by Lewis Structures. Example: Ozone 1 O O O3 1 Chapter 8 O O O3 34 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - Experimentally, ozone has two identical bonds whereas the Lewis Structure requires one single and one double bond. O O O Chapter 8 35 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - Resonance structures are attempts to represent a real structure that is a mix between several extreme possibilities. - Each Lewis structure is call a Resonance Form Resonance Form – Two or more Lewis structures having the same arrangements of atoms but a different arrangement of electrons Chapter 8 36 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - In ozone the resonance forms have one double and one single bond. Chapter 8 37 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - In ozone the resonance forms have one double and one single bond. O O O O Chapter 8 O O 38 Drawing Lewis Structures Resonance Structures - In ozone the resonance forms have one double and one single bond. O O O O O O - The actual structure of O3 is a combination (or average) of the individual forms called a resonance hybrid. Chapter 8 39 Exceptions to the Octet Rule There are three classes of exceptions to the octet rule: - Molecules with an odd number of electrons - Molecules in which one atom has less than an octet - Molecules in which one atom has more than an octet Chapter 8 40 Exceptions to the Octet Rule Odd Number of Electrons There are few molecules which fit this category Examples. ClO2, NO, and NO2 Chapter 8 41 Exceptions to the Octet Rule Odd Number of Electrons There are few molecules which fit this category Examples. ClO2, NO, and NO2 O N O Chapter 8 42 Exceptions to the Octet Rule Less than an Octet - This refers to the central molecule - Typical for compounds of Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A. Examples: LiH, BeH2, BF3 Chapter 8 43 Exceptions to the Octet Rule More than an Octet - This starts for atoms in the 3rd period onwards. - This is due to vacant d orbitals which can hold the “extra” electrons. - Another factor is the size of the central atom, as they get bigger, it gets easier to place additional electrons around the central atom. Chapter 8 44 Strengths of Covalent Bonds Bond Enthalpy (Energy) - The energy required to break a covalent bond of a gaseous substance. Cl2(g) 2Cl(g) DH = DCl-Cl - When more than one bond is broken the bond enthalpy is a fraction of DH for the atomization reaction : CH4(g) C(g) + 4H(g) DH = 1660 kJ DC-H = ¼DH = ¼(1660 kJ) = 415 kJ. - Bond enthalpies can either be positive or negative. Chapter 8 45 Strengths of Covalent Bonds Chapter 8 46 Strengths of Covalent Bonds Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction - Bond enthalpies can be used to calculate DHrxn. DHrxn = D(bonds broken) - D(bonds formed). Chapter 8 47 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction H + C C H H H H H O C C O H H O O H H H H Chapter 8 48 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction H + C C H H H H H O C C O H H O O H H H H Bonds Broken Bonds Formed C=C 614 kJ/mol C-C 348 kJ/mol O-O 146 kJ/mol C-O 358 kJ/mol Chapter 8 49 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction H + C C H H H H H O C C O H H O O H H H H Bonds Broken Bonds Formed C=C 614 kJ/mol C-C 348 kJ/mol O-O 146 kJ/mol C-O 358 kJ/mol DHrxn = [1mol(614kJ/mol)+1mol(146kJ/mol)]-[2mol(358kJ/mol)+1mol(348kJ/mol)] Chapter 8 50 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction H + C C H H H H H O C C O H H O O H H H H Bonds Broken Bonds Formed C=C 614 kJ/mol C-C 348 kJ/mol O-O 146 kJ/mol C-O 358 kJ/mol DHrxn = [1mol(614kJ/mol)+1mol(146kJ/mol)]-[2mol(358kJ/mol)+1mol(348kJ/mol)] = -304 kJ Chapter 8 51 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction Cl 2 Cl N N N Cl Chapter 8 + Cl 3 Cl 52 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction Cl 2 Cl N N N Cl + Cl 3 Cl Bonds Broken Bonds Formed N-Cl 200 kJ/mol N=N 941 kJ/mol Cl-Cl 242 kJ/mol Chapter 8 53 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction Cl 2 Cl N N N Cl + Cl 3 Cl Bonds Broken Bonds Formed N-Cl 200 kJ/mol N=N 941 kJ/mol Cl-Cl 242 kJ/mol DHrxn = [2(3mol(200kJ/mol))]-[1mol(941kJ/mol)+3mol(242kJ/mol)] Chapter 8 54 Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reaction Cl 2 Cl N N N Cl + Cl 3 Cl Bonds Broken Bonds Formed N-Cl 200 kJ/mol N=N 941 kJ/mol Cl-Cl 242 kJ/mol DHrxn = [2(3mol(200kJ/mol))]-[1mol(941kJ/mol)+3mol(242kJ/mol)] = -467 kJ Chapter 8 55 Oxidation Numbers (States) Oxidation States in molecular compounds 1) The oxidation number of an element in its elemental form is zero (N2, O2, P4) 2) The oxidation number of a monoatomic ion is the same as its charge (Cl-, N3-, Na+) 3) In binary compounds, the element with the greater electronegativity is assigned a negative oxidation number equal to its charge in simple ionic compounds 4) The sum of the oxidation numbers equals zero for an electrically neutral compound and equals the overall charge for an ionic species. Chapter 8 56 Oxidation Numbers (States) Common oxidation numbers Group IA, +1 Group IIA, +2 Group IIIA, +3 Fluoride in compounds(F) is always -1 Oxygen is usually -2 Peroxide (O22-) is -1 Superoxide (O2-) is -½ Hydrogen can be either +1 or -1 Chapter 8 57 Oxidation Numbers Nomenclature - Oxidation state are expressed in the names of substances. - For ionic compounds: FeF2, Fe is in the +2 oxidation state and is called iron(II) fluoride. Chapter 8 58 Homework 8.14, 8.30, 8.32, 8.44, 8.58, 8.62 Chapter 8 59