
Mr. Hobbs
What is Graffiti?
 Graffiti art doesn't just mean art we see
sprayed on walls. In fact, graffiti art has
such strong characteristics that it's easy to
spot them everywhere
 Where do you often see graffiti?
 Graffiti is sometimes regarded as a form of
abstract modern art and other times
regarded as unsightly damage or
unwanted vandalism.
Are there “Rules” For Graffiti
 There are no strict rules to creating graffiti
art, but there are distinct characteristics that
make graffiti art appear stylish. Let's see
what those characteristics are:
Loose Forms
Subjects overlap
Highlights applied to letters or image
3D impression
Colourful and Bright - colors like red, orange,
yellow, green and blue are preferred
Is it a Legal form of Art?
 In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without
the property owner's consent is considered vandalism.
 Controversies that surround graffiti continue to create
disagreement amongst city officials, law enforcement and
graffiti artists looking to display their work in public
 The best thing to do is practice graffiti in a sketchbook or
 Some artists even buy their own walls to practice on.
 Nowadays, graffiti artists can be employed by companies
to advertise or create artwork to cover up boring walls.
How long has it existed?
 Since ancient Greece and the Roman Empire when
lettering and figures were scratched or painted into walls.
 In modern times, spray paint, normal paint and markers
have become the most commonly used materials.
 Evolved into a pop culture existence often related to
underground hip hop music and break dancing creating a
lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public.
 Nowadays, many graffiti artists had taken to displaying
their works in galleries and owning their own studios.
 This practice started in the early 1980s with artists such
as Jean-Michel Basquiat, who started out tagging
locations with his signature and Keith Haring, who was
also able to take his art into studio spaces.
Graffiti and Culture
 Graffiti is often seen as having become intertwined with
hip hop culture and the myriad of international styles
derived from New York City Subway graffiti (see
below). However, there are many other instances of
notable graffiti this century. Graffiti has long appeared
on and subways.
 Grew in popularity in the 70s
 80s gave rise to stencil graffiti
 Marc Ecko, an urban clothing designer, has been an
advocate of graffiti as an art form during this period,
stating that "Graffiti is without question the most
powerful art movement in recent history and has been
a driving inspiration throughout my career."[
Graffiti Vocab
 A "tag" is the most basic
writing of an artist's
 A graffiti writer's tag is
his or her personalized
 The "throw-up," also known as a "bombing"
which is normally painted very quickly with two
or three colors, sacrificing aesthetics for speed.
 Throw-ups can also be outlined on a surface
with one color.
 A "piece" is a more elaborate representation of
the artist's name, incorporating more stylized
letters, usually incorporating a much larger
range of colors.
A more complex
style is "wildstyle",
a form of graffiti
usually involving
interlocking letters
and connecting
Can you read it??
Graffiti Artist: Banksy
 Banksy is one of the world’s most notorious
and popular street artist who continues to
remain faceless in today’s society.
 Known for political, anti-war stencil art in
England but his work can be seen anywhere
from Los Angeles to Palestine.
 In the UK, Banksy is the most recognizable
icon for this cultural artistic movement and
keeps his identity a secret to avoid arrest.
 Much of Banksy's artwork can be seen around the
streets of London and surrounding suburbs.
 Banksy’s art is a prime example of the classic
controversy: vandalism vs. art.
 Art supporters endorse his work distributed in
urban areas as pieces of art while city officials and
law enforcement have deemed all work by Banksy
to be vandalism and property destruction.
 Many members of Bristol’s communities feel that
Banksy’s graffiti reduces property value and
encourages rogue behavior.
Your Graffiti Project
 Check out the rubric to see what’s up…
 Here is a Graffiti creator which is a
useful tool to help you with lettering and
creating your own style.
Now, practice some
lettering in your