Bellringer The storming of the What is the symbolic beginning of Bastille the French Revolution? To limit the government. It defines what the Explain the of a government canpurpose and cant do Constitution. Christianity, Islam and Judaism What are the three monotheistic religions? Bellringer You can overthrow your What is the Declaration government if it is not of Rights of taking care ofMan? you Peasants and Bourgeoisie, the middle class. Who makes up the third estate? The first and second estates could out vote the Why was the Estates General third. So unfair? they created the National Assembly Bellringer A document outlining the What is the of Rights of rights ofDeclaration French citizens Man? To write a constitution to limit the government What is the National Assembly’s goal? A strict law code with harsh punishments. The Explain the code of Hammurabi and first written law code, it its purpose. kept order in society Essential Question How much power should government have? The French Revolution Revolution= Change French Revolution= Change in France Brief Overview Watch this short clip on the French Revolution that we will be covering over the next week. 2:50 Spreading Discontent As the ideals of the enlightenment spread, revolutions around the world began. -American -French -later, Latin American After helping the United States of America become independent, the French began to demand change. Revolution= Change France before the Revolution Before the Revolution France had three main problems: -An outdated Social System -Deficit Spending -Food Shortages Anciene Regime (old regime) French society had 3 Estates: 1st Estate 2nd Estate 3rd Estate 1st Estate- Clergy .5% of the population 2nd Estate- Nobility 1.5% of the population 3rd Estate- the people 98% of the population 1st Estate- Clergy Before the Enlightenment the Church had been the most powerful force in Europe. It was rich, owned land and influenced politics, but DID NOT pay taxes 2nd Estate- Nobility The nobility held high ranking jobs in the government, military and church and owned most of the land. Despite holding a majority of the wealth of the nation, they paid no taxes! Nobles wanted more power but supported the king so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes 3rd Estate- The Masses The 3rd estate made up 98% of the population and had a range of diverse groups: -Bourgeoisie- Middle class doctors, educators, merchants and lawyers. -Peasants- 9/10 people. Worked as laborers or farmers. Social Unrest The 3rd Estate resented the privileges of the upper classes. 3rd pays the taxes at the mercy of the land owning nobles terrible wages. Ard minor increase in bread prices could result in The 3 estate had to pay the starvation taxes, but most of them were poor peasants. So who did the tax burden really fall upon? Can you identify each estate? What is the author’s message? Financial Crisis For years France was operating through deficit spending- spending more money than it takes in. -extravagant parties at Versailles -France was fighting wars throughout Europe Crisis worsens Deficit spending wasn’t the only issue. A crop failure was causing food prices to soar resulting in starvation. Even worse, only the nobles could hunt and fish, meaning the peasants were left to starve or break the law. The boss: King Louis XVI King Louis XVI was not really qualified to solve the financial crisis. The only real solution would have been to cut spending and raise taxes, and start taxing the 1st and 2nd estate. The Estates General was a meeting of all three Estates King Louis XVI decided to raise taxes on the 3rd estate. This resulted in anger called by the king during times of and looting. The King realized he could Crisis. Kings did not want to call no longer handle the fiscal situation himself, his chief financial advisor, the Estates General. Why do you Jacques Necker suggested he call the Estates General. think that is? Who pays? If taxes are raised on the 3rd Estate, who really pays? -Bourgeoisie- Middle class doctors, educators, merchants and lawyers. -Peasants- 9/10 people. Worked as laborers or farmers. The Bourgeoisie pay- the middle class. They become angry, and cause the Revolution. Therefore, the French Revolution is often called a Middle Class Revolution. The Cahiers Reluctantly the king agrees to call the Estates General. But he sends out cahiers (notebooks) to representatives for each estate to write their grievances (complaints). Can you recognize each estate? “After a girl has served her master for many years, she should receive some reward for her service.” “Why do my taxes matter? My brothers and I make up less an a percent of the nation. What good are taxes from us?” “There needs to be a regular meeting of the Estates General to keep the King balanced.” What is the Estates General? The Estates General is a meeting of representatives from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Estates called by the King. The Kings rarely called the Estates General because they did not want to weaken their own power. Typically each estate has one vote. How does this disadvantage the 3rd Estate? National Assembly Spark Notes: National Assembly The 3rd Estate was angry that they were not meeting with the other two estates. In response they created the National Assembly to represent The Estates General is not working because the desires and needs of the people. Many nobles fed up with the king the 3 Estates do not have equal say joined them. The national Assemblyrddemanded that the King The 3 Estate (representing most of France) begin taxing the 1st and 2nd Estates to help breaks away balance the National Debt. The Kingand feelscreates the National threatened and locks the Assembly meeting hall. Assembly The join them Can you identify theNobles 3 estates? hoping to secure more power Tennis Court Oath Upon finding the doors locked on June 20th, 1789, the delegates move to the tennis courts next door. Here they vow to keep meeting until they have a new constitution for France. Constitution: Limits the government 3:00 Review “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”- Lord Acton Based on the quotation, what type of government would Lord Acton most likely support? 1.Dictatorship 2.Absolute monarchy 3.Totalitarian state 4.Representative democracy Review John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to support 1) a return to feudalism in Europe 2) A government ruled by a divine monarchy 3) A society ruled by the Catholic Church 4) The rights of citizens to decide the best form of government Review A primary cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the 1) Increasing dissatisfaction of the Third Estate 2) Rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte 3) Actions of Prince Metternich 4) Execution of Louis XVI Review The theory of laissez faire capitalism advocates 1) Government control of the economy 2) Noninvolvement of the government in the economy 3) Government regulation of big business 4) Government sponsorship of labor unions Three Periods of the French Revolution The French Revolution lasts for over 10 years! It has three main phases: -National Assembly -The Republic/ Reign of Terror -The Directory “Is it a Revolt?” “No sire, it is a Revolution!” Storming the Bastille As the National Assembly works on a constitution rumors spread that the King will occupy the city of Paris. Parisians storm the Bastille, a fortress, looking to find guns. The Commander refuses and shoots into the crowd. After fierce fighting the Parisians take over the Bastille. **Symbolic** The Bastille falls to the people, so the government can fall to the people Impact The storming of the Bastille had a huge impact: -Symbolic start of the French Revolution -If the Bastille can fall, so can the King -Blow to the tyrant king The Storming of the bastille is the symbolic start of the French Revolution, the same way the ________________________________ is the Symbolic start of the American Revolution The French still celebrate the storming of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789. French July 14th= American July 4th Bastille Day= Independence day A Nation Divided Though a revolution had begun, most people still liked the King. They had a desire to fix the system, but keep the King. The Revolution looked to Marquis de Lafayette as the leader for the revolutionary militia, the National Guard. Lafayette had fought in the American Revolution along with George Washington. He organized the militia in response to the Kings troops arriving in Paris. They gotta go!!! While some French people wanted to fix the system, others were convinced the system had to go and a republic be established. Symbols of the Revolution The Revolution adopted the tricolor, a red, white and blue badge. This was later adopted as the flag of France. In addition to the tricolor, many revolutionaries wore red caps as a symbol of their support. The National Assembly reacts The storming of the Bastille and news of peasant uprisings moved the National Assembly into action. The Nobles gave up their privileges: -old manorial dues -exclusive hunting rights -special legal status -exemption from taxation On August 4th, 1789, the National Assembly passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Declaration of the Rights of Man Modeled after the American Declaration of Independence, the document announces that, “All Men were born and remain free and equal in rights.” They enjoy natural rights “ to liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression.” All French men are made equal before the law. It insists the government exists to protect the natural rights of citizens. Who’s ideas are being borrowed from to write the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Louis XVI hesitates King Louis XVI ignores the reforms and continues to host lavish parties at Versailles The Queen, Marie Antoinette, was particularly hated by the people of France. They viewed her as extravagant and frivolous. She even had a mock peasant village built at Versailles so she could “experience” peasant life. Women March on Versailles Angry with the slow pace of change, and the continued food shortages, the women of Paris march to Versailles in October. They demand an audience with the King, death to the queen and bread. Tear out her heart, cut off her head, fry her liver Lafayette calms the crowd, but the women will not leave until the royal family moves to Paris, where they can see the plight of the people. France’s 1st Constitution In 1791 the National Assembly passed France’s first constitution. Some of the reforms to this point and in the constitution are: •France becomes a limited monarchy •support free markets by abolishing the guild system •A Legislative Assembly would be elected and had the power to make laws, collect taxes and decide on war. •Tax paying male citizens could vote •Church is under State control Guild: Medieval organization of merchants to regulate prices and quality The King’s folly In June 1791, shortly after the constitution is passed, King Louis attempts to flee France with his family. Disguised as lesser nobles the family flees towards Russia. They are discovered and tried as traitors to France. They are condemned to Death. Foreign opinion Monarchs outside of France are scared. They denounce the Revolution and crack down on dissent in their nations Politicians outside France predict the French Revolution will not stop at the constitution. Dissent: Disagree with government or public actions Radical Reform Shortly after the new constitution went into effect inflation caused food prices to skyrocket. This led to a new round of food shortages. The sans-culottes, or working class men and women, began pushing for a republic and a guaranteed living wage. The most radical were called Jacobins. Sans-culottes: Revolutionaries from the lower classes Split Directions The Legislative Assembly was split into three sections: -The Right- thought reform had gone far enough -Moderates- Reform was nearly complete -The Left- Radical reformers who wanted to abolish the monarchy and continue Reforms The left won control and attempted to spread the revolution outside of France to end all tyranny French Republic Radicals created the National Convention, a legislative body. The convention extended suffrage, the right to vote, to all male citizens, not just property owners. The National Convention created the Committee of Public Safety to spread the Revolution Committee of Public Safety The committee prepared the nation for war: Young men shall go to battle. Married men shall forge arms and transport provisions. Women shall make tents and clothing and serve in hospitals. Children will make lint from old linen. And old men shall be brought to public places to arouse the courage of soldiers. The Committee of Public Safety forcibly brought the revolution to neighboring countries through war! French forces developed new tactics to win battles with ill-trained but patriotic forces. Soon France had overrun its enemies and was pushing into new nations, spreading “Freedom Fever”. Reign Of Terror Led by Maximilien Robespierre, the republic ruthlessly killed its opponents using the guillotine. From July 1793 to July 1794, nearly 40,000 people were convicted and executed. Most were peasants involved in riots against the republic. Many were victims of false accusations and mistaken identity. According to Robespierre, “Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose their heads!” Fearing for their lives, the Republic Convention turned on the committee and Robespierre and his radicals were executed. Reign Of Terror The Reign of Terror symbolically begins with the death of King Louis XVI The Reign of Terror symbolically ends with the death of Robespierre. Guillotine Movie As you watch the video answer the questions on the worksheet. The Directory In reaction to the Reign of Terror, the moderates gained power. They created the Directory, set up the 3rd constitution in 6 years, and set up a 2 house legislature elected by male citizens of property. Unfortunately the Directory was weak and incapable of solving the financial and political problems. They turned to Napoleon Bonaparte to lead them. Review What was the socio-political system which existed in France prior to the Revolution? 1) Democracy 2) Old Regime 3) Totalitarianism 4) Republic Review The ________ Estate was a privileged class, containing high-ranking members of the Church. 1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) Fourth Review The Committee of Public Safety guillotined thousands during the __________________, July 1793- July 1794. 1) Battle of Waterloo 2) Franco-Prussian War 3) National Assembly 4) Reign of Terror First 10 years of Revolution Good -French people united under Nationalism -Middle Class (Bourgeousie) gained a say in government Bad -French people still starving -After 3 different governments, France again gives power to one man -War with several European -”La Marseillaise” becomes nations national anthem La Marseillaise “Come, children of the fatherland, The glorious day has arrived. Against us the bloody banner Of tyranny is raised. To arms, citizens! Join the battalions. Let us march, let us march!” Rise to Power Napoleon started as a young Lieutenant in the militia. He was Selected by the Directory to lead the nation in 1799, he quickly replaced the government with a three man consulate, led by Napoleon himself. Within 6 years he had accumulated enough power and support to take the title Emperor of France. Why did the artist paint Napoleon with a laurel leaf crown? It is a connection to Ancient Roman emperors. Popularity Not only did Napoleon hold plebiscites to maintain public support but his slogan of “Order, Security and Efficiency” was widely supported. Why? Order- after years of reform and chaos, the people were ready for stability. Security- After the Reign of Terror the French people wanted safety and to live without fear. Efficiency- The French people wanted a competent leader who could make decisions quickly