Freak the Mighty Assignment Sheet

Freak the Mighty Assignment sheet
Please pick 2 assignments to complete after reading
Freak the Mighty. This along with your Freak packet
will be due by Friday, September 9th.
1. Investigate Morquio’s Syndrome. When sharing,
you will play the role of Kevin’s doctor as she/he
explains the disease to Fari Gwen.
2. Create an escape route for Max and Kevin using
information from Chapter 7. Include a map key and a
descriptive police report of what happened at the park
on July 4th.
3. Write a persuasive letter to Mrs. Addison on why
she should allow Max and Kevin to be in the same class
instead of sending Max to the Learning Disabled class.
4. Write a short sequel to the novel, telling what you
think happens to Max. Does he continue to improve in
school? In what ways does Freak’s influence continue
to affect his life?
Create your own model of an Ornithopter.