Notebook #7 Vocabulary and Essential Questions for DNA Technology and Applications NC Goal 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Essential Questions Interpret how DNA is used for comparison and identification of organisms. Summarize the process of gel electrophoresis as a technique to separate molecules based on size. Learn general steps. Interpret or “read” a gel. Exemplify applications of DNA fingerprinting. Summarize how transgenic organisms are engineered to benefit society. Generalize the applications of transgenic organisms (plants, animals & bacteria) in agriculture and industry including pharmaceutical applications. Summarize the steps of bacterial transformation. Evaluate some of the ethical issues surrounding the use of DNA technology. Identify reasons for establishing the Human Genome Project. Recognize that the project is useful in determining whether individuals may carry genes for genetic conditions and developing gene therapy. Evaluate some of the science of gene therapy (SCIDS, cystic fibrosis) Critique the ethical issues and implications of genomics and biotechnology (cloning, stem cell research, gene therapy, and genetically modified organisms). Vocabulary Gel electrophoresis Restriction enzymes PCR DNA fingerprint Transgenic organisms Genetic engineering Biotechnology Genetically Modified Organism Genetic recombination Plasmid Ethics Human genome project Genomics Gene therapy vector SCIDS Stem cell research Cloning Genetic diversity Tic Tac Toe Create a crossword puzzle on and have another Bio student solve it ___ Create a concept map that links all vocab words ____ Complete the quizlet vocab quiz 3 times ___ Draw a comic strip that reviews one goal above. ____ Outline Chapters _____ from readings in class _____. Create a foldable with definitions ____ Create a 15 question quiz and have another student take it ____ Create a model that illustrates a goal above. ____ Create a song, rap, or poem that includes all vocab words ___ Biology Facts Notebook List NB # Worksheet or Activity Missing Partially Complete Complete