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3rd Qtr Biology Assessment Study Guide

3rd Qtr Assessment Study Guide
1. GMO crops that have an increased tolerance to insects a decrease in (crop productivity or genetic diversity) may result.
2. Crime solving today uses (DNA fingerprinting or genetic modification).
3. Define clone, hybrid, genetic screening, gene therapy, recombinant DNA and restriction enzymes.
4. (DNA fingerprinting or recombinant DNA) would probably be the most important to a person who has diabetes.
5. (A clone or a hybrid) is a genetically identical copy of a gene or organism.
6. (Genetic screening or gene therapy) is when a genetic disorder can be cured by replacing a defective gene with a good
7. Restriction enzymes are used to (transfer DNA fragments or cut DNA strands at specific sequences).
8. Cyanobacteria is thought to have changed the early Earth by (getting energy from organic molecules OR adding oxygen
to the atmosphere).
9. Sexual reproduction results in a (decrease OR increase) in genetic variation.
10. Define biogenesis.
11. Define endosymbiosis,
12. Pasteur’s experiment proved that (only living things can come from living things OR organic molecules could be
produced from gases).
13. l(Biogenesis OR endosymbiosis) can explain the presence of mitochondria and chloroplasts in modern cells.
14. The age of Earth is estimated as (4.6 billion years old OR 3.8 billion years old).
15. The Miller-Urey experiment showed that (bubbles may have acted as the first cell membranes OR organic molecules
can be created from inorganic molecules).
16. Which came first (RNA OR DNA)?
17. (Artificial selection or natural selection) is when humans breed organisms for certain traits.
18. Define bottleneck.
19. Define gene flow.
20. When alleles move from one population to another it is called (bottleneck OR gene flow).
21. Define convergent evolution.
22. Define divergent evolution.
23. (Convergent OR divergent) evolution is when two species that are closely related become increasingly different.
24. (Adaptation OR migration) increases the chance that some organisms will survive when environmental change.
25. (Convergent OR divergent) evolution is when unrelated species living in different parts of the world evolve similar
26. Define founder effect
27. A small group of organisms become isolated (think of Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Is.). The genetic variation of
future generations would be effected by the (bottleneck OR founder) effect.
28. What are vestigial structures? What are analogous structures?
29. What are homologous structures? And what can you conclude about them?
30. What species is most closely related to Homo sapiens (Homo ergaster OR Homo neanderthalensis)?
31. Which is a characteristic of the Homo species? (large brains OR elongated faces)
32. Which two kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms?
33. (Archaea OR bacteria) is the most abundant group of organisms on Earth.
34. Organisms in Kingdom (Protista OR Planatae) are unicellular, autotrophic with a membrane-bound nucleus.
35. In binomial nomenclature, the first and second word represent (genus/species OR family/species).
36. What is taxonomy?
37. Cladistics is used to (classify extinct animals OR analyze evolutionary relationships).
38. The Black Bear belongs to Domain (Animalia OR Eukarya).
39. Which kingdoms are not in Domain Eukarya?
40. What distinguishes Fungi from Plantae (think cell wall)
41. What opens and closes the stomata (guard cells OR trichomes)?
42. What is the purpose of root hairs (store food OR increase surface area).
43. Label the parts of the flower. What is the name of the female reproductive system? Male reproductive system?
44. What is xylem? Function?
45. What is phloem? Function