Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIMAS COURSE TITLE BUSINESS LAW (Undang-Undang Perniagaan) COURSE CODE EBM3113 CREDIT 3 PREREQUISITE/S N/A SYNOPSIS This course covers a short introduction to the Malaysian legal system and three areas of law viz. Company Law, Laws of Contract and Dispute Settlement and Resolution (national and international). An international perspective is provided by references to the English common law and also international business developments. In relation to substantive law, emphasis is given to Company law because of the domination of businesses today by giant corporations and multinationals. Law of Contract (general and specific) involving company board members, shareholders, third parties and consumers, also forms part of the course. Procedural law under Dispute Settlement and Resolution shows how business disputes may be avoided or settled is also discussed. (Kursus ini meliputi pengenalan ringkas mengenai sistem perundangan Malaysia dan tiga bahagian undang-undang, iaitu Undang-Undang Syarikat, Undang-undang Kontrak dan Penyelesaian/Resolusi Pertikaian (nasional dan antarabangsa). Perspektif antarabangsa dibincangkan dengan merujuk kepada undang-undang common law Inggeris dan juga pembangunan perniagaan antarabangsa. Berkaitan dengan undang-undang substantif, penekanan akan diberikan kepada Undang-Undang Syarikat kerana senario perniagaan didominasikan oleh perbadanan gergasi dan syarikat multinasional. Undang-Undang Kontrak (am dan spesifik) antara lembaga pengarah, pemegang syer syarikat, pihak ketiga dan pembeli, juga perlu didedahkan kepada pelajar. Penyelesaian/Resolusi Pertikaian, menunjukkan cara mengelak atau menyelesai pertikaian yang selalu berlaku dalam perniagaan juga dibincangkan.) EBM3113 Business Law 1/4 Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIMAS LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, students will be able to: o Explain the role of law in the regulation, facilitation and enforcement of the law in relation to business transactions (A4) o Practice economic and business concepts into a legally regulated business context (A5) o Construct board meetings and use it as a business tool in running of a corporate business and the implementation of a strategic business policies and plan (P5, LS) o Distinguish alternative dispute resolution procedures as a cost and time reducing alternative to judicial settlement of disputes. (C4, CT) STUDENT LEARNING HOURS Lectures Student-Centered Learning Self-Study Quizzes, Tests, & Examinations Total LEARNING UNITS EBM3113 Business Law 28 14 68 10 120 Hour/s Hour/s Hour/s Hour/s Hour/s Supervised Learning Hours 3 1. Introduction to Law What is law? Distinguish from ethics. 2. Sources of law. Classification of law. 3 3. Legal system. The Malaysian legal system and structure of courts. 3 4. Company Law Types of business enterprise. The limited liability corporation. 6 5. Incorporation procedure. Legal effects of incorporation. 3 6. Memorandum of Association. Articles of Association. Management & Administration 3 7. Law of Contract 6 2/4 Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIMAS Definition of contract. Parties to contract. ASSESSMENT REFERENCES EBM3113 Business Law 8. Formation of contract. Factors vitiating contract. Lawful consideration. 3 9. Terms of contract : general and specific contracts -Express (oral & written) (i) conditions (ii) warranties Implied by the law 3 10. Discharge of contract. Breach of contract. 3 11. Dispute Settlement Judicial 3 12. Alternative dispute settlement -national -international 3 Assignments Mock Play studies Mid-term Final exam Total 30 20 20 30 100 % % % % % 1. Mei Pheng, Lee & Detta, Ivan Jerome, (2009). Business Law. Selangor, Malaysia: Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd. 2. Rachagan, Pascoe (2002). Principles of Company Law in Malaysia, (3rd Impression) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malayan Law Journal. 3. Arjunan (1998). Company Law In Malaysia, Cases and Commentary. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malayan Law Journal. 3/4 Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIMAS 4. Shepherd (2004). 150 Leading Cases Company Law. UK: Old Bailey Press, London. 5. Legislations: Civil Law, Act 1956 (as revised) Companies Act, 1965 (as revised) Contracts Act, 1950 (as revised) Sale of Goods Act, 1957 (as revised) English Sale of Goods Act, 1979 Last updated: May 4, 2011, Wed, 9:56 AM EBM3113 Business Law 4/4