Year nine Graffiti Template This template is a guide as to what to include and how to include it delete each prompt after you have completed it. On this page include early examples of early cave art and other pieces of art that appear on walls or other surfaces Why did man produce this art what do you think he/she was trying to say ? Things to look at Cave painting, roman graffiti Pompey. TIP DON’T INCLUDE TO MUCH INFORMATION ON ONE PAGE ADD PAGES WHEN NEEDED. Graffiti and the law GRAFFITI WHAT IS IT ? PEOPLES OPINIONS AND THE LAW. Find quotes to back up your opinion FIND DEFINITIONS OF THE ABOVE DO NOT CUT AND PASTE WIKIPEDIA INTO YOUR WORK . LOOK FOR A SIMPLE DEFINITION EVEN BETTER AFTER YOUR RESEARCH WRITE YOUR OWN DEFINITION ADD ILLUSTRATIONS TIP MAKE SURE ANY IMAGE YOU ADD IS OF GOOD QUALITY – NOT PIXELATED. EARLY AMERICAN AND BRITISH GRAFFITI This section should explore early examples of Street Art –Graffiti both Europe and the U.S. EARLY STENCIL ART. WRITE YOUR NOTES HERE. STREET ART AND POLITICS. Art with a voice look at the messages hidden in this type of art why was the artwork created and what does it mean. What do you think this piece of street art is trying to say? Street art today. I THINK THAT THIS WORK IS ABOUT. oSOCIAL NETWORKING oPEADOPHILIA PEOPLE PRETENDING TO BE YOUNGER THAN THEY ARE SO THAT THEY CAN ENGAGE WITH TEENAGERS oMAKING FUN JOKING. USEFUL WEB PAGES CLICK ON THE LINK TO TAKE YOU TO A WEB PAGE YOU LIKE. PASTE WEB ADDRESS HERE CHOOSE AN OBJECT eg. HAPPY FACE -OPEN FORMATTING PALET AND SELECT HYPERLINK ON MOUSE CLICK CHOOSE URL ,PASTE WEB ADDRESS INTO SPACE MY PHOTOSHOP OUTCOME……………… THIS PAGE YOU WILL PRESENT YOUR BANKSY STYLE IMAGE AND EXPLAIN THE MEANING BEHIND YOUR WORK…..