

Finex 2012

Financing in a difficult jurisdiction

Mark Tyler

What is a “difficult” jurisdiction?

A great variety of perils in mining

Headline – grabbing perils are not always the worst....



What is a “difficult” jurisdiction

Potential perils

War and insurgency

Revolution and insurrection


Expropriation or confiscation

Frustration of contract

Wrongful calling of guarantees

Business interruption

Changes in regulation or law

Currency inconvertibility

Inability to repatriate funds

Criminal activity

Government and administrative inefficiency

International pressure


Begin with the end in mind....

Exploration finance is materially different from construction finance

Exploration risks are such that project financing is the least of one’s worries

What one does doing exploration is often difficult to unwind when it comes time to build the mine

Conduct exploration as if one were going to finance a mine


Political risk defined

Government risks Instability risks

Firm specific risks

Discriminatory regulations

• "Creeping" expropriation

• Breach of contract

• Sabotage

• Kidnappings

• Firm-specific boycotts

Country specific risks

• Mass nationalizations

• Regulatory changes

• Currency inconvertibility

• Mass labour strikes

• Urban rioting

• Civil wars

• International conflict

Source : Robert Egge


Political risk defined

Political risk doesn't include

Sovereign risk country (although this may induce political risk)

– creditworthiness of host

Company specific labour issues (hard to tell when it is a simple labour issue)

Environmental issues


Global political risk


Political risk insurance

Commercial PRI


Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

» BMS Group » Craven

» Union Sime Darby Limited

» Heath Lambert Group

» International Risk Solutions

» Jardine Lloyd Thompson

» RFIB Group Limited

» Montgomery Moore RE

» Petro-Chem Insurance Group


» HSBC Insurance Brokers

» Marsh Inc.

» BPL Global

» City Brokers Ltd.

» Texel Finance Ltd.

» Strathearn Insurance Brokers

» Rattner MacKenzie Limited

» New World Insurance

» Gras Savoye S.A., France

» Cooper Gay & Company, Ltd.

» BK International Insurance Brokers Ltd., United States

» Willis

» Dinçer & Dinçer Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliði Ltd.

» Alec Finch Group Ltd.

» Central Insurance Group, Ltd.

» Rasini Vigano Ltd.

» Anika Insurance Brokers SDN BHD

» Prudent Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.

» Worldwide Insurance Services Enterprise Ltd.

» Honan Remunerator

» Glenrand M-I-B

» A. Forbes Risk Services UK Ltd.

» Apex Global Partners

» The Addis Group

» Schlader Consult

» Political Risk Management

» Proteccion Dinamica Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas,

» HKMB International Insurance Brokers

» TFC Brokerage ASIA

» FirstCity

» Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.

» Glencairn Limited, United Kingdom

» Platus

» International Risk Consultants

» Lockton Companies International


Political risk insurance

ECA/DFI insurers

Asian Development Bank

Bulgarian Export Insurance Agency (BAEZ)

China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE )

Companhia de Seguro de Créditos, S.A. (COSEC)

Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación


Compagnie Française d'Assurance (COFACE )

Credit & Export Guarantee Fund (KREDEX) - Estonia

Croatian Bank for Reconstruction & Development (HBOR) -

ECICS Limited - Singapore

Eximbank of Romania

Export Credit Guarantee Agency - Oman

Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd (ECGC)

Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of Zimbabwe (ECGC - Z)

Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE) - Poland

Export Credit Insurance Organization - Greece

Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD )

Export Development Canada (EDC )

Export Finance & Insurance Corporation (EFIC) - Australia

Export Guarantee & Insurance Corporation (EGAP) - Czech

Export Guarantee Fund of Iran

Export-Import Bank of Thailand (Thai EXIMBANK)

Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic

Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) - Sweden

Finnvera Plc - Finland

Garanti-Instituttet for Eksportkreditt (GIEK) - Norway

Hermes – Germany

Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Ltd (MEHIB)

Inter-American Development Bank

Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corp (IAIGC)

Investment Guarantee Agency (IGA) - Bosnia-Herzegovina

Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investments and Export Credit


Israel Export Insurance Corp Ltd (ASHRA)

