Scavenger Hunt Questions -

Name _________________________________________________________________ Period _______
Islam & West Africa Facts
Directions: Answer the following questions using the facts that are found all over the room. These questions
are not in order, so you will have to read carefully. Make sure you write down the fact number you got it
1. Who became the ruler of Songhai in 1464?
2. According to the Qur’an, what are Muslims forbidden to eat and drink?
3. What were the two main resources traded in the empire of Ghana?
4. How old was Muhammad when an angel spoke to him?
5. In the mid-600’s, Islam split into two groups. What was the difference between the
two groups?
6. Muhammad Ture chose the title Askia the Great. What does askia mean?
7. What was the name of the group that farmed and banded together for protection
along the Niger River around 300 AD?
8. What does the word Muslim mean in Arabic?
9. Who was Mali’s most famous ruler?
10. Currently, how many followers does Islam have?
11. What are the two meanings of the word jihad?
12. What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
13. What is the central teaching in the Qur’an?
14. What are the five duties of Islam called?
15. What is another source of Islamic teachings (it is the written record of Muhammad’s
words and actions)?
16. During Mansa Musa’s rule, which city became an important trade center?
17. What city was Muhammad born in? and who did he marry at the age of 25?
18. What is a follower of Islam called?
19. What is silent barter?
20. Muslim mathematicians help create the number system that we use today. What is
the title of our number system?
21. What was the name of the famous university located in Timbuktu?
22. On what river was the empire of Mali located?
23. What is Islam’s most holy place called ( it is the shrine that Muslims are required to visit at least once in
their lifetimes)?
24. In 622, fearing for his life Muhammad moved to what city (it means “the Prophet’s
25. Abu Bakr took over as Islam’s caliph when Muhammad died. What does caliph