HR (Profiling and Training) - bestlink college of the philippines

HR (Profiling and Training)
Project Manager
Adoray, Jovito Rey R.
System Analyst
Bate, Maverick R.
Business Analyst
Sarzata, Venice L.
Documentary Specialist
Arabis, Kristine Gaye A.
Lead Programmer
Amante, Jerico T.
Bsit 4106
Human Resource Management System (Profiling, Training)
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Chapter 2
Review of related literature
2.0 Introduction
This chapter presents survey of related literature and writing of recognized
experts, both of which have significant bearing or relation to the problem under
investigation is a discussion of the background, aims and objectives of the present
study. This chapter deals with the review of related literature. The purpose of the study
of research works done in the same field is to understand what type of study has been
done and what exactly has been explored before the present research work started.
The study of related literature and research work is very essential and important as it
provides us proper guidelines. There are many educationists who tried to show the
importance of review of the related literature.
Related Literature
2.1 Local Studies
A. Human Resources Development
Personnel Planning and Recruitment
Gregorio S. Miranda
Economic society today is not only witness to rapid strides in research and
technology that has been responsible for a dramatic change in our everyday
world, but to the greater attention being given by many companies to the
importance of the human factor in business organization, termed personnel.
In its broadest meaning, personnel embrace every individual from the board
chairman down to the lowest level worker belonging to the rank and file in the
organization. And since the primary objective of any business enterprise is
primarily economic service, whether in terms of increasing production of
goods or the rendition of invaluable services, this change in attitude and
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treatment given to labor especially when compared with those obtaining in the
recent past is altogether commendatory.
Management of personnel
The management of personnel today for greater effectively in production
represents one of the greatest challenges in industrial development. Mass
production and the consequent employment of power machinery and labor
pose as an opportunity as well as a problem in discovering improvements
within the work environment. These are necessary in scientific management
for increasing the earnings and productivity of workers and for providing
higher profits for owners and lower prices for customers.
Personnel Planning
In as much as an organization must be operated by and through people, the
degree to which it is able to achieve its objectives is contingent upon how
efficiently its personnel perform individually and collectively. Efficient
performance, however, does not occur automatically. Hence, the need for
personnel planning, invariably termed as manpower planning.
Manpower Inventory
A manpower inventory provides documentation of biographical and
historical data on each employee for use in official and personal decision. It
consists of a complete history, compensation record, current and past
performance, strengths and weaknesses, development needs and estimate of
potential value of the individual to the company. It updates the information
supplied years ago on the application blank and taken annually. It keeps this
information current. In small business enterprises and thus logically staffed
with a fewer number of employees, each employee’s experience and
background may be well-known. In these cases, earmarking certain
individuals for special consideration does not entail any sophisticated
technique or procedure. In a number of instances, as the companies expand
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and grow bigger in size, some top management people harbor the thought
that they still know all about their employees, This is rather unfortunate for the
simple reason that some talent may be innocently overlooked which mistake
could be avoided through the adoption of objective personnel procedures.
Objectives of manpower inventory
Manpower inventory which must be conducted yearly is intended to serve
the following important purposes, such as:
1. To identify employees who can probably fill a critical position included in
the forecast.
2. To assure that deserving employees are not overlooked. This is not only
good management-labor relations but doubtless is a concrete manifestation of
management of the welfare of the employees through proper recognition for
efficient work performance and is in consonance with justice and fair play.
3. To establish what skill requirements can be met by training and
development. This is arrived at through an effective personnel program. This
will entail a survey of labor needs just as a careful determination of the types
and positions and workers to fill them is required to carry on the business that
should be undertaken.
As a term applied to that phase of personnel administration, recruitment is
concerned with reaching out and attracting a supply of people from which to
select qualified candidates for job vacancies. The recruitment of personnel,
unlike manpower planning which is a paperwork exercise, is specialized
function through which an organization replenishes or adds to its working
force the required number of persons needed to carry out its desired
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Expressed in clear and simple terms, the primary purpose of any
recruitment program is to find the most competent applicants and choose
those individuals who are best qualified for employment and to place them in
jobs for which their talents, skills, training and experience best suit them. No
company can expect a successful corporate growth unless it has an effective
work force. Thus, it might be pointed out at this juncture, that the success of
failure of an organization is shaped at a very early stage – the recruitment
Job Analysis
Before endeavoring to recruit, select and place new employees on the job,
it is necessary that the business organization provide itself with a scientific or
objective approach toward the study of various operations for the job
requirement purposes. Too often, when a vacancy occurs, many business
enterprises are in a rush to fill up the position thereby overlooking the
importance of proper job selection, To safeguard such a circumstance, that is
not altogether uncommon in a number of instances, there should be on file in
every business a description of each job and the desired qualifications of the
individual who will perform the duties called for in the job assignment.
