SMOOTH – all involuntary muscles like
those of the intestines. Controlled by the
autonomic nervous system; may either be
generally inactive and then respond to
neural stimulation or hormones or may be
STRIATED – also called skeletal muscles,
all voluntary/ movement oriented muscles
like of hand or leg
CARDIAC – specific to the heart only due
to its unique function. It is striated but
involuntary, with no cell wall and can
produce its own electrical impulse. It is a
rhythmic smooth muscle, modulated by
neural activity and hormones
Smooth muscle structure
Striated or Skeletal Muscle structure
Cardiac Muscle structure
How muscles move
Movement of muscles is by:
Flexion - contraction of flexor
muscles, drawing in of a limb
Extension - opposite of flexion,
produced by contraction of extensor
muscles (antigravity). Opens out or
moves limb/part of limb away from
Muscular contraction:
The movement of a muscle is a series of neural and chemical
changes starting from the brain and finishing at the muscle. It
involves impulses or reflexes which in turn trigger muscle
The space between the nerve endings and the muscle fibre is
called a neuromuscular junction.
Neuromuscular junction - synapse between efferent
terminal neuron fiber and the membrane of a muscle fiber
Motor endplates (postsynaptic membrane)
Acetylcholine - released by efferent axon’s (nerve cell)
terminal buttons, result in depolarization at endplate; this
effects the endplate potential in an all or none capacity, and
if it is greater than the threshold, produces contraction or
"twitch" of the muscle fiber (calcium channels open)
Single impulse produces single twitch, the muscle need
series of action potentials to produce a sustained contraction
of the muscle fiber
Major muscle groups
Arm – Biceps, Triceps, Deltoid,
Forearm – Brachoradialis
Flexors of the hand and wrist – Superficial group
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Palmaris Longus
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexor digitorum superficialis (sublimis)
Intrinsic forearm muscles
Pronator Teres
Deep Group
Flexors of the hand and wrist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Intrinsic forearm muscles
Pronator Quadratus
Muscle goups 2
Neck muscles
Anterior -Superficial – platysma
Deep – Sternocleidomastoid
Vertabral – Lateral- scalenus anterior,
medius and posterior
Muscle group 3
Chest – Pectoralis major, minor
Intercostal muscles
Abdomen – External and Internal
oblique, transverse Abdominus,
Rectus Abdominus, Pyramidalis
Back – Trapezius, Lattismus dorsi,
Rhomboidus, Serratus anterior and
posterior, Levator scapulae, Multifidus
Muscle group 4
Hip muscles
Gluteal group- gluteus maximus, medius
and minimus, Tensor fascia latae
Adductor group- Adductor brevis, longus,
magnus, Gracilis and Pectinius.
Iliopsoas Group – Iliacus and psoas major
Lateral rotator group – Externus and
Internus Obturator, Piriformis and
Quadratus femoris
Other – rectus femoris and Sartorius or
Tailor’s muscle.
Muscle group 5
Hamstring muscles - biceps femoris
semitendinosus, semimembranosus
Leg – calf muscles – Gastrocnemius,
Soleus which join to form the Achilies
tendon. Tibilais Anterior and
Tendons and Ligaments
Tendons are those structures that
attach the muscle to the bone.
Tougher fibre, less elasticity but
increased strength.
Ligaments are fibrous structures that
connect bones to bones within the
body, providing support, while
allowing flexibility and movement
Tendon Bursa and Cartilage
Joints can most simply be described as the
hinges that hold the skeletal system
together. An animal's joints are what gives
its skeleton flexibility and thus, along with
muscles, the ability to move.
Tendons and ligaments help stabilize and
hold the joint together, while synovial fluid
surrounds and lubricates the joint for
smooth action.
A joint has cartilage, a spongy material that
coats and protects the bones making up
the hinge, the presence of cartilage is
crucial to overall joint health.
Types of Joints
Fibrous – immovable – held together
by strong layer of connective tissue.
Eg. Skull and teeth
Cartilagenous – held together by
white fibro-cartilagenous tissue and
ligaments, allowing only limited
degree of movement. Eg. Vertebrae
and symphysis pubis.
Synovial Joints
Freely movable
End of bones covered by smooth hyaline
cartilage – reduces friction
Enclosed by bag like capsular ligament
which holds joint together – acts like a seal
as it water-proofs the joint and contains
synovial fluid- which lubricates the joint
Bones attached together by tough dense
ligaments which prevent dislocation during
Typical synovial joint
Types of Synovial Joints
Ball and socket joint – when rounded end of one
bone fits into cup shaped socket of the other bonewith movement in all directions. Eg shoulder/hip
Hinge Joints
These joints occur where the convex
surface of one bone fits into the concave
surface of another bone, so making
movement possible in one plane only.
Examples of these joints are the knee and
the elbow joints
Gliding Joints
This type of joint allows for gliding
movements between flat surfaces as the
surfaces slide over one another. Only a
limited amount of movement is allowed
such as the joints between the carpal
bones/ tarsal bones
Pivot joints
These joints occur where:
A bony ring rotates round the pivot (axis) of
another bone such as the ring-like atlas rotating
around the odontoid process of the axis,
allowing the head to turn from side to side.
