CMS Lesson Plan Teacher: Mrs. Shannon Cofield, RDH Lesson Components Focused Standard/Element(s) Course/Level: Healthcare Science/6th Grade Details and Steps of Lesson Healthcare Communication MSHS6-HS-2; MSHS6-HS-5 Day 2 Essential Question(s) How do I unlock the doors to communication barriers? Bell-ringer (5 minutes) With a partner, list the different types of communication barriers you think are out there. Think about yesterday’s class. Opening (5-10 min) Yesterday, we began discussing the meaning of communication barriers, and I explained that there are several different communication barriers that affect how we communicate with patients in healthcare. Today, you will learn how to unlock several of the communication barriers Work-Time Activities (35- 40 min) Closure Activity (10 min) Instructor will provide short PowerPoint explaining the separate communication barriers in healthcare and defining each for the students. Students will be placed into groups of four, and they will be required to utilize the internet to research different types of techniques that they could use to communicate with their assigned communication barrier – Aphasia, Deafness, Blindness, Language barriers, or Psychological barriers. Each group will create a poster defining their communication barrier and explaining four techniques a healthcare worker could use when communicating with a person who has their communication barrier. 1) What are three of the communication barriers we discussed today? 2) Why is it important to overcome communication barriers in healthcare? 3) What is one technique you would use to communicate with someone who has the communication barrier you studied today? Today we learned the different types of communication barriers that someone might face in healthcare. Tomorrow, come in ready to present the posters you prepared today, and we’ll be doing an activity to better understand the vocabulary related to communication. Additional Information How is this a rigorous Common Core lesson? (Specifically focus on TKES Standards 3 and 8) Differentiation Strategies (to target student growth) TRANSFER OUT: