Reconstruction - Somerset Independent Schools




The Civil War is over

Answer the following questions

How will you bring the former Confederate states back into the Union?

Will there be any restrictions? Any requirements for them?

What will you do with the former Confederate soldiers? Generals? Political leaders?

There are now 4 million African Americans who were once slaves who are now free. They have no homes, no property, no jobs. What will you do with them?

Plans for Reconstruction

The Main Idea

Northern leaders had different ideas for dealing with the many issues and challenges of restoring the southern states to the Union.

Reading Focus

• What challenges faced the South after the Civil War?

• What actions did Union leaders take during wartime to reconstruct the nation after the war’s end?

• How did Lincoln’s assassination affect the nation?

• Why did President Johnson and Congress differ over


Challenges after the Civil War

Much of the South in ruins

Over 1/5 of population dead

4 million African Americans free

No education, no job, no money

Former Confederate States

Conquered territories or states again?

Former Confederate officers

Forgive or punish?

Cost of the War: The South

94,000 KIA, 164,000 to disease, 194,026 wounded

Spent $2,099,808,707 on war

Livestock killed: 40%

Farm machinery destroyed: 50%

Drop in total property wealth: 66%

Total national wealth, 1860: 30%

Total national wealth, 1870: 12%

Cost of the War: The North

110,100 killed in action

224,580 to disease

Of every 1,000 Federals in battle, 112 were wounded

Spent $6,190,000,000 on war

$2.5 million daily

Presidential Reconstruction

Lincoln’s 10% Plan

 Dec 1863: Proclamation of Amnesty and


 Forgiveness to all southerners who pledged loyalty to Union & support of emancipation

 except high-ranking officers

 When 10% took oath could organize new state government banning slavery

 3 states readmitted before end of war

 Arkansas, Louisiana, & Tennessee

Lincoln’s Inaugural Speech

March 4, 1865

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Congress upset with Lincoln’s plan

 Readmitting states a power of Congress

 Secession illegal; southern states never left the Union

 States should go through same admission process as territories

 1864 Wade-Davis Bill

Military governors to rule southern states

Majority of white males pledge loyalty before elections could be held

• South should be treated as conquered province

Lincoln pocket vetoed the bill

Lincoln’s Assassination

April 14, 1865 at Ford’s Theