The Muslim World (622-1650) The Rise of Islam Oasis Towns and

The Muslim World (622-1650)
The Rise of Islam
Oasis Towns and Desert Life
a. Arabian Peninsula
i. southwestern Asia
b. Bedouins
i. Nomadic herders
ii. Frequent warfare
1. Scarce grazing territories
iii. Backbone of the armies
c. Mecca
i. Trade
ii. Bustling market town connecting trade routes
iii. Thriving pilgrimage center
iv. Kaaba
1. Ancient shrine
The Prophet Muhammad
a. His life
i. Born in Mecca around 570
b. Muhammad’s vision
i. Vision of Gabriel
ii. Faith called Islam
1. “submission”
2. One true God
c. The hijra
i. Went to Medina, “City of the Prophet”
ii. 622 became the first year of the Muslim calendar
iii. Thousands of Arabs convert to Islam
d. Death of the Prophet
i. In 632
ii. Abu Bakr elected as first Caliph, or successor to Muhammad.
iii. Islam spreads quickly
The Message of Islam
a. Strict monotheism
i. Allah
ii. Quran
iii. No priests between the people and God
b. Five Pillars
i. Five basic duties
1. Declaration of faith
2. Daily prayer
a. Towards Mecca
b. mosques
3. give charity to the poor
4. Fasting during holy month of Ramadan
5. The hajj: a pilgrimage to Mecca
The Quran
i. Sacred word of God as revealed to Muhammad
ii. Written and learned in Arabic
1. Arabic language united Muslims from all regions
d. Sharia
e. “People of the Book”
Women in Early Muslim Society
a. Pre-Islam society
i. Some women had some equality
ii. Most under male control; could not own property
b. Rights
i. All equal spiritually
ii. Daughters protected
iii. Share of male’s property
iv. Free consent to marriage
c. Changes
i. Absorb some attitudes of conquered peoples
1. Veiled women
2. harems
ii. women’s lives varied according to region and class
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