Freak the Mighty Jeopardy

am I?
said it?
with ‘M’
Fill in the
Involving the time before events
on Earth were recorded.
Category 1: $100: A
What is prehistoric?
Category 1: $100: Q
A promise; a duty.
Category 1: $200: A
What is obligation?
Category 1: $200: Q
Extremely disagreeable.
Category 1: $300: A
What is obnoxious?
Category 1: $300: Q
To make room for.
Category 1: $400: A
What is accommodate?
Category 1: $400: Q
A monument with triangular
sides that meet in a point.
Category 1: $500: A
What is a pyramid?
Category 1: $500: Q
My nickname is Freak.
Category 2: $100: A
Who is Kevin ?
Category 2: $100: Q
Max’s Grandmother.
Category 2: $200: A
Who is Gram?
Category 2: $200: Q
Kevin’s favorite adventure hero.
Category 2: $300: A
Who is King Arthur?
Category 2: $300: Q
Max’s father who is recently
paroled from jail.
Category 2: $400: A
Who is Kenneth Kane (Killer
Category 2: $400: Q
Daily Double!!!
A young man who is very big for
his age. He has a learning
Category 2: $500: A
Who is Maxwell Kane?
Category 2: $500: Q
“I ask a question, you better
answer. Get it? Names. I want
your names”
Category 3: $100: A
Who is Iggy Lee?
Category 3: $100: Q
“I said identify yourself,
earthling, or suffer the
Category 3: $200: A
Who is Kevin?
Category 3: $200: Q
“So I wrote the whole
unvanquished truth stuff down
and then kept on going, for
months and months, until it was
spring again, and the whole
world was really and truly green
all over.”
Category 3: $300: A
Who is Max (the narrator)?
Category 3: $300: Q
“Max, we’ve been looking all
over for you. Kevin wants to see
you. He’s making quite a fuss
about it…”
Category 3: $400: A
Who is Gwen (Kevin’s mother)?
Category 3: $400: Q
“Well, uhm, I get the impression
poor Gwen wasn’t expecting to
see you looking so big, and now
she thinks she’s offended you.”
Category 3: $500: A
Who is Gram?
Category 3: $500: Q
Kenny says that Max will wear a
suit and collect this in a basket.
Category 4: $100: A
What is MONEY?
Category 4: $100: Q
Kenny ties up this person with a
Category 4: $200: A
Who is MAX?
Category 4: $200: Q
Kevin said that the white
sparkles in the fireworks was
Category 4: $300: A
What is a MAGNEISUM?
Category 4: $300: Q
Kevin says, “Remembering is
just an invention of the
Category 4: $400: A
What is the MIND?
Category 4: $400: Q
A prehistoric furry elephant is
called this.
Category 4: $500: A
What is a MASTODON?
Category 4: $500: Q
Kevin and Max call themselves
Category 5: $100: A
What is Freak the Mighty?
Category 5: $100: Q
In daycare, Freak pretends to be
a __________.
Category 5: $200: A
What is a robot?
Category 5: $200: Q
Kevin calls his mom
Category 5: $300: A
What is Fair Gwen?
Category 5: $300: Q
The purse they find belongs to
Category 5: $400: A
Who is Loretta Lee?
Category 5: $400: Q
On the big quest, Kevin wears a
_______________ costume.
Category 5: $500: A
What is a Darth Vader costume?
Category 5: $500: Q
This Jeopardy game was
prepared by:
Connie Peddle
St. John’s, NL