Through experience in many business enterprise and industrial corporations,
an adequate job analysis takes time and effort – the usefulness of which is
dependent upon the accurateness of the job description. Nevertheless, a brief
attempt must be made to describe a job which will indicate what must be
done to do a job satisfactorily. This is not altogether simple as most of us are
inclined to believe. From an objective point of view of the job under
consideration, the employer should determine such things as: (a) physical
requirements; (b) education or training necessary; (c) required familiarity with
equipment and such other qualifications as may be necessary and desirable
for that particular job. The following information’s are generally contained in
every job analysis:
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a. Job identification, that is, the common title and/or number
b. Location of the job, to what particular section or department it is assigned.
c. Equipment, tools, forms, machines and the like, if any, which are used on
the job.
d. Description of the kind of work the employee performs and the reasons
e. Responsibilities for decisions, if any, involving such matters as safety of
others, equipment and materials or the keeping of money.
f. Authorities exercised.
g. Physical and mental effort spent.
Description indication hazards.
Identify of employee or employees to whose job or jobs the analysis
k. Name of the job analyst and date when analysis was made.
Job Description
Having completed a job analysis to determine what a job consists of, the
next step is to prepare a job description. A good job description aids in the
function of hiring, instructing, training, promoting and implementing wage
administration. One description should serve all these purposes. For all useful
and simple enough to be used.
Recruitment and Selection
As already indicated in the foregoing discussions, job analysis defines the
labor needs of an organization and thus indicates the problem of recruitment
and selection. When the labor needs are known, as a result of job analysis,
the next problem is obviously to ascertain where and how appropriate
manpower requirements can be procured. It is then necessary to discover
how qualified workers may be clearly identified as a basis for selection.
Requirement is thus a positive function, of which its negative counterpart is
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known under the term selection. Recruitment finds workers and makes use of
those available. Selection on the other hand, picks and chooses from among
them those that are most likely to be productive and therefore able to
contribute their worth to the organization. Recruitment seeks to gather,
without discrimination, any and all types of potential workers. Actually, a
recruitment program that is both effective and successful is not easy and
simple to accomplish. This is so since the labor requirements of the
organization are so since the labor requirements of the organization are
diverse. It is not only necessary to discover appropriate sources of workers
but also to compare their potential value to the organization, that is, to
determine which of them may be more satisfactory than others.
Assembling of the staff
A major task of organizing related to the assembling of a staff to work in the
organization is charged with the primordial responsibility to carry out the plans
of an enterprise. Filtering together a staff for operative and managerial
functions involves three major phases, as follows:
1. Specification of Personnel Requirements. In a manner of speaking, two
broad areas of assembling personnel call for solution, they are: quantity of
personnel needed and second, kinds of personnel. The number of personnel
needed by a business enterprise varies from one company to another.
2. Procurement of Personnel. Once requirements have been established
with respect to the kind and number, procurement of personnel is the next
step. Sources of labor supply are many and varied. Owing to lack of those
possessing technical skills, procurement of this kind of personnel is far from
easy. In fact, because of the greater need for their services, there exists keen
competition among employers, as for instance, in the case of computer
analysts. Salaries offered to them are exceptionally high with desirable fringe
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3. Training. Organizing a good team is far from complete without a program
of training. Even college graduates need to undergo training in as much as
their only knowledge of the jobs to which they are to be assigned is at best
theoretical – obtained from the books. In other words, they may be good in
theories but lack the necessary practical experience. As many graduates
remember there is a lot of difference from what they learned in college and
what they are required to do on the job. A number of training programs have
been offered by large number of companies ranging from apprenticeship to
the on-the-job training. Engineers and technicians are required to undergo
formal in-plant training programs in some companies. Executive development
programs in some companies. Executive development programs which are
now becoming common represent another example of training program.
Program in Recruitment Procedure
Two problems involved in recruitment procedure are closely intertwined with
one another. First, who is to do the recruiting? Second, what techniques are
to be used in the actual process of recruitment? In a small business
enterprise, the task of recruiting personnel is usually undertaken by the
owner-manager. In large organizations, the job of recruiting personnel is done
by some members of management, as for instance, the personnel manager.
In others, it is done by an agent outside the organization. Labor unions
oftentimes volunteer to perform this function as a help to management. In a
closed shop, closed union, such a job of recruiting new workers or employees
is the task of the labor union which has a monopoly of labor supply, that is,
unless recommended by the union, no one may be appointed by the
Policies of recruitment and selection
a. Refusal to pirate employees from other industries. To do so is not only
unfair but unethical and immoral.
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b. Refusal to hire scabs. Not only is the hiring of scabs during a strike looked
upon with suspicion and contempt but moreover it is conducive to the
outbreak of bloodshed and violence. Community welfare is imperiled.
c. Hiring of the handicapped. Handicapped workers who are capable of work
should be given a break. Their talents and efforts should not be allowed to go
to waste. Neglecting them in their predicament is adding insult to injury.
d. Non-discriminatory treatment. All workers, regardless of sex and creed
should be treated on fair and equal basis.
e. Conditions of work. No conditions should be imposed in exchange for
continuous employment. Women workers should not be rejected for
employment simply because they will marry in the future which will entitle
them to maternity benefits during their pregnancy.
