virtual private cloud

Effectively Explaining the
Cloud to Your Colleagues
The Cloud Defined
 Definition
 Types of Services Moved to the Cloud
 Why Companies are moving to the cloud
 Types of Clouds
 Participants in the Cloud Model
Example: Desktops in the Cloud
Types of Products Hosted in the Cloud
For IT Professionals Only
The Cloud - Defined
Cloud computing is the delivery of
hardware and software computing
resources that are provided in a
subscription model, and are
accessible from a remote location
over a network – most commonly
the Internet.
The term “cloud” comes from the
common use of a cloud-shaped
symbol as a depiction of the
complex infrastructure contained in
system diagrams.
The Cloud Technology Advantage
Cloud Technologies are basically a pool of computing
resources (e.g. servers, storage, applications, voice
services) that are provided to businesses from another
company and:
Eliminate the need for onsite equipment,
maintenance, and management.
Enable IT departments to increase or add
capabilities as needed without purchasing
equipment, software, or upgrades; training
employees to support equipment; and taking up
expensive office space and power and cooling to
house equipment.
Provides end users immediate access to new features from nearly any
device in any location, through a predictable, subscription based, payper-use method of funding IT.
Includes built-in redundancy and disaster recovery.
Types of Services Moved To the Cloud
An application that runs on someone else’s system
Web-based email,, and Google Docs are example
Computing resources, storage and networking capabilities that are owned
and hosted by a service provider
Web server hosting, back-up, or DR systems are examples
Communications functionality such as your phones, instant messaging,
conferencing, and presence
Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony, call center and web collaboration are
A broad collection of application infrastructure (middleware) services,
including application platform, integration, business process management
and database services
The Google App Engine is an example
What is “as-a-Service”?
Because Cloud Computing is a style of
computing in which resources are provided
over the Internet on a subscription basis,
you will often see the delivery model
referred to as “as-a-service”.
For example, from the previous slide:
SaaS – Software as a Service
IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
CaaS – Communications as a Service
PaaS – Platform as a Service
Why Companies are Moving to the Cloud
Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Reduced amount of computing hardware onsite
Built-in disaster recovery / business continuity
Lower hardware and software maintenance
Instant software updates, accessibility
Improved performance and reliability
Pay only for what is used
Agile; make changes on demand
Better for the environment
Types of Clouds
Private Cloud
Dedicated equipment for single customer
Same technology as on-premise
Secure & isolated
High-availability difficult to achieve
Scaling and Cost challenges
Public Cloud
Multiple customers share resources
Performance challenged
Security issues
Types of Clouds
Hybrid Cloud
Industry answer to problems plaguing both models
Use Public for what it’s good for
Use Private for what it’s good for
Combine the two
The integration of these solutions is complex
Virtual Private Cloud
Best of both worlds
Stable, isolated, and secure
Control to scale and expand on-demand
“High-availability” ensures prearranged level of
operational performance will be met
Functions perfectly with both new and legacy applications
Participants in the Cloud Model
Cloud Service Provider: the party responsible for
the IT assets and their maintenance
Business Management: the party responsible for
monitoring and managing services delivered from
a service provider’s cloud
End User: The person using the services, who
does not require any knowledge of the underlying
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For IT Professionals Only
The Evolve IP Difference
The Virtual Private Cloud Difference
 Evolve IP
 Savvis
 Terremark
 Legacy applications
 Production
environments such as
SAP, Oracle, SQL, etc.
 Evolutionary approach
to Cloud over
 Low risk; incremental
 Higher-grade; higher
cost solution
 Can run legacy
applications with little
or NO adaptation
 Enterprise data center
at “Service provider
 Amazon Web Services
 GoGrid
 Softlayer
 Only good for easily
ported web apps or
newly developed apps
 “Revolutionary”
approach to cloud
 Good for new
opportunity; higher
risk for legacy
 Technology choices are
 Requires intelligence in
the application;
 Higher risk
 Can run legacy apps
only with rearchitecting
Types of Products Evolve IP Hosts in the Cloud
Phone Systems
Cloud-based communications solutions free organizations from managing carriers, phone
systems and vendors and provide lower TCO, scalability, advanced end-user features, and webbased control to any user, in any location, for a predictable monthly fee.
Virtual Data Centers deliver utility computing (processor, memory, and disk) in a scalable and
secure virtualized architecture.
Call Centers
Hosted Call Centers enable organizations to unify and simplify their call center operations with a
turn-key hosted solution that removes geographic boundaries – all for a simple per-user monthly
service fee.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure frees businesses from the endless cycle of purchasing, supporting,
upgrading and replacing local PCs by providing a untethered “virtual” workspace that can be
accessed from anywhere, at any time, on a variety of devices and for a predictable monthly fee.
Office Applications provide customers with the enterprise-class software they need from the
cloud, eliminating on-site servers, licensing, maintenance and headaches.
What to Look for in a Cloud Service Provider
Enterprise-grade or better infrastructure
Treats network, servers, storage, and bandwidth as modular IT
SLA of 99.999% core platform uptime
Delivers predictable performance over bursty compute
Failover via redundant Active-Active platforms
Support team of in-house, experienced engineers with 24/7/365
Robust training program and resources (user guides, videos,
webinars, etc.)
Experienced Product Team that has been in your shoes and
understands your pain points and needs