Egypt Section 2 SG

Section 2: Rulers of Egypt
Absolute Power
the title of the kings of Ancient Egypt
a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic background
complete control over someone or something
someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule (Hatshepsut)
Key Idea: Pharaohs were known as “god-kings” and had absolute power.
 Believed to be earthly form of the falcon god, Horus, and later other gods, such as Ra.
 Believed to bring the yearly floods and harvest
Key Idea: The history of Ancient Egypt Is defined by 3 time periods known as kingdoms.
Old Kingdom
 Peaceful civilization
(2686BC--2125BC)  Well-run government
 Traded with Nubia
(2055BC--1650BC) 
New Kingdom
(1550BC--1069BC) 
Restored order and reunited the
Spent money on public works, like
irrigation, not war
Grew rich
Strong princes forced invaders out
Wanted to build an empire
Large, strong armies
Notable Pharaohs
King Menes
 United Upper and Lower Egypt
 Built city of Memphis
(now near Cairo)
King Tutankhamen
 Child king
 Died around 18
 Tomb found in 1922
 Appointed regent for Thutmose III
 Declared herself Pharaoh (15 years)
 Created peace and wealth
 Refused to give up throne
Thutmose III
 Destroyed statues of Hatshepsut
 Led wars and conquered lands
 Treated defeated people with mercy
 Well-educated
Had absolute power
Made all laws
The end of each kingdom is marked by a
time of trouble- wars or invasions.
End of Kingdom
 Governors challenged Pharaoh
 People were divided
 Dynasty became weak
Weak rulers lost control to invaders
Civil war made Egypt weak
Fell to Alexander the Great of
Queen Cleopatra was the last
Macedonian ruler
Egypt became part of the Roman
Empire in 31BC