The end of one bone rotates round the axis of
another bone such as the end of the radius
rotating around the ulna as the palm of the hand
is turned inwards or outwards.
Compound joints
These joints are made up of several joints between a
number of different bones. The bones articulate with one
another in different ways, allowing for a variety of
movements eg. the set of joints which operate the
movement of the skull on the vertebral column. The
condyles at the base of the skull fit into the facets of the
atlas, allowing for the nodding movement of the head.
While one moves one's head, the atlas is able to rotate
round the odontoid process of the axis, allowing the head
to turn from side to side.
Shoulder joint
It is made up of 3 joints:Glenohumeral – the scapula and the humerous. It is a ball
and socket joint with many ligaments including the
coracohumeral ligament. The capsule encompasses the joint
and is lined by synovial membrane.
Acromioclavicular – the scapula and the clavicle
Sternoclavicuar – the sternum and the clavicle
The rotator cuff is a structure composed of tendons that, with
associated muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres
minor and subscapularis), holds the ball at the top of the
humerus in the glenoid socket and provideoulder joint. The
tendons of the rotator cuff muscles also connect to the
capsule of the glenohumeral joint.
Blood supply – Axillary artery
Nerve Supply – Brachial plexus
Some Remedies – frozen – Chel, Ferr, Rhus tox, Sang
Movements at the Shoulder
Shoulder Girdle –
Shoulder JointFlexion
Outward medial Rotaion
Inward medial Rotation
Hip Joint
It is a multiaxial jt, formed by the articulation of the
Head of the Femur and the Acetabulum.
The strong but loose fibrous capsule of the hip
joint permits the hip joint to have the second
largest range of movement (second only to the
shoulder) and yet support the weight of the body,
arms and head
3 main ligaments – iliofemoral, pubofemoral and
ischiofemoral. Also Ligamentum teres – attached
from acetabulum to fovea (on head of femur).
Movements at the jt- flexion, extension, adduction,
abduction, medial and lateral rotation.
Blood supply – medial and lateral circumflex
femoral arteries
Nerve supply – femoral, obturator, superior gluteal
and Nerve to quadratus femoris.
Some Remedies – inflamed- aesc, coloc, sil
Muscles producing flexion at the hip include
iliopsoas, rectus femoris, pectineus and sartorius
The muscle action is also more powerful when the
hip is fully extended. Since the muscle also
crosses the knee joint it contributes to the extenso
action of the quadriceps muscle on the knee.
Adduction is done by the adductor group -This
group of muscles lies on the medial side of the
Abduction is done by the Gluteal group -The
abductors lie lateral to the hip joint in the lateral
gluteal region
Extension - The major extensor is the gluteus
maximus muscle. The hamstring muscles also
contribute to hip extension
Hip Joint
Knee joint
Formed by the distal end of Femur, Patella and proximal end
of Tibia.
2 joints – femo-patellar and femorotibial
Encapsulated, synovial and posterior is called popliteal fossa
The human knee is associated with the following ligaments:
Anterior cruciate ligament -The critically important ACL
prevents the tibia from being pushed too far anterior relative
to the femur.
Posterior cruciate Ligament
Capsular ligament
Ligamentum patellae
Medial collateral ligament (tibial collateral ligament). This
protects the medial side of the knee from being bent open by
a stress applied to the lateral side of the knee (a valgus
Lateral collateral ligament ( fibular collateral ligament). This
protects the lateral side from an inside bending force (a
varus force).
Oblique popliteal ligament
Medial and lateral meniscus
Knee Joint
Blood supply – Popliteal Artery and vein
Nerve supply – branches of the Femoral and Sciatic nerve
Movements – flexion and extension, locking unlocking and slight
Muscles involved in Flexion – Hamstrings or gastrocnemius
Muscles involved in Extension – Quadriceps femoris and
Ligamentum Patellae
Muscle involved in Lateral Rotation – Popliteus.
The Patella:The patella is the best example of a sesamoid bone (a bone
contained within a tendon which keeps the tendon clear of a joint).
The patella is contained within the tendon of the quadriceps muscle
which continues on as the patellar ligament to be inserted onto the
tibial tuberosity
Some major Remedies –
Inflammation - Bry, Puls, Rhustox;
Stiffness – Caust, Led , Lyco, Thuja
Homeopathic interest
General muscular remedies –
Arn, Caust, Lactic Ac, Rhus tox, Mag Phos,
Cimic, Bellis per,
Ligament/ tendon remedies –
Ruta, Rhus tox, Symphytum, Actea spicata,
Natrum carb,
Joint affinity – Bell, Benz Ac, Bry, Calc,
Calc Fl, Colchicum, Kalicarb, Kalmia, Rhus
tox, Ruta, Sil
Bursitis – Apis Ruta Sil Arn Nat M