B. Export of Filipino Manpower
National Manpower Requirements and Emigration
Manolo I. Abella
The past trends in temporary migration point to ever-increasing international
movement of Filipino manpower in the future. As Filipinos get recognized
abroad as able and hardy workers, the demand for their services will most
likely multiply. At the same time, many Filipino entrepreneurs are now
exploring possibilities of winning construction contracts in the oil-rich
countries of the Middle East. In spite of the worldwide recession that affected
the western European countries during the last four years, we have witnessed
large migrations of the Filipino workers to these countries, In Africa, Filipino
impression on hiring governments which are now sending more recruitment
missions to the Philippines. Since we do not have an infinite supply of the
skills being demanded, some hard decisions will have to be made regarding
our strategy for exploiting these opportunities. On the one hand, our domestic
economy may be seriously affected by the exodus of our skilled workers.
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There are already growing complaints from some industries that their
productivity has suffered from the loss of skilled workers who took years to
acquire their skills. On the other hand, the government is sensitive to the
desire of many workers to find much better paying jobs abroad considering
the low level of wages at home.
High-Level Manpower
The professional regulation commission, the government agency
responsible for registering professionals, has on record 345,633 Filipinos who
have successfully passed board examinations or other qualifying test. More
than half of these are in the medical field and over a fifth is in engineering,
accountants make up the third largest group. But the PRC registry of
professionals is not a complete record of professionals in the country. It does
not include lawyers numbering some 27,545 who are also required to pass a
government examination before they can practice their profession. It does not
include teachers who numbered 366,678 during the last school year,
agriculturist, and a host of other professions which likewise constitute our
supply of high-level manpower. Another weakness of PRC registry is that it is
not adjusted for normal attrition due to death and retirement. PRC will only
begin in 1978 to delist professionals who fail to pay professional fees.
Moreover, it does not take into account professionals who have immigrated to
other countries.
C. Community Government Human Resources Development System
Date Published: June 2008
Training and development is the means to ensure that employees have the
required knowledge, skills and attitudes required for their current position and
that they are developing the competencies required for future positions.
Training and development can take many forms including:
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Courses: A complete series of studies or lectures.
Workshops: Training session lasting a few hours to a few days.
Self-directed training: Learners complete training on their own. They decide
what will study and how they will go about learning it.
Distance learning: Students complete courses by long distance techniques
with assistance via regular mail, telephone and/or internet. Course material
can be printed or electronic, for example it could be textbooks, CD-ROM’s,
DVD’s and interactive websites.
On the job training: learning vocational and/or practical skills and knowledge
in the actual work environment, utilizing the actual tools and equipment
necessary for the position.
Work Experience: Means the individual has experience working in that field.
Practicum: Is a post-secondary course in which a student earns credit for
gaining supervised work experience in their field of study.
Mentoring: Learning from an experienced individual.
Apprenticeship: on the job training, usually in trades, in which the apprentice
will work for the employer who trains them for a certain period after they are
fully trained. In some cases the employer will allow the apprentice to attain
formal education at a vocational college while still being paid.
Coaching: Guidance, lessons or training in a sports activity or from coworkers.
Conferences: Formal meeting for consultation or discussion.
Meetings: People gathering together to discuss or decide on issues.
Selecting the appropriate form of training will depend on the situation and
needs of the learner and the cost and availability of training programs.
However, it is important to select a type of training that:
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The learner is comfortable with and can be successful at the training.
The training will meet the stated training objectives.
The training will increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of
the employee and the organization.
There are a number of tools and resources that you can use to assist you in
the training and development process, however, the key tools to use are: this
manual and workbook: you can use this manual and workbook to develop
training and development plans for your staff. Current job descriptions:
training and development must relate to the job or the work environment or
future jobs, otherwise it is a waste of precious training dollars. Community
government training needs assessment: provides community governments
with a tool to identify staff training requirements. The information from the
training needs assessment should be entered into the Community
Government Training Needs Assessment Database System. The purpose of
this system is to identify and track training needs on an individual, community,
regional and territorial basis. By using this system, communities will be able to
identify staff that have similar training needs and identify training opportunities
that meet the needs of several employees.
D. Soliman Security INC.
Author: Macario J. Soliman
Date Published: February 1987
We give high premium on training. Our guards undergo a well rounded and
thorough training in all aspects of security work before they are given
assignments. The minimum requirement of guard is at least two (2) years of
college education.
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To ensure quality service and adherence to our values and principles, the
trainings are conducted by our own instructors. A specialized training is done
based on the requirements of clients.
No guard is given a post without having gone through the agency's training
programs. Likewise, the required government license to practice the
profession is a must to have before anyone is allowed to work.
We have a total force of ONE THOUSAND (1,000) highly trained and duly
licensed guards. Clients are given the option to select the guards to be
deployed in their premises.
Total quality service is foremost of our commitments to our clients. We offer
a healthy working environment and relationship among our guards, the
agency and our clients, free from work interruptions and disruptions such as
but not limited to work stoppage, strikes and other labor related problems
and concerns.
We can make such assurance because our guards are not members of a
labor union. Nor are they affiliates of any labor organizations.
Our guards, while on duty, are in complete uniform. Ordinarily, the uniform of
guards is the "blue type". However, clients have the prerogative to request
and prescribe the type of uniform they wish to adopt.
All guards are usually equipped with duly licensed firearms, not lower than
caliber .38 revolver or .12 gauge shotguns and two-way radios. Other
equipments may be supplied subject to prior arrangement and coordination.
