ILKAP COURSES FOR THE YEAR 2010-FOR LAWYERS 1 Seminar on International Law-Addressing Issues and Challenges in Formulating, Drafting, Negotiating, and Complying with International Instruments. Category: Civil Date: 22 February 2010 – 25 February 2010 Fee: RM600 Objective: - To enhance participant’s knowledge on the International Instruments (treaties, declarations, charters, exchanges of notes/letter and others which are applicable in international relations, enforcement and the compliance of these documents). Contents: - Overview on international instruments and ASEAN Charter - Overview of human rights’ treaties and instruments, human rights’ compliance mechanism and bilateral international instruments. Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 2 Public Talk on Current Trends in Civil Litigation Category: Civil Litigation Date: 4 March 2010 Fee: RM150 Objective: - To enable participants to know the principal and current trends in civil litigation Contents: - Overview-civil litigation - Perspective of legal practitioners and court - Discussion/Forum on the current trends of civil litigation Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 3 Mediation Course Category: Civil Litigation Date: 12 April 2010 – 14 April 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To expose participants to resolution of dispute through mediation Contents: - Guidelines for mediation cases - Advantages of mediation scope - Practical exercise Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 4 Electronic Evidence Course Category: Prosecution Date: 19 April 2010 – 21 April 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To enhance the knowledge of the participants on electronic evidence Contents: - Introduction to electronic evidence - Evidence Act 1950 [Act 56], Computer Crimes Act 1997 [Act 563], Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 [Act 568] and relevant statutes - Handling and tendering of electronic evidence - Cyber crimes Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 5 Pre Trial Procedure Course Category: Civil Litigation Date: 3 May 2010 – 5 May 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To enhance participants’ knowledge on pre trial procedures Contents: - Initial consideration - Mode of commencement - Civil Action - Preparation of pleading - Interlocutory application - Getting up - Issues for Court’s determination - Overview-Court’s perspective - Case management Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 6 Cyber Laws in Malaysia Category: Civil Date: 17 May 2010 – 19 May 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To expose participants to the cyber laws in Malaysia Contents: - Understanding cyber laws in Malaysia such as Computer Crimes Act 1997 [Act 563], Digital Signature Act 1997 [Act 562], Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 [Act 680], and Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 [Act 588] - Cyber crimes Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 7 Kursus Takaful (Insurans) Dari Perspektif Islam Category: Civil Date: 1 Jun 2010 – 3 Jun 2010 Fee: RM450 Objektif: - Untuk mendedahkan peserta kepada konsep Takaful dalam industri insurans di Malaysia. Kandungan: - Peranan Takaful dalam industri kewangan dan perkhidmatan Islam - Panduan mengenai tadbir urus bagi insurans Takaful - Isu-isu pengurusan risiko, layanan lebihan tanggung jaminan, kerangka solvensi dan juga isu-isu kawal aturan berhubung dengan pelaksanaan Takaful - Panduan dalam membangunkan rangka kerja ketelusan yang perlu bagi membolehkan kefahaman yang lebih baik mengenai industri Takaful - Perkembangan industri Takaful dan Retakaful, metodologi penarafan yang digunakan oleh agensi penarafan dan perspektif institusi yang diberi penarafan. - mudharabah, wakalah dan Wakaf - peranan insurans Takaful dalam pengurusan dan mitigasi risiko system kewangan Islam. Peserta Kursus: Pegawai Perkhidmatan Kehakiman dan Perundangan, Pegawai Syarie Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia (JKSM), peguam, pensyarah undang-undang dll. 8 Seminar on Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Profiling Category: Civil Date: 21 June 2010 – 23 June 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To enhance participants’ knowledge on DNA profiling - To give practical experience to the participants. Contents: - DNA profiling forensics ~Introduction to DNA profiling ~Methodology ~Interpretation of DNA profiling - Statistical evaluations of DNA evidence - Quality assurance in forensic DNA profiling - Parentage testing - Future development - Guidelines for collection of DNA evidence - Demonstration of criminal incident, crime scene management and the collection of physical evidence. Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, police officers and officers from Chemistry Department, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 9 Human Trafficking Course Category: Prosecution Date: 28 June 2010 – 30 June 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To provide exposure and knowledge to participants regarding the application and enforcement of the Anti-Trafficking In Persons Act 2007 [Act 670] Contents: - Introduction to Anti-Trafficking In Persons Act 2007 [Act 670] - Offences and enforcement of law of trafficking in persons and immunity - Care and protection of trafficked persons - Malaysia’s obligation in relation to the International Treaties on human trafficking. Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 10 Kursus Gubalan Undang-Undang Asas (Pelbagai Jabatan) Kategori: Language Tarikh: 5 July 2010 – 8 July 2010 Fee: RM600 Objektif: - Memberi pengetahuan kepada peserta mengenai prinsip asas penggubalan undang-undang - Membolehkan peserta menggubal undang-undang Kandungan: - Pembentukan peribadi - Prinsip asas penggubalan - Skop dan masalah dalam penggubalan - Jenis undang-undang (perundangan utama dan perundangan subsidiary) - Penyediaan rang undang-undang - Penterjemahan - Pewartaan - Lawatan ke PNMB Peserta kursus: Pegawai Jabatan Kerajaan, Badan berkanun, pihak berkuasa tempatan, peguam, pensyarah undang-undang dll. 11 Seminar on Contempt of Court Category: Civil Litigation Date: 12 July 2010 Fee: RM150 Objectives: - To expose and enhance participants’ knowledge on the law relating to contempt of Court’s proceeding. - To enhance participants’ knowledge on the commencement of contempt proceeding. - To expose participants to recent cases and current issues Contents: - Introduction - Classification of contempt of Court - Court’s consideration - Jurisdiction of the Court - Contempt in the face of Court - Relevant procedures - Order 52 of Rules of High Court 1980 - Laws relating to contempt of Court - Case study Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 12 Workshop on Effective Negotiation Category: Civil Date: 19 July 2010 – 21 July 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To expose participants on negotiation as a means for settlement of dispute or case. Contents: - Negotiations guidelines - The advantages and disadvantages of negotiations - Practical session Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers, etc. 13 Workshop on the Techniques of Legal Opinion Writing (Foreign Expert) Category: Senior Management and Professional Date: 26 July 2010 – 30 July 2010 Fee: To be determined Objective: -To enhance participants’ knowledge and writing skills in legal opinion writing. Contents: - What good opinion writing requires - Characteristics of good opinion writing - Taking instructions and planning opinion structure - Writing a structured and logical opinion - Analysing your own opinion - Exercise Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 14 Kursus Pemahaman dan Tafsiran Statut Kategori: Sivil Tarikh: 2 Ogos 2010 – 4 Ogos 2010 Fee: RM450 Objektif: - Memberi pendedahan kepada peserta mengenai hal ehwal yang berkaitan tafsiran statut di Malaysia. Kandungan: - Mengenal pasti tafsiran statut - Pengenalan dan aplikasinya dalam Pentadbiran undang-undang di Malaysia. Peserta kursus: Pegawai Perkhidmatan Kehakiman dan Perundangan, peguam, pensyarah undang-undang dll. 15 Seminar on Land Law Category: Civil Date: 20 September 2010 – 22 September 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To enhance participants’ understanding and knowledge on land law, provisions in the Federal Constitution, National Land Code and other relevant statutory provisions. Contents: - Introduction to the National Land Code 1965 [Act 56 of 1965] - Types of proprietorship - Categories, conditions and restriction of land alienation - Current issues Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 16 Course on Compliance With The Obligations Under The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and Persons With Disabilities Convention (PWDC) Category: Civil Date: 27 September 2010 – 1 October 2010 Fee: RM750 Objectives: - To expose participants on Malaysia’s obligations to the conventions - To provide a forum for the participants to discuss legal and current issues on the rights of children, women, and persons with disabilities. Contents: - Overview and implication of the CRC in Malaysia - Overview and implication of the CEDAW in Malaysia - Overview and implication of the PWDC in Malaysia Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 17 Kursus Asas Undang-Undang Kemanusiaan Antarabangsa – International Committee on the Red Cross (ICRC) Kategori: Sivil Tarikh: 4 Oktober 2010 – 8 Oktober 2010 Fee: RM750 Objektif: - Memberi pendedahan kepada peserta tentang asas undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa yang digunakan pada masa kini khususnya semasa berlakunya konflik kemanusiaan seperti konflik bersenjata, bencana alam dll. - Memberi pendedahan kepada peserta tentang fungsi yang dimainkan oleh Jawatankuasa Palang Merah Antarabangsa (ICRC) Kandungan: - Mengkaji sumber dan pembentukan undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa yang berasaskan Konvensyen Geneva, Konvensyen Hague, triti, kes dan undang-undang kelaziman antarabangsa. - Mempelajari asas-asas penting dalam undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa. - Mengkaji undang-undang yang berkaitan jenayah perang dan pelanggaran undang-undnag kemanusiaan antarabangsa. - Mengkaji sejarah penubuhan dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh ICRC dalam membantu mangsa-mangsa dalam satu konflik bersenjata dan bencana alam. Peserta kursus: Pegawai Perkhidmatan Kehakiman dan Perundangan, peguam, pensyarah undang-undang dll. 18 Course on Intellectual Property Category: Civil Date: 11 Oktober 2010 – 15 Oktober 2010 Fee: RM750 Objective: - To provide participants with knowledge on the law on intellectual property. Contents: - Introduction to intellectual property - Copyright - Related rights - Trademarks - Geographical indications - Industrial design - Patents - WIPO treaties - Unfair competition - Summary and discussion on intellectual property rights Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 19 Kursus Pentadbiran Harta Dari Perspektif Islam (Faraid) Kategori: Sivil Tarikh: 25 Oktober 2010 – 27 Oktober 2010 Fee: RM450 Objektif: - Untuk memperkenalkan peserta kepada sistem Pentadbiran harta dalam Islam. Kandungan: - Pengenalan konsep harta dalam Islam - Keperluan untuk sistem Pentadbiran harta Islam dan konvensional - Konsep dan peranan Wakaf dalam sistem ekonomi Islam. - Konsep, peranan dan hokum wasiat - Konsep dan peranan hibah dalam muamalat dan Pentadbiran harta Islam - Konsep dan aplikasi faraid Peserta kursus: Pegawai Perkhidmatan Kehakiman dan Perundangan, Pegawai Syarie Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia (JKSM), peguam, pensyarah undang-undang dll. 20 Jurisprudence Course Category: Civil Date: 1 November 2010 – 3 November 2010 Fee: RM450 Objectives: - To enhance participants’ knowledge on the principles of jurisprudence - To expose participants to the current issues pertaining to the laws in Malaysia. Contents: - Understanding the principles of natural justice introduced by Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Thomas Hobbes. - Understanding the principles of analytical jurisprudence introduced by Bentham, Austin, Hart, Kelsen and Dworkin. - Understanding the principles of normative jurisprudence - Current issues – human rights, apostasy, abortion and sodomy Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers and Syarie officers from Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia (JKSM), lawyers, law lecturers etc. 21 Course on Effective Legal Research Category: Civil Date: 8 November 2010 – 10 November 2010 Fee: RM450 Objective: - To increase participants’ legal research skills Contents: - Introduction to effective legal research - Utilisation of materials from Internet and law books Course Participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc. 22 Seminar on Money Laundering Category: Prosecution Date: 22 November 2010 – 23 November 2010 Fee: RM300 Objectives: - To provide exposure regarding the concept of money laundering and money laundering development activity. - To provide knowledge to the participants regarding the tracing process, investigation and enforcement, money laundering cases, experience and problem sharing in enforcing the Anti-Money Laundering and AntiTerrorism Financing Act 2001 [Act 613]. Contents: - The mechanics of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 [Act 613] - Forms and procedure - Forensics accounting - Money laundering and terrorist financing in the Asia Pacific region - Burden of proof and admissibility of evidence – Court’s perspective Course participants: Judicial and Legal Service officers, lawyers, law lecturers etc.