Chapter 9: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology- Pre-AP I. Selective Breeding a. b.

Chapter 9: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology- Pre-AP
I. Selective Breeding
a. Has been occurring for thousands of years Ex: (_________________________________)
b. Takes advantage of __________________________________ traits in a population
c. __________________________________: crossing two dissimilar organisms to get the
best traits of both organisms
i. hybrids are often hardier/stronger than either parent: Ex: mules, ligers
d. ___________________________: crossing two organisms that are very similar to retain
desirable characteristics.
i. Can lead to recessive genetic disorders appearing frequently because the
organisms are so similar genetically. Ex: Maintaining “purebred” dog breeds
II. Increasing Variation
a. If the desired characteristic is not present, scientists have _________________________
in hope of it causing the right effect
b. Success stories:
That was the “old” way of manipulating inheritance. Now, we can isolate specific DNA sequences and
modify the code in what is called genetic engineering.
III. How do they get it out of the cells?
a. DNA extraction-
IV. Restriction Enzymes cut DNA at a specific Nucleotide Sequence called a
(100s of them that identify different sequences of base pairs know as recognition sequences- they are a
palindrome- read the same _____________________________________________)
is cut
Some cut straight across and leave _____________________________
c. Some cut staggered ends and leave ______________________________
d. The two ends are known as “____________________________” because they reattach to
a complementary end very easily (because of chemical attractions)
e. Each enzyme has a different _________________________________________ which
will cut the DNA into different fragment lengths
V. How are the pieces identified? ________________________________________________
a. Different fragments end up being different lengths
b. They are run through gel electrophoresis where electrical _________________________
___________________________________. DNA mixtures are placed in a well in
agarose and electrical current is switched on.
c. The __________ fragments travel faster, and the ____________________ fragments
cannot travel as far.
d. A restriction map shows the lengths of DNA Fragements between restriction sites.
**only indicate ____________________ not DNA _________________
DNA Finger Prints is a type of restriction map that shows parts of an individuals DNA.
It is based on the _________________________________ regions of DNA
VI. So what does that tell us?
a. DNA fingerprints can be used as
i. Evidence in criminal cases
ii. Paternity test
iii. Study biodiversity
How can we sequence DNA?
a. using a gel electrophoresis method or using a machine, scientists can figure
out genes and entire ___________________ (all the genes in an organisms)
b. Mix unknown DNA fragment with _______________________ and
nucleotides to copy the DNA.
DNA fingerprint
produced by gel
c. The nucleotides added will also have special
___________________________ (didNTP) with attached dyes.
d. Newly synthesized DNA will be made but will stop each time a didNTP nucleotide is
e. The DNA is run on a gel and the fragments will make a colored banding pattern in the
______________________________ (A, T, G, or C)
Watch the animation on the website highlighted in the resources page of my website.
g. Sequencing them allows us to _____________ and _______________ certain genes.
i. you can test for certain genetic disorders, and predict chances of inheritance
ii. scientists can study the gene’s function and how to treat people with the genetic
h. We have completed the Human Genome Project mapping all human genes
____________________________: a faulty gene is replaced with a normal working gene
How do we get a lot of copies of a specific DNA sequence we want?
a. PCR- _____________________________________________
i. a primer is added to the beginning of the _________________ desired gene
ii. DNA is heated to break the _________________ between the nitrogenous bases
iii. __________________ attaches and replicated both sides, using both as templates
iv. Copies are made at an ___________________________ of only the desired gene
v. Each PCR Cycle _____________________ the number of DNA molecules.
IX. Recombinant DNA- manipulating the presence or absence of a gene by adding or cutting out gene
a. Combining DNA from ________________________ by cutting with the same restriction
enzymes creates DNA that has been modified ( DNA from two different sources)
b. _______________________- a cell takes in DNA from outside the cell and incorporates
it into its own DNA (bacterial _________________, chromosomes in plants and animals)
c. ____________________________________ are often used to make recombinant DNA
d. Plasmids are a ________________________________________________________
X. Applications of Genetic Engineering
a. Transgenic Organisms: ___________________________________________________
i. Transgenic bacteria:
1. can produce human insulin (for _____________),human growth
hormone, and blood clotting factor (for _______________________)
ii. Transgenic animals:
1. study _________ genes in animals, produce organisms that can make
__________________________________, cows that can grow faster
with multiple copies of growth hormone
iii. Transgenic plants: genetically modified foods
1. seedless grapes and watermelons, rice with ____________ enhancement,
and pest-resistant crops (so ____________________________________
XI. Cloning: creating an organism whose genes are ________________________________________
a. All bacteria and organisms that reproduce asexually are technically clones
b. Multicellular organisms are not as easy to clone- a mammal was cloned officially in
_____________— named ___________
1. The nucleus of an adult, donor egg is removed
2. This empty egg is fused with another adult ________________________
_____________________________ (diploid, 2N)
3. The cell is stimulated with ______________________________ to
divide normally by ________________ and the zygote is implanted into
a ____________________ mother
4. The baby is born of the surrogate and has the EXACT same genes as the
organism who _________________________________________.
ii. Why would we clone?
Genetic Screening: Testing DNA to determine
a. Risk of having _________________________________________
b. Specific genes or proteins
c. Genes linked to _____________________________________
d. Genes that cause genetic disorders
e. Gene Therapy replaces ____________________________ or ______________________
to treat a disease.
Ethics: Moral principles and values that __________________________________ should
adhere to in determining the use of scientific discoveries.