Generally, our guards are supervised by Agency Officers. However, clients
shall have administrative management over them. Thus, it is a part of the
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duties and responsibilities of guards to obey and implement all lawful orders
and instructions of Clients.
We assume total responsibility in the event of death due to accident or
incapacitation by any injury of the guards in the performance of their duty.
We are likewise fully liable to our guards on and for any and all demands,
claims or actions relative to their employment, including but not limited to
Presidential Decrees, Labor Laws, Rules and Regulations. Clients are at all
times held free and blameless to the guards on matters affecting their
employment. No employer-employee relationship exists between the guards
and clients.
We make full restitution and arrange for the recovery of such loss or
damage should a client suffer losses through theft, robbery and pilferage or
damages to property through the negligence of our security guards, as
established by investigation of competent authorities. It is understood,
however, that we shall not be held liable for any damage or losses beyond
our control caused by force majeure or fortuitous events.
We provide a TWO MILLION PESOS (P 2,000,000.00) liability per
occurrence for any injury to clients' employees or customers or damage to
clients' properties caused by our guards accidentally, except when lawfully
performing their duties in protecting the interest of clients such as defending
it against unlawful perpetrators or pacifying unruly employees in the event of
a strike.
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We maintain daily routine inspection of guards and weekly assessment of
our service performance. Aside from the Agency regular monthly meeting of
guards, our Operations Officers personally conduct regular detachment
inspections. Likewise in order to maintain a good working relationship with
clients, they perform and do normal courtesy and coordination calls on
clients' officers, charged with the supervision of our security guards. The
performance of every guard is also evaluated by the Agency with the help of
security manager of clients on a trimestral basis to ensure quality services.
We offer to all our clients, at no added cost, security survey and audit,
consultancy on total security programs, concepts and practices to
compliment and optimize the efficiency of the guards. Our key officers are all
experienced in the field of industrial security. They are very much qualified
and certified as professional security practitioners.
The agency maintains a training facility. In addition to the pre-posting
training, we provide a continuous and periodic training program for all
guards. Clients, however, have the prerogative to adopt and recommend a
training module which is tailored-fit to their requirements.
The Agency, in general, adopts the requirements of R.A. 5847 as the
minimum standard for the qualification of guards. Clients, nonetheless, have
the right and prerogative to establish the acceptable qualifications of guards
to be assigned in their premises.
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Clients will never be dragged into and imploded as a party to labor cases.
We guarantee and maintain that clients are free and blameless should there
be unscrupulous, unfounded cases filed against them by guards.
The contract rate is in accordance with existing legislation. All monetary
considerations and benefits due to guards are paid directly to them. We
uphold a straight forward yet cordial business relationship with all our
business partners - our clients and guards.
E. One Core Innovations
One Core Business Innovations, headquartered in Cebu City, Philippines
was established with the primary goal of making a difference in the lives of
every person who aspires to succeed in the workforce. OCBI believes that
anyone can lead a productive living if prepared with adequate life and
professional skills. This conviction is supported with the company’s innovative
programs; customized training plans and ongoing developmental ventures.
The One Core Business Innovations team is responsible for successfully
setting up several Business Process Outsourcing companies, specifically call
centers in Cebu City, Philippines. Companies find it cost efficient and reliable
since OCBI has the existing infrastructure, human resource network and
experience in putting up an operational center in a reasonable period of time.
One Core Business Innovations further provide Corporate and Public
Trainings , Sourcing and Placement; Talent Acquisition, Human Resource
Management and Development and Operational Consultancy Services What
We Do: 1. Business Process Outsourcing Implementation Allow us to save
you time and money by helping set up your BPO company in Cebu City or
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any part of the Philippines. Our services may include: - Intercultural
orientation - Assistance in processing necessary local business permits and
requirements - Site selection - Customized office build out with necessary
telephony connections - Recruitment and Sourcing - Training of employee
pool - Human Resource Management Consultancy 2. Corporate and Public
Trainings Every organization’s strength lies on the quality of its human capital.
It is a source of competitive edge for any company large or small. We provide
soft skills and management trainings which can be customized to meet the
needs of the organization. Some sample Corporate and Public Trainings
include: - Supervisory Training Series (Mentoring and Coaching, Time
Management, Employee Discipline, Delegation etc.) - Effective Training
Delivery - Presentation Skills - Teambuilding (indoor and outdoor) Conversational English for Professionals - Leadership Training - Employee
Retention and Motivation 3. Human Resource Management Consultancy We
can assist your organization’s HR Department in putting up or modifying any
process/s that needs to be improved. If no HR department is in place, OCBI
can set up one up for the organization which may include the creation of: - HR
Policies and Guidelines - Employee Handbook - Development of Job
Descriptions and Competency Assessments - Performance Management
System - Salary Grading - Organizational Development - HR Outsourcing 4.
Management Operations Consultancy Enhance your organization’s work
efficiency through proper systems and processes. We will evaluate your
current processes and provide you with recommendations for improvement.
5. Talent Management and Acquisition Services include Executive Search
and employee recruitment and profiling. One Core Business Innovations is
aligned with total growth; as we along with our clients pursue to be vibrant
players in the global community.
