ch06 - Seneca - School of Information & Communications

MCITP Guide to Microsoft
Windows Server 2008 Server
Administration (Exam #70-646)
Chapter 6
Configuring Windows Server 2008
Learning Objectives
• Understand how Windows Server 2008 printing
• Use the XPS Print Path
• Use the XML Paper Specification (XPS)
• Install the Print Services role
• Use the Printers window to configure printing
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Learning Objectives (cont’d.)
Install local and shared printers
Configure printer properties
Configure a nonlocal or Internet printer
Manage print jobs
Use the Print Management tool
Troubleshoot common printing problems
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
An Overview of Windows Server 2008
• Clients can print on local print devices or network
print devices
• Network print client
– Workstation or application that generates the print job
• Network print server
– Computer or print server device offering the printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
An Overview of Windows Server 2008
Printing (cont’d.)
• Print job
– Document or items to be printed
• Shared network printer device
– Object that is made available to network users for
print services
• Spooling
– Frees the server CPU to handle other processing
requests in addition to print requests
• Printer driver
– Provides the formatting instructions for a given printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works
• Software application at client generates a print file
• Application communicates with the Windows
graphics device interface (GDI)
• Print file formatted with control codes to implement
the special graphics, font, and color characteristics
of the file
• Software application places print file in client’s
spooler by writing spool file to spooling subfolder
• Remote print provider makes a remote procedure
call to network print server
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works (cont’d.)
• Network print server uses four processes to receive
and process a print file:
– Router, print provider, print processor, and print
• Server service calls Print Spooler service
• Print provider works with print processor to ensure
that file is formatted to use right data type
• Print monitor pulls file from spooler’s disk storage
and sends it to printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works (cont’d.)
• Activity 6-1: Print Spooler Service
– Objective: Learn about the Print Spooler service and
the services upon which it depends
Figure 6-1 Viewing the
description of the Print Spooler
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Internet Printing Works
• Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed
and running in Windows Server 2008
• Client must connect to the Windows Server 2008 IIS
using a Web browser
• Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
– Encapsulates the remote procedure call and print
process information and is transported in HTTP
• Activity 6-2: Installing the Internet Printing Client
– Objective: Install the Internet Printing Client so that
clients can use IPP
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the XPS Print Path
• XML Paper Specification (XPS)
– Advanced way of printing documents for multiple
purposes, including viewing electronic pages and
printing pages in a polished format
– Offered as an alternative to the GDI print path used
by conventional documents
• XPS drive path uses XPSDrv Driver Model
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing the Print Services Role
• Use the Print Management tool to:
– Manage shared printers
– Track printing events through a log you can view
using the Event Viewer
• Services within role
– Print Server
– Internet Printing
– LPD Service
• Activity 6-3: Installing the Print Services Role
– Objective: Install the Print Services role using
Windows Server 2008
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Printers Window
• Enhanced from previous versions to enable more
• Left pane - Favorite links to folders, folders on the
• Right pane - Name, Documents, Status, Comments,
• Use File menu to:
– Add a printer, configure a shared printer, use a printer
offline, configure a printer’s properties
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Printers Window (cont’d.)
• Activity 6-4: Configuring the Print Server Properties
– Objective: Configure the print server properties from
the Printers window
Figure 6-3 Print Server Properties
dialog box
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing Local and Shared Printers
• Any server or workstation can host a shared printer
Figure 6-4 Shared network printers
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Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer
• Steps depend on the type of printer you are adding
– Plug and play
– Or Add Printer Wizard
• Activity 6-5: Installing a Printer
– Objective: Install a printer using the Add Printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer (cont’d.)
Figure 6-5 Setting up a local printer
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer (cont’d.)
Figure 6-6 Sharing a printer
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Enabling Printer Sharing on a Network
• Network printer sharing
– Enables printer sharing through the Windows Firewall
• Activity 6-6: Enabling Printer Sharing
– Objective: Turn on printer sharing over the network
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configure Printer Properties
• Available by opening Control Panel
• Properties dialog box
General printer information
Printer sharing
Printer port setup
Printer scheduling and advanced options
Device settings
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
General Printer Specifications
• General tab
– Name
– Location and Comment boxes
• Store special notes about the printer
– Printer model name
– Printing Preferences button
• Used to specify additional information
• Activity 6-7: Viewing Printing Preferences
– Objective: Determine the default setup for printing
preferences on a printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
General Printer Specifications (cont’d.)
Figure 6-7 Printer Properties General tab
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers
• Sharing tab
– Enable or disable a printer for sharing
– Specify name of the share
• List in the directory option
– To publish the printer through Active Directory
• Render print jobs on client computers option
– Print job is first prepared by software on the client and
submitted to the spooler on the client
• Additional Drivers button
– Add new types of clients
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers (cont’d.)
Figure 6-8 Configuring printer sharing
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers (cont’d.)
