Chapter 16: Bargaining 16.1 INTRODUCTION This is Professor Luke Froeb and I am a co- author of Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving Approach. This video is designed to supplement Chapter 16: Bargaining. You can think about bargaining in two complementary ways. First is the strategic view, which analyzes bargaining as a game, as in Chapter 15. The other approach recognizes that bargaining doesn’t have fixed rules, as do formal games, and looks at the alternatives to agreement as key determinants of the type of bargains that can be reached. Both views offer useful advice on how to gain a bigger slice of the proverbial pie. We begin with the strategic view. 16.2. GAME OF CHICKEN I<SHOW GAME OF CHICKEN EQUILIBRIUM MODEL (BOOK P. 197)> The movie Footloose tells the story of Ren McCormack, a Chicago teen who moves to a small town where he finds himself in a game of chicken against Chuck, the local bully. The two drive tractors straight at one another, and the first one to swerve loses, and gets labeled a “chicken.” The one who goes straight gets the girl. If they both swerve, neither gets the girl, but if they both go straight, they both end up in the hospital. <<ILLUSTRATE THESE OUTCOMES IN THE FORMAL GAME WHEN I SAY THEM>> Pause the video and think intuitively about the equilibria of this game. Remember equilibrium is where each party is doing the best they can given what the other player is doing. ….. <<PUT “PAUSE, FIGURE OUT THE EQUILIBRIA” ON SCREEN, AND LET IT RUN FOR TEN SECONDS>> <<SHOW GAME AND ILLUSTRATE THE TEXT>> Ren Go Straight Swerve Chuck Go Straight 0, 0 1,3 Swerve 2,2 1, 3 Both going straight is not an equilibrium because either party could make themselves better off by swerving. Likewise, both swerving is not an equilibrium because either party could make themselves better off by going straight. If one goes straight and the other swerves, then each player is going the best they can given what the other is doing. We show these two equilibria in this simultaneous move game. OK, what do we learn by diagramming the game? Game theory is silent about which equilibria we end up in. But we do learn that the players would prefer one of the equilibria over the other. The question that should immediately occur to you is how can you manipulate the game so that you end up in your preferred equilibrium? << ANIMATE BY POINTING ARROW TOWARDS YOUR PREFERRED EQUILIBRIUM??>> If Ren can figure out how to move first, or commit to a going straight, then he turns this into a sequential game with a first mover advantage. To see this, lets compute the “roll back” equilibrium of the sequential move game. .<<DRAW GAME TREE LIKE THE BARGAINING GAME BETWEEEN MANAGEMENT AND LABOR, BUT OF THE GAME OF CHICKEN ABOVE WITH REN MOVING FIRST. ILLUSTRATE THE ROLL BACK EQUILIBRIUM OF THE GAME.>> To do this, we start at the end, and analyze the second mover’s incentives first. If Ren goes straight, and Chuck finds himself on the bottom left branch of the tree, then Chuck does better by swerving. We denote this by putting two lines through the Straight option that is not going to be chosen by Chuck. If Ren Swerves, and Chuck finds himself on the bottom right branch of the tree, then Chuck does better by going straight. We denote this by putting two lines through the Swerve option that is not going to be chosen by Chuck. OK, now that we know what Chuck will do, we can caluculate Ren’s best move by looking ahead and reasoning back. If Ren goes straight, Chuck will serve, and Ren receives 3. But if Ren swerves, Chuck goes straight, and Ren gets only 1. We denote this by putting two lines through the Swerve option on the upper branch of the tree that is not optimal for Ren. The equilibrium path of the game is Ren going straight and Chuck swerving. We denote this with a thick solid line. <<ANIMATE THE PATH>> Now we show you what happens in the movie. Watch how Ren commits to going straight, which is equivalent to moving first. <<SHOW CLIP FROM MOVIE WHERE REN COMMIITS TO GOING STRAIGHT AND CHUCK SWERVES: 1:30—2:15 of Note that this movie has been remade so if you think it works better in the new version, use it.