UHB Unit 3 Muscular System Study Guide What are the three

UHB Unit 3 Muscular System Study Guide
1. What are the three muscle types?
2. Using the Venn diagram below compare and contrast the three types of muscle.
3. What kind of muscles is most of the body made of?
4. What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary muscle?
5. Describe the structure of a myofibril.
6. What physical events are associated with skeletal muscle and contraction?
7. What role do calcium ions and ATP play in muscle contraction?
8. What would happen to muscles if ATP or calcium were not present?
9. What can you infer about the composition or ratio of muscle fiber types in the bodies of
famous long-distance marathoners?
10. Make a list of athletic events for which it would be favorable to have a high proportion of
slow-twitch muscle fibers.
11. List activities for which fast-twitch muscle fibers would be more favorable.
12. What types of tissue would you expect to find the most mitochondria?
13. What happens to your triceps muscle when you bend you arm at the elbow?
14. What is the scientific name for the calf muscle?
15. What happens to a muscle when it stops contracting?
16. How do muscles move?
17. What types of muscle tissue is found in your heart?
18. Describe how muscle attaches to your bone?
19. What is lactic acid and what does it have to do with muscles and exercise?
20. What is muscle fatigue?
21. What is the sliding filament theory?