Physics of Seawater Water is … a chemical compound (H2O) made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen; in liquid state between the temperatures of 0º C and 100º C; perhaps the only substance that is present in vast quantities in solid, liquid and gaseous states. The water molecule is light is stable as liquid over a wide temperature-range has high heat capacity and latent heat freezes over, not under, and is an excellent solvent Water stays liquid over a wide range of temperatures - - + + ++ - When water freezes to ice, the angle of hydrogen bonding expands from 105° to 109°. + 105° + As the space taken by 27 water molecules is now used by 24 molecules, the density of ice is less than the density of water, i.e., - - + + ++ - water freezes over. + 109° + Density (g/cm3) Temperature (°C) Salinity lowers water’s freezing point and point of Density (g/cm3) 1.03 maximum density 1.02 and raises the boiling point. 1.01 1.00 0.99 Temperature (°C) Seawater therefore freezes at – 2°C and boils at 103°C. Electromagnetic Spectrum of Sunlight The numbers for the density isoclinals here are the density factor [(= 1000 x (density – 1)] values, with density measured in gm/cm3. Suppose we mix two water samples, X and Y, having different temperatures and salinities but the same density. What will be the temperature, salinity and density of the resulting mixture? 22 Where do we encounter such situations? Temperature (°C) 23 20° 24 25 Y 26 10° X 27 28 29 0° 31‰ 33‰ 35‰ Salinity 37‰ SOFAR (Sound Fixing And Ranging) channel Heat versus Temperature • Heat, the energy needed to change the temperature of a body, can be specific (i.e., temperature change at constant phase or state) or latent (i.e., state or phase change at constant temperature). • This example shows how much heat is needed to 6. 25 cal of heat will change 1 g water vapor at 100°C to 1 g water vapor at 150°C cal 50°C1g (Specific Heat) = ½g°C − − − Temperature measures the thermal state of matter − involves specific heat) ice to water at 0°C (this involves latent heat) water from 0°C to 100°C (this involves specific heat) water to water vapor at 100°C (this involves latent heat) water vapor from 100°C to 150°C (this involves specific heat) Temperature (°C) change the temperature of 1 g ice at -50°C to 1 g Water vapor at 150°C. 150 5. 540 cal of heat will change 1 g water • The following changes at 100°C to 1 g water vapor at 100°C cal occur in this process = 540 g 1g (Latent Heat) D − ice from -50°C to 0°C (this 100 4. 100 cal of heat will change 1 g water at 0°C to 1 g water at 100°C cal 100°C1g (Specific Heat) = 1g°C 50 B 0 E This is the temperature range for liquid water C 2. 25 cal of heat will change it cal -50 A to 1 g of ice at 0°C = ½ g°C 0 50°C1g (Specific Heat) Let us use the following constants: cal Specific Heat = 1 g°C for water and cal ½ g°C for ice/vapor Latent Heat = 80 cal/g to melt ice 540 cal/g to boil water F 1. Start with 1 g of ice at -50°C 3. 80 cal of heat will change itcal from 1 g ice at 0°C to 1 g water at 0°C, i.e., 80 g 1g (Latent Heat) 200 400 Heat (calories) 600 800 Heat is the energy needed to change the temperature of a body or material (e.g., 1 calorie is the heat needed to change the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C) Therefore, Total heat needed = (25+80+100+540+25) or 770 calories Why do we have seasons? The 23½° tilt of Earth’s spin axis means that the two poles do not get the same amount of solar heat at the same time. North pole is tilted toward the sun from about March 22 to about Sept 22, when south pole tilts away from the Sun. •NASA’s Earth Seasons Vernal equinox Summer solistice Autumnal equinox Winter solistice Northern Southern hemihemisphere sphere March 21 March 21 June 22 Dec 22 Sept 22 Sept 22 Dec 22 June 22 Do tropics have Northern hemisphere thus has its longest day (or seasons? summer solistice) around June 22, and the shortest Would seasons day (or winter solistice) around Dec 22, whereas the exist if the Earth’s opposite occurs in the southern hemisphere. spin axis was not Seasons typically characterize the temperate latitudes inclined at all? (23½°– 66½° N and S), therefore, whereas tropics receive Sunlight all year round. Source: Seasonal temperature variations can be explained in terms of the latitudinal and seasonal variations in the surface energy balance. Depth: 0 Km Depth: 0.05 Km Depth: 0.1 Km Depth: 0.2 Km Depth: 0.5 Km Depth: 1 Km Depth: 2 Km Depth: 3 Km Depth: 4 Km Depth: 5 Km Depth Temperature Therefore, thermocline (i.e., the inflection point in temperature-depth graph) is ... Tropical all year round, in summer at temperate latitudes. Polar latitudes all year round, in winter at temperate latitudes permanent in the tropics; seasonal at temperate latitudes, i.e., present in summer, missing in winter; and absent in the polar waters. 42.0 38.0 37.5 37.0 36.5 36.0 35.5 34.5 35.0 34.0 33.5 33.0 32.5 30.0 24.0 18.0 Global variations in sea surface salinity Salii ty i Precipitation-Evaporation (P-E) represents the difference between precipitation and evaporation. Data: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project. 1959-97 Climatologies Animation: Department of Geography, University of Oregon, March 2000 ( Dry 50 Salinity 0 Wet Evaporation - Precipitation (cm) Surface salinity of the world ocean is high where evaporation exceeds precipitation, and low where the opposite holds. E-P - 50 40°N 20°N 0° 20°S 40°S Equator Halocline 30°N/S Depth Well defined and permanent haloclines therefore exist at the equator and Salinity (‰) at the 30°N and 30°S latitudes: • At the equator because high precipitation there makes the surface waters fresh/less salty. • At the 30°N and 30°S latitudes because excess evaporation there makes the surface waters very salty. January 1986 sea surface (0-50 m) salinity (‰) Sea Surface Temperatures Sea Surface Salinity Ocean Temperatures at 160m Depth Ocean Salinity at 160m Depth T-S plot for mapping the pycnoline 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 15.0 14.2 12.1 10.0 9.0 8.0 13.2 12.7 6.4 4.9 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.6 1.5 37.3 36.0 35.3 35.0 33.5 33.0 37.0 36.7 35.2 34.8 34.5 34.5 34.4 34.3 34.1 Temperature (°C) Tabulated below are the temperature and salinity data obtained at different depths at about 10°N in the central Atlantic. Note how the data clearly show the presence of very salty and warmer waters at 700-800 m depths. Pycnocline is clearly present here (due to the influx of the Mediterranean waters). Indeed, there was no need to plot the temperature, salinity and density depth-profiles separately to map this. Notice how easily this insight could be drawn from the T-S plot itself! Depth Temp Salinity 20 (m) (°C) (‰) 100 200 300 700 400 500 10 600 0 32 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1300 1500 34 36 Salinity (‰) 38