>> 16.3. Bargaining as a Strategic Game <<DRAW REDUCED FORM GAME WHERE PARTIES SPLIT 100, NOT 200, AND ANIMATE THE TEXT BELOW BY USING ARROWS TO POINT AT THE RELEVANT PART OF THE TABLE>> OK, lets do the same analysis for a bargaining game between management and labor, bargaining over how to split a pie of size 100. Each can bargain hard, or accommodate. If both bargain hard, then they do not reach agreement, and each earns zero. If both accommodate, each earns 50. If one bargains hard and the other accommodates, the one who bargains hard gets 75 while the one who accommodates gets 25. <<ANIMATE THE PAYOFFS AS I SAY THEM>> This bargaining game has the same logical structure as the game of chicken. Note that accommodate, accommodate is not an equilibrium because either party could do better by bargaining hard. Likewise, (bargain hard, bargain hard) is not an equilibrium because either party could do better by accommodating. The two equilibria are for one to bargain hard, and the other to accommodate. We know from studying the game of chicken that if one of the players can move first, or commit to bargaining hard, then she can capture the lion’s share of the gains from trade. We show this in the sequential game here where Management moves first and captures a bigger share of the gains from trade. <<AGAIN, CHANGE THE NUMBERS SO YOU ARE SPLITTING 100, AND MAKE THE TWO LINES BIG SO THAT THEY ARE EASILY SEEN, AND THICKEN AND ANIMATE THE EQUILIBRIUM PATH OF THE GAME.>> Management low offer generous offer Union strike accept 0,0 150 , 50 strike 0,0 accept 50 , 150 Committing to a position, or moving first is more difficult than it sounds because it forces you to ignore counter-offers that would be otherwise profitable to accept. For example, the father of one of my coauthors always buys a car by bringing in a check filled out for the amount that he wants to pay, and tells the salesman he has five minutes to accept the offer, or he is walking out the door. If the salesman believes that this is a credible take-it-or-leave-it offer, he will accept the offer. It usually works. But sometimes, the salesperson tries to make a counteroffer, so the dad has to walk out. 16.4 THE NON-STRATEGIC VIEW OF BARGAINING The strategic view bargaining follows from the assumption that bargaining can be modeled as a game. However, few bargaining situations follow well defined rules, so an alternate view is derived from what we call the axiomatic or non strategic view of bargaining, again developed by John Nash. Informally, Nash’s theory simply states that two players involved in a bargaining game will split the net gains from trade between the two of them. To make this concrete imagine that Tina and Becky are trying to decide whether to quit their jobs and start a restaurant. Tina has a relatively good job, making $30,000 each year (after taxes), but Becky makes only $20,000. Obviously, Tina is more reluctant to quit her job than Becky. So Becky tries to convince her by promising more of the share of the profit. If restaurant will make $100,000 profit, how will the profit be split between them? We illustrate the non-strategic answer in the picture below. If they both agree, they earn $100k. If they cannot reach agreement Tina earns $30 and Becky earns $20. These are sometimes known as the “disagreement values” or “alternatives to agreement.” <<DRAW TINA ON LEFT WITH 30 TO THE LEFT OF HER AND TINA ON THE RIGHT WITH 20 TO THE RIGHT OF HER. PUT 100K IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TWO PLAYERS.>> The net gains from reaching agreement are 100-20-30=50. So the two “split” the 50 and each earns 25 above what she would have earned without the agreement. So Tina earns 55=30+50/2 and Becky earns 45=20+50/2. Now imagine that Becky’s father offers to give her $10,000 to help support the restaurant. How does this affect the bargaining? This raises the net gains to reaching agreement from $50 to $60, which means that Tina earns 60=30+60/2 and Becky earns 50=20+60/2. Essentially, the extra 10,000 is split between the two players because it makes Becky more eager to reach agreement, so she ends up giving half of it away through a bigger share to Tina. <<ILLUSTRATE>> OK, what do we learn by looking at bargaining this way. First, we learn that the alternatives to agreement determine the terms of agreement. Since Tina had a better alternative, she gets a bigger share than Becky. In fact, if Tina can make her outside alternative better, she can earn an even bigger share of the gains from trade. Similarly, if Tina can make Becky’s outside alternative worse, she can earn a bigger share of the gains from trade. <<SCREEN TEXT: To improve your own bargaining position, you must either increase your opponent’s gain or reduce your own gain from reaching agreement.>> In other words, each player’s willingness to compromise determines his bargaining position. The greater the foreseeable gain, the more willing he is to compromise, and the weaker his bargaining position will be. 16.5. Conclusion Bargaining can be approached from a strategic viewpoint or a nonstrategic viewpoint. So which should we use to analyze games. Here is the standard professor cop-out, “it depends.” If you can