and to the benefit of the people. Napoleon’s Dream Napoleon used French Nationalism to lead his armies to victory throughout Europe However, Nationalism also worked against the French. The people of the conquered nations united and saw the French as an oppressing foreign force. “We’re not French, We are Spanish!” Nationalism: Pride and devotion to one’s nation. (share common language, history, and beliefs) Spain Resists The Spanish resisted French control, and Napoleon resorted to harsh measures to maintain control The Spanish patriots waged Guerilla warfare (hit and run raids) against the French. This kept French troops busy in Spain, when they were needed elsewhere. Napoleon invades Russia Despite revolts in the Empire, Napoleon invades Russia. However, the Russians avoided direct battle with the French and adopted a policy of “Scorched Earth”. As the Russians retreated to the East they burned crops, buildings, supplies and resources to prevent French use. Scorched Earth: Russia’s policy of burning resources to prevent use by invading forces Napoleon’s downfall After failing to take Russia, Napoleon is forced to abdicate. He is exiled to the island of Elba Napoleon escapes and returns to France, where many soldiers and French citizens support his return. However, at the battle of Waterloo, just 100 days after his return, Napoleon is again defeated. He is sent to the island of St. Helena where he later dies. Abdicate: Give up power Review The peasants were starving Describe the situation in and forced to pay high taxes for the king’s andFrench France priorwars to the parties Revolution The outdated social system (1st: clergy, 2nd: Nobles, 3rd: peasants/ What was the anciene bourgeoisie) regime and what was the The 1st and 2nd estates owned problem with it? everything but paid no taxes. They also had gov’t power Leader of the Committee of Who is Maximilien Public Safety Robespierre and what is his He used the guillotine to kill legacy? thousands of “traitors” Storming of the Bastille What is the symbolic start Ifof the people can take down the revolution? Why? the Bastille, they can take down the government Napoleon’s Impact Napoleon took away many of the reforms of the revolution, but he left a lasting legacy: 1) Napoleonic Code- set of laws inspired by the revolution 2) France’s government was centralized with a constitution 3) Many more citizens have the right to own property and access education, and choose their own career. 4) While he failed to create a French empire, he spread revolutionist ideas and sparked Nationalist feelings across Europe. Post Napoleon Europe European leaders met at the Congress of Vienna to restore order and stability to Europe after 25 years of war. The main players were: Prince Clemons Von Metternich (Austria) Czar Alexander I (Russia) Lord Robert Castleragh (Britain) The Congress of Vienna The Chief goal of the congress was to create a lasting peace by establishing a power balance and protecting monarchies. They accomplished this by: 1) Redrew the map of Europe and surrounded France with strong nations to keep the French contained. 2) The congress promoted the idea of legitimacy- they replaced rightful heirs on the thrones of Europe. In France, King Louis XVIII regained the throne 3) The Concert of Europe- a peace keeping organization that included all the major European powers. They pledged to keep power balanced and suppress the ideals of the French Revolution. Problems The Congress of Vienna creates peace in Europe for 100 years. However, they ignored the groups of people they united in the redrawn boundary lines. Additionally, ideas from the French Revolution continued to spread outside of Europe, further inspiring revolts in the Americas. Review Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has 1)Land suited to agriculture 2) Adequate industry to supply consumer demands 3) A moderate climate with rivers for irrigation 4) Common customs, language and history Review A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre-Revolutionary governments. 1) are more concerned about human rights than the governments that replace them 2) refuse to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology 3) attempt to bring about the separation of government from religion 4) fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people Review What was the main purpose of the Congress of Vienna? 1) To regain the strength lost by the Catholic Church in Europe 2) To create a new military plan for European domination in the Americas 3) To design a military plan to defeat Napoleon 4) To create a balance of power on the European continent Review The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would 1) adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation 2) restore Louis XVI to power 3) provide stability for the nation 4) end British control of France Review In France, which was a major result of the French Revolution? 1)the king was restored to unlimited power 2)the clergy dominated government 3)the middle class gained political influence 4)the tax burden was carried by the lower class Recap French Revolution French Rev in a nutshell -Causes: deficit spending, food shortages, old regime -3 governments: National Assembly, Republic (Reign of Terror), Directory -The Middle Class gained political powers -Napoleon conquered Europe using Nationalism