Short Answer Questions

Chapter 12 Study Guide
Chapter 12 Vocabulary Test will be:
Be able to define the following: oasis, caravan,
Muhammad, Islam, Muslim, Qur’an, pilgrimage,
mosque, jihad, Five Pillars of Islam, minaret, and
Chapter 12 Test will be:
Be able to answer the following:
1. Know where Islam developed and describe the
2. Know what a nomad is and how they lived.
3. Know who Muhammad is and be able to
describe his life.
4. Know what was different about Muhammad’s
teachings and the beliefs of early Arabs.
5. Know what the followers of Islam, Judaism, and
Christianity of have in common.
6. Know how Muhammad’s teachings affected
other people of Arabia.
7. Know what the Qur’an is and how it is similar to
other holy books.
8. Know the central teachings of Islam.
9. Be able to give examples of rules described in
the Qur’an.
10. Know what each of the Five Pillars of Islam
11. Know what Sufism is.
12. Know what calligraphy is.
13. Know what minarets were used for.
14. Know what an oasis is.
15. Know what a jihad is.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Ramadan and what do Muslims do to
show its importance.
2. What were some achievements of Muslim