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F. PepsiCo Selection Process
In PEPSICO, selection Criteria is based on numerous factors such as
education, health, background and previous experience.
Selection process
1. The Application
The employment application is candidate’s first chance to present his
qualifications to the Organization. As such, it is extremely critical for his/her
continued participation in the examination process. Before beginning, one
has to review thoroughly what the Job Announcement specifies as the
requirements to qualify for the position. Candidate must meet these criteria
to be considered for the position; ensure that, otherwise candidate will be
wasting his effort in completing the application. Most entries on the form are
self-explanatory, but a few pointers on filling it out may help
2. Written Exams:
Written exams are usually obtained from one of several test construction
firms available to them. These tests are designed to determine level of
technical and/or analytical abilities associated with the particular position for
which candidate had applied. The test which is conducted in PEPSICO
selection purpose is TEST OF COGNITIVE ABLITIES. This test is mostly
taken from fresh graduates. Whereas, some people are selected on the
basis of experience.
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3. Performance Exams:
Performance exams test ability to accomplish specific job-related tasks by
providing the opportunity to actually perform them. These tests are
scheduled through the Human Resources Department office, with notification
in writing of the date, time, location and duration of the test. Instructions will
be given on the tasks to be completed and then asked to complete them.
Individuals with considerable relevant experience will conduct the
evaluations. Safety, quality of work, adaptability, performance under stress,
etc. are evaluated.
4. Specialized Testing
Some positions will require specialized testing, such as technical skills,
agility and communication skills etc. These tests are scheduled just as like
other tests.
5. The Panel Interview
The results of this component of the exam process will be used to
determine if candidate should be included on the List of Eligible Candidates
forwarded to the hiring authority for consideration for a departmental
Selection Interview.
This portion of the examination is normally weighted 100% (or as indicated
on the Job Announcement). Typically, previous test results are used only to
qualify you for participation in the Panel Interview.
The Panel is comprised of qualified individuals, which may or may not be
employees of the City. Normally, the panel will consist of three evaluators.
These individuals will evaluate responses to a variety of job-related
questions over the scheduled time period.
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6. The Selection Interview
Once the List of Eligible Candidates is established it is sent to the
Department(s) that is hiring to fill a current vacancy. The Department Head is
responsible for setting up Selection Interviews. He/she may interview anyone
on the list, since all persons referred to the department are qualified. The
Department Head will be looking for the candidate with the best qualifications
for their particular position. The candidate selected to fill the vacancy will
undergo a medical examination, drug screen, background investigation, and
a probationary period before attaining permanent employment status.
1- They implement a crucial testing system which affects the selection
2- They have a separate selection criteria for each job.
1- They take group interview which causes many confusion.
PEPSICO has trained and developed many of its senior and fast track
managers and supervisors. For lower and technical staff the organization
have a complete training calendar for the year, if organization thinks and feel
that an employee requires training to update his knowledge about the field,
he just have to report the HR department and he will be listed for the next
training program.
On-the-job Training
As compared to other competitive organizations the training program of
PEPSICO is quite different. It provides full opportunity to its employee to
develop themselves and also train them according to the requirements of
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their job. In return they will be greatest asset for their organization. The
employee is being trained in many ways while they are on job.
External sources
These are formal training opportunities that PEPSICO offers to employees
either internally or externally. A trainer, facilitator and/or subject matter
expert are brought into the organization to provide the training session or an
employee are be sent to one of these learning opportunities during work
time. These training opportunities are provided in the form of seminars,
classroom training courses and workshops.
1- They hire foreign instructor for the training of the employees
2- The employees after getting trained perform well and become able to
maximize their potential.
1- The factor of favoritism effect the performance of certain employees.
The jobs are evaluated on yearly basis under 360o method; the competent
employees are rewarded in shape of promotions, bonus, increments and
annual holidays and promotion. The results of an appraisal can be used to
identify areas for further development of the employee.
The organization also uses different questionnaires, which consist of
numerous questions about the behavior of the employee, and then on the
basis of these answers personality of the employee is judged.
When evaluation is made the unsatisfactory performers are given warning.
The employee after warning is put under observation, for some period of
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time and if the employees’ performance is still unsatisfied then are demoted
or fired.
• Promotion
Promotion is direct shift only to the next level from the current grade, the
employee’s performance is evaluated and if his performance is above
average he is given promotion. PEPSICO promotes only those candidates
who are experienced and eligible for that particular vacancy.
• Increments
The company decides at the end of the financial year, according to its
financial condition, whether increments should be given or not.
• Free transport
PEPSICO provide free transport to local employee.
• Medical facility
PEPSICO provide free medical facility to workers depending upon the
position/rank of the employee.
2.2 Foreign Studies
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is
home to America's code makers and code breakers. The National Security
Agency has provided timely information to U.S. decision makers and
military leaders for more than half a century. The Central Security Service
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was established in 1972 to promote a full partnership between NSA and
the cryptology elements of the armed forces. NSA/CSS is unique among
the U.S. defense agencies because of our government-wide
responsibilities. NSA/CSS provides products and services to the
Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, government
agencies, industry partners, and select allies and coalition partners. In
addition, we deliver critical strategic and tactical information to war
planners and war fighters. By its very nature, what NSA/CSS does as a
key member of the Intelligence Community requires a high degree of
confidentiality. Our Information Assurance mission confronts the
formidable challenge of preventing foreign adversaries from gaining
access to sensitive or classified national security information. Our Signals
Intelligence mission collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence
information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence
purposes and to support military operations. This Agency also enables
Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorists and their organizations at
home and abroad, consistent with U.S. laws and the protection of privacy
and civil liberties.
