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Consequences of Language Barriers

Consequences of language barriers
Impact on healthcare
Language barriers have a negative impact on the quality of healthcare
and patient satisfaction. According to a 2010 survey, 27% of physicians
believe that patients conceal information because of language barriers.
Furthermore, patients who are unable to communicate in their home
language are likely to miss medical appointments. Providing interpreter
services is critical to patient satisfaction with healthcare. Linguistic
barriers between medical professionals and patients are responsible for
The negative consequences of these actions have a negative impact on
patient satisfaction and healthcare services. In healthcare settings, the
issue of language barriers is a significant one. The use of interpreters in
health care is associated with an increase in doctor visits, prescription
drugs prescribed by physicians, and preventative care provided by
physicians. Language barriers impede the delivery of high-quality
healthcare and patient safety.
Effect on classroom
Immense effect of the language barrier in the classroom is the delayed learning. Studies
proved that many of the students are unable to progress with their academics is due to
the language barrier. They are not comfortable with reading, speaking, understanding or
writing the new language. It causes them to face failure and poor learning process as
well. In this case, teachers and students both at the same time have to put in many
efforts that will help to make things better and useful for kids and class at the same
Language barrier not only affects the learning process but also affect the student’s
performance in studies and school as well. It puts pressure on a student with the
reference of performance. If there is not proper conditioning or counselling to students,
there are possibilities to slip the students into depression.
International business
As well as causing problems during face-to-face meetings and conference calls,
language barriers can interfere with email communication, create misunderstandings
and irritations, and often lead to huge mistakes. They can also introduce feelings of
inferiority and loss of respect, so it is essential that these issues are addressed and
overcome, especially during the early stages of business.
Language barriers will undoubtedly negatively affect your business; from
inadequate training to a sub-optimal work environment. Not to mention
glaring issues in productivity and communication. So, it’s crucial that you
foster this for your company. Give your employees the platform to voice
themselves, and allow yourself to share your goals. Invest in breaking down
those language barriers and facilitating efficient communication to make a
thriving, systematic, and cohesive team!