• Activity 6-8: Configuring the Domain Group Policy to
Enable Publishing a Printer
– Objective: Learn how to enable printer publishing in
the domain’s group policy
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications
• Ports tab
– Specify which server port is used for the printer
– Options to set up bidirectional printing and printer
• Bidirectional printing
– Used with printers that have bidirectional capability
• Printer pooling
– Configuring two or more identical printers
connected to one print server
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.)
Figure 6-9 Configuring printer policies
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.)
Figure 6-10 Configuring printer ports
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.)
• The Add Port button enables you to add a new port
– Local Port
– Standard TCP/IP Port
Figure 6-11 Port options
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Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.)
• Activity 6-9: Configuring Printer Pooling
– Objective: Learn how to configure printer pooling
• Activity 6-10: Transferring Print Jobs
– Objective: Learn how to transfer print jobs from a
malfunctioning printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced
• Advanced tab
– Have printer available at all times or limit the time to
range of hours
– Priority can be set from 1 to 99
– Use spooled printing or bypass the spooler and send
print files directly to the printer
• Printer scheduling
– Useful when there is one printer and two printer
objects (shares) for that printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced
Options (cont’d.)
• Hold mismatched documents option
– Causes the system to compare the setup of the
printer with the setup in the document
• Print spooled documents first
– Enables jobs that have completed spooling to be
printed, no matter what their priority
• Keep printed documents option
– Retains documents in the spooler after they have
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced
Options (cont’d.)
• Enable advanced printing features option
– Use special features associated with a particular
• Printing Defaults button
– Specify default settings for print jobs
• Data types
RAW (FF appended)
RAW (FF auto)
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced
Options (cont’d.)
• Separator Page option
– Prints a blank page at start of each job
• Activity 6-11: Changing Data Types
– Objective: Learn how to change the data type when
printing problems occur
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security
• Shared printer can be set up to use security features
– Share permissions, auditing, ownership
• Default permissions
– Everyone group—Print
– Creator Owner—Manage documents
– Administrator account—Print, Manage printers, and
Manage documents
– Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators
groups—Print, Manage printers, and Manage
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.)
Figure 6-13 Configuring security
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.)
Table 6-1 Printer share permissions
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.)
• Advanced button on the Security tab
– Special permissions
• Fine-tune shared printer permissions
– Printer auditing
• Activity 6-12: Configuring Printer Security
– Objective: Learn how to set up security on a shared
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Device Settings
• Device Settings tab
– Specify printer-specific settings
• Make sure memory reported in device settings
matches the memory installed in printer
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Figure 6-14 Configuring shared
printer auditing
Figure 6-15 Configuring printer device
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring a Nonlocal Printer or an
Internet Printer
• Connect to a network printer by using the Add
Printer Wizard:
Open the Printers window
Double-click Add Printer
Click Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer
Select a printer from the list of printers found by the
Add Printer Wizard
– Follow the instructions to complete the installation
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Managing Print Jobs
• Users with Print permissions can:
– Send print jobs to the printer
– Pause, resume, and restart their own print jobs
– Cancel their own print jobs
• Print Operators, Server Operators, and other groups
having Manage documents permissions can:
– Send print jobs to the printer
– Pause, resume, and restart any user’s print jobs
– Cancel any user’s print jobs
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling the Status of Printing
• Printer control and setup information for a particular
printer associated with that printer’s properties
• Can pause a printer to fix a problem
Figure 6-16 Pausing printing
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling Specific Print Jobs
• Pause, resume, restart, or view the properties of one
or more documents in the print queue of a printer
• Print queue
– Stack of print jobs
– First job submitted at the top of the stack and the last
job submitted at the bottom
– Contains all jobs waiting to be sent from the spooler
to the printer
• Change print priority
• Set time for selected jobs to print
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling Specific Print Jobs (cont’d.)
• Activity 6-13: Pausing a Printer and Canceling a
– Objective: Learn how to pause a printer and cancel a
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Print Management Tool
• Also called the Print Management Console or PMC
• Centralizes shared printer control in one place
– Enables printer administrators and operators to
manage the print functions of some or all of the
shared printers on a network
• Tasks performed with Print Management tool
• Activity 6-14: Using the Print Management Tool
– Objective: Learn how to use the Print Management
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Print Management Tool
Figure 6-18 Print Management tool
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MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Troubleshooting Common Printing
• Windows Server 2008 Print Spooler service
– Experiences a temporary difficulty
– Gets out of synchronization
– Hangs
• Solution: stop and restart the print spooler service
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Table 6-2 Troubleshooting
printing problems
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
• Windows Server 2008 printing
– Graphics device interface (GDI)
– Files spooled via Print Spooler services
• Internet printing
– Print files through Internet connection using HTTP
and Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
• Print Services role
– Turn Windows Server 2008 into print server
• Install printers using Add Printers Wizard
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Summary (cont’d.)
• Configure installed printers using properties
• Manage printer by pausing, resuming, and setting
default printer
• Print Management tool consolidates network printer
• Troubleshooting printer problems may be simple or
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
Server Administration (Exam #70-646)