NSA/CSS exists to protect the Nation. Our customers know they can
count on us to provide what they need, when they need it, wherever they
need it.
B. Employment profiling Screening
We are learning about what is employment profiling advantages & benefits
of profiling scientific aspects of it.
Employment profiling (EP)
For screening and assessing candidates and developing staff
performances with help of psychological test and scientific shot analysis
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psychological test helps as to measure comprehensive ranges of skills,
attitudes, talents born potentials, persistency, creativity, values and so on
to accurately predict the eminent strengths and weaknesses in a person’s
or employee’s performance
Advantages and Benefits of EP
Very comprehensive
Very Flexible. Can be analyzed, assessed and profile as per need
and requirements of job and post
Screen Applicants. Comparison of applicants against your criteria
or requirements with each other.
Accurate and point to subject uncover aptitudes, intelligence, soft
and hard skills for the performance.
Compare candidates against “best performance”.
Reveals reliability and honesty, areas of serious weaknesses
planning, organizing, execution and decision making skills
Improve productivity
When employees are correctly matched to position they will be
more productive.
Provides reliable insight into the things that are impacting the
individual performance and the company.
Helps to tell you real characteristics of an employee including
emotional quotient (EQ) Intelligence quotient (IQ) & Social
10. Helps to select and promote the right employee for right job.
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Many EP service providers has different formulas he work exclusively with
psychological test shot analysis and other analysis and assessment
methods for employment profiling system our test are designed with helps
of psychologist and graph analysts. Our advanced design features are
revolutionizing the profiling industry with level of reliability predictive
accuracy and depth of information not achieve before. EP can determine
an individual suitability for a particular job. It can be easily customized for
any position in your company.
C. Recruitment, Selection, and Training for Police Work
Racial profiling persists throughout the United States and is an
egregious violation of civil rights. Law enforcement officers may stop cars
with probable cause that the traffic codes have been violated. Some
officers, however, engage in racial profiling or the practice of initiating
contextual stops with no individualized suspicion of criminal conduct.
Communities of color do not want to choose between public safety and
civil rights.
To break the cycle of racial profiling, law enforcement should apply
the Florida v. J.L. test to these racial profiles. Indeed, without some
reliable tip or individualized suspicion of criminal conduct, the officer does
not have the legal authority to detain any citizen. States should pass
legislation against the practice of racial profiling similar to those enacted
or introduced in California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Oklahoma.
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Officers guilty of engaging in racial profiling must be subject to
sanctions up to and including personal liability. The Violent Crime Control
and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (VCCLEA) empowers the Attorney
General to bring civil actions against state and local law enforcement
agencies that are found to engage in a pattern or practice of depriving
persons of the rights endowed to them by the Constitution of the United
States. Upon a finding that an officer persists in engaging in racial
profiling after explicit warnings to cease, then he or she should be subject
to individual liability. Individual liability would be an effective deterrent to
Police departments should institute a zero tolerance policy against
racial profiling. Any officer found to engage in racial profiling should be
subject to immediate dismissal from the police force.
A well-trained law enforcement professional deals effectively with
community members and works with them to create a safe and orderly
society. Proper training on appropriate interaction with constituents,
including the use of force, is the cornerstone of police-community
relations. Twenty-first century police practices must manifest sensitivity to
the increasingly changing communities being served to fully realize police
departments’ mandate to serve and protect.
Scholars have had a variety of opinions regarding appropriate training.
In Guardians, the Commission found that training programs should give
sufficient priority to “on-the-job training, programs in human relations, and
preparation for the social service function of police officers.[Later reports
focused on the biases and prejudices in the training process that may
affect police-community relations. One commentator suggested that a
value system existed that made officers “act like oppressors.” James Fyfe
stated that a better way to define the police is to understand that they are
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there to maintain order and not necessarily to look for criminals. He
suggested this philosophy should pervade police training programs. He
emphasized that nondiscriminatory behavior at basic training would make
a significant impact since officers at the early stage in their careers are
“eager and receptive,” and such training would “stay with them
throughout their careers.
Sandra Bass noted that inadequate training plays a role in situations
where some police officers choose to refrain from intervening in
potentially controversial situations, particularly in large public gatherings
where a possibility exist that aggressive police action will create a violent
reaction. She cited the sexual attacks on women at a parade in New York
and her personal experience at an Oakland, California, public lake where
police officers allegedly failed to respond to calls for help because of their
concern that the crowd might react violently. Robert Louden discussed
the same incident and surmised that the problem stemmed not from
training inadequacies, but from the failure of police supervisors to control
the officers and deploy them into action. He remarked: “I think
supervision at that point in time was the key. You know, who was
guarding the guardians?”
Good basic training on diversity issues would make a significant impact
on law enforcement personnel at the earliest stage in their training and
stay with them throughout their careers. Inadequate training reveals itself
at the time when officers have to make quick and life-altering decisions.
D. Personnel Selection & Staff Training
Author: Clave Desarrollo Humano / Mirava Consultores
Year Published: 1995
Personnel Selection
For Mirava Consultores the objective is to identify the ideal candidate
who adapts both to the culture of the business and to the job
requirements. In order to do so we follow a rigorous process.
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Initial data gathering
The purpose of this phase is to gain in-depth knowledge of the position,
the company's culture and the main responsibilities of the position to be
filled. For this reason, we interview various people from the company
(HR managers, department heads and/or line managers, etc.), an
essential step in order to determine the candidate profile.
Job Profile Diagram/Competency Profile
Candidate requirements, both objective aspects such as age,
education, experience, etc. as well as competence-related aspects
which are necessary to establish the profile.
Recruitment and pre-selection of candidates
Based on the client's needs and based on our experience, we
determine the most appropriate strategy to identify candidates,
Advertisements in the press, employment websites. Likewise, we advise
our clients regarding the most effective means based on their needs.
Our own database with more than 90,000 candidates. Contacts with job
banks and other entities. Pre-selection through telephone interviews.
Implementation of professional, situational and psycho-technical tests.
Gathering of information through in-depth interviews based on critical
incidents, focused on verifying and evaluating the information obtained in
advance in order to compare it with the previously defined competency
profile. And Psychological Evaluation.
Preparation of reports
The reports include the candidate's professional experiences,
competency profile, attitude and/or aptitudes for the position and
professional goals.
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Once the candidate is hired, they are monitored during the first three
months in order to evaluate their integration and performance. During
this period we are available to the candidate and the company for any
consultation and or advice. If the during this period the employee is
terminated due to their performance or their inability to adapt to the
position and/or the company, a new selection process would begin at no
additional cost.
Staff Training
When your company thinks about training, it thinks about improving,
achieving better results, taking advantage of internal knowledge, being
more competitive and resolving problems. Such that, at the end of the
training process, your employees are able to apply what has been
learned and are sufficiently motivated to do so and, above all, that it
At Mirava Consultores, our courses are directed at meeting the needs of
the client business, adapting to their environment and covering the
competencies which the participants must have when they return to
their daily tasks once the training has finished.
Prior analysis of the organization and the person's needs.
Establishment of certain demonstrable objectives.
Bespoke design of the training process.
Training adapted to the business' needs, using the most
appropriate methodology.
Extremely practical focus with a clear and demonstrable theory.
Development of competencies.
Monitoring and on-going support.
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Appropriate contribution to the development of participant's
leadership skills.
Exhaustive evaluation of results and support for the transfer
Some of our training programmers.
Professional Negotiation.
Emotional Intelligence.
Change Management.
Training for Trainers-Coaches.
Effective Time Management.
The Leadership Core.
E. Automating the HR internal processes
Today's Human Resource department in a large corporation is much
more hands on and proactive than it once were thought of years ago.
Keeping on task and organized can be a challenge for small business HR
managers let alone an HR corporate division. Add to that having an innerdepartment staff to manage and supervise, and several departments that
need cooperation to meet standards and complete record keeping,
organization becomes imperative. There are some tasks with firm due
dates that cannot be pushed back without causing possible liability and
legal issues if documentation is not complete, proper forms signed and
filed, and on-time payments made. Software that will help the HR
department to organize all of its duties, track tasks, alert due dates, keep
records, and help analysis, is just now being innovated. Many office
departments are unnecessarily using multiple software programs, post-it
notes, paper and digital calendars to help keep lead managers on task
and ahead of their deadlines. Depending less on hard copy notes will
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give any HR manager a secure feeling that no task will be lost in the
shuffle. Too many sticky notes cluttering the desk can be risky if you're
relying on them for reminders, to-do lists or personal information that
needs updating in employee files. It's a preventable security risk. These
hard copies can be misplaced, stolen, over looked or lost completely.
Personal information can safely be updated via private message in a
secure online system, reducing identity theft. Many mail programs can be
utilized for reminder purposes but it takes time entering all the information
in several locations and if you're out of the office, you may not get an
important reminder in time thus missing your department's deadline.
Many HR managers also rely on email to allocate tasks, and therefore
must use the same email program to monitor progress via multiple
messages/reminders or trusting that the employee is self-monitoring. This
is another time waster that can be eliminated, special software will give
you an option to assign a task, give it priority and a due date, leaving you
more time to focus on your own tasks. Setting up alerts can also free up
time instead of having to check up on the whole system looking for
upcoming due dates. Since documentation is vital to the HR department,
using a well rounded program with chat and message options ensures all
company departments' communications can be documented and kept in
one place without worry of systematic deletions that most mail programs
Having a centralized location to track your inner-department process (es)
can help ensure the following:
Accuracy and minimizing human error
Complete record keeping Safeguards against fraud and theft
Deter and prevent objectionable activities
Inner-department cost effectiveness
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Task allocation and enforcement
Risk assessment and monitoring
Taking advantage of online software for combining multiple organizational
tools, cloud storage, and chat communications can streamline
department process and save valuable time, reduce cost and curtail risk.
Instead of having to open up several programs to accomplish multiple
tasks such as checking for project and expense approvals, awaiting
documentations from inter-departments, completing records, checking on
due dates and gathering information for yearly assessments, you can
have one program and one dashboard to meet your department needs.
Process Policy is an online business performance management solution
for company task management that enforces company policies through
workflows, checklists, questionnaires, audit trails, escalations and alerts.
Use our workflow wizards: From employee holiday requests, expense
approval and task management through to HR policies, IT policies and
finance policies.
F. HR Processes & HR Training Summary
The HR Processes are the basis for the management of the client
satisfaction with Human Resources. When the clients understand the HR
Processes and how they are connected and how the HR Processes
interact, they feel comfort and the satisfaction level increases. The
modern HR Processes are measured and constantly monitored as HR
identifies the gaps in the processes and it brings the real improvements
for the benefit of the organization.
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Main HR Process Areas
The modern HR Processes are grouped into logical HR areas as
they provide the value added to the internal and external clients. The
main HR Process Areas are:
Recruitment and Staffing
Compensation and Benefits
Training and Development
Career Development
Talent Management
Leadership Development
HR Controlling
The real art of Human Resources is in the right connection of all
processes as they provide the right support to managers and employees
in the organization. The role of Human Resources is about keeping the
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human capital competitive on the market and the logical grouping of HR
Processes helps to connect and manage the individual processes.
Each organization divides the HR Processes differently, but the main HR
Processes are always in the same group in each company as it is the
market HR Best Practice.
HR Training Summary
Human Resources are a complex business function, which
develops the human capital for the organization as it can face the market
challenges successfully. The HR staff has to be trained in special HR
skills and competencies as Human Resources receives the best HR
Know How, develops its employees and increases the satisfaction of the
internal clients. The dedicated HR training is a priority for the HR
The dedicated HR Training is not just about the theoretical training
sessions, but it includes the HR Practice and rotations to the internal
customers. The real HR Professionals know the business of the internal
clients and they are able to customize the general HR solution to the
needs of the internal clients without asking the general questions.
2.1.3 Synthesis and Analysis
As we enter the new era of an advanced high-tech environment,
the business world is also entering into an era of fierce competition
noticed by takeovers and mergers. This illuminates the type of dynamic
and complex business environment that companies have to face. The
rapid change in the environment reminds us that, for a business to
survive, it has to focus on its core competencies and discover in order to
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keep ahead of the competitors. The field of Strategic Human Resource
Management has evolved mainly in accordance to the fact that human
resources need to be managed strategically for the firm to enjoy
sustainable competitive advantage over competition.
Human Resource Management practice as the decisions and
actions, which concern the management of employees at all, levels in
the business, and is related to the implementation of strategies directed
towards sustaining competitive advantage. Organizations are
increasingly becoming aware of the importance of linking the
organization’s human resource practices to strategy that leads to greater
performance. Number of theoretical models has been developed to
explain what exactly Human Resource Management requires in an
organization and the processes by which SHRM contributes to the
bottom line success of a firm. There is an overlap among the various
theoretical perspectives from which they are derived. No single process
is correct and each one points to different aspects of the process needed
for developing an effective strategic HR function.
Human Resource Management idea is that human resources
management is used to gain competitive advantage. Human Resource
Management practice is coupled with business strategy. Human
Resource Management elevates human resources management from
micro level (individual personal level) to the macro level (business
strategy level). Human Resource Management includes analysis of
business and socio-political environment. HR professionals must be
aware of global business and social trends and should be able to
perform environmental scanning.
Human Resource Management also includes internal human
resource analysis. HR professionals must analyze human resources
against current and future business strategies and identify the gaps
between them. Human Resource Management is also intended to assist
management in the best use of internal labor market. Hence an absolute
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requirement for analysis would be effective use of computer based
human resource information systems. Human Resource Management
includes organizational analysis and design. Hence HR professionals
had to provide management not only with analysis, but also
organization-design recommendations. Benchmarking against
successful internal and external organizations is useful tool that helps in
this process. Human Resource Management is part of the business plan.
Strategic Human Resource Management considerations are more
important than the traditional planning elements.
Human Resource management has a major impact on individual
and so on productivity and organizational performance. Effective
strategic management requires effective human resource management.
Strategic Human Resource Management implies the ways in which HRM
is crucial to organizational effectiveness. Hence organizations have to
carefully design strategies and relate to human resources for effective
utilization in achieving greater competitive performance. The human
capital, practice, which includes the kind of Strategy Company, has to
follow in terms of greater performance and the pattern should be taken
care in maintaining Strategic Human Resource Management.
This study should be done for the proponents itself to have basis in
developing the current study. The process starts when proponents
search or interview an expert and gather information. That specific
information should apply by the proponents. The proponents rely on this
to carry out their operations. They can address the company to more
problems or certain risks, so for them serves as basis in designing the
proposed project as the answer or solution to the problem. In this study,
the proponents need to be aware of the obligations and responsibility of
the human resources issues that may arise within the organization. This
chapter has been designed to address human resource issues as they
impact on the responsibilities of directors as employers. It is not an
operational guide to recruiting and managing staff.
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