Istituto per i Servizi Assicurativi del Credito all'Esportazione (SACE )

Jordan Loan Guarantee Corp. Ltd (JLGC)

Kazakhstan State Insurance Corporation for Export Credit

Korea Export Insurance Corporation

Malaysian Eximbank (MEXIM)

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA )

Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)

Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (OEKB) - Austria

Office National du Ducroire (ONDD) - Belgium

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) - USA

Serbia & Montenegro Export Credit Agency (SMECA)

Slovene Export Corporation Inc (SEC)

Taipei Export-Import Bank of China (TEBC) – Taiwan

US Exim

Uzbekinvest National Export-Import Insurance Company


Political risk insurance

Commercial PRI providers

ACE Underwriting Agencies Limited

AEGIS Insurance Services, Inc.


Advent Underwriting Ltd.

African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI)

American International Group (AIG) Global Trade &

Political Risk

Amlin Underwriting Ltd.

Argenta Syndicate Management Ltd.

Ascot Underwriting Ltd.

Atrium Underwriters Limited

Beazley Furlonge Ltd


Brit Syndicates Limited

Catlin Underwriting Agencies Ltd.

Chaucer Syndicates Limited

Chubb Political Risk

Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Ltd

Eksport Kredit Fonden (EKF)

Faraday Underwriting Limited



Liberty Syndicate Management Limited

Limit Underwriting Limited


Managing Agency Partners Ltd.

Markel International Limited

Miller Insurance Services Limited

Novae Syndicates Limited

PwC Deutsche Revision AG

Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd (SOVEREIGN)

St Paul Travelers Syndicate Management Ltd

Talbot Underwriting Ltd.

Watkins Syndicate

Wellington Underwriting Agencies Ltd.

Willis RE

XL London Market Ltd.

Zurich Emerging Markets Solutions (ZURICH) - USA


Gold standard license agreement

Easy to insure

Direct agreement with the host state o Not with the government o Some countries have legislation to permit this for each license – otherwise very difficult to achieve o Should survive change in law

Agreement should be in some predictable legal system

(English, New York, Ontario ...)

Preferably disputes should be settled by arbitration

Clearly spell out tenure

Include fiscal stability

Provide for off-shore proceeds accounts and ability to hold foreign currency

Spell out environmental responsibilities and rights

Good mining code

Can still insure change of law but it becomes necessary to prove that changes adversely affect the licence holder

Mineral rights are an inalienable property right

( essential for royalty finance)

• Conditions to be granted right to mine should be clearly defined

• Approval should be the default

• Stability should be guaranteed – especially tax and regulatory framework

• Should have as many “gold standard agreement” terms as possible – in particular clear up transfer pricing issues

• Exploration almost always in terms of a mining code, not a direct agreement



Show up with the mostest...

Bilateral investment protection agreements

• Multilateral institutions

‒ Insurers

‒ Lenders

• Bilateral institutions



• Influential lending banks

• Powerful multinational partners

• Influential local partners

• Local government shareholding


Influential lenders

Multilateral lenders



Influential lenders


Bilateral lenders

When all else fails....

Equity markets will price in political risk but will generally accept it

Nevsun case study



Special topic - corruption

Many financiers operate out of jurisdictions with laws against corruption in foreign countries

Will include prohibitions on encouraging corruption in loan agreements

Might make it difficult for the mining company to operate


Special topic - corruption

Source : Fraser Institute


Special topic

– “environmental” expropriation

Hard to insure against unscientific or arbitrary environmental rulings – new focus on social impacts makes it even worse

Bureaucratic processes can be interminable in jurisdictions where government agency rulings can be challenged in court

Really difficult jurisdictions have expropriated properties using environmental pretexts

Consider working with Equator principles in mind


Special topic

– international sanctions

Prohibition on doing business with a particular country

Prohibition on using (mostly US) currency in dealings with a particular country

Hard to insure

Try to spread the risks – finance from various sources, different off-takers etc



• Begin with the end in mind

Financing in a difficult jurisdiction isn't always clear cut

Have alternatives

Get a one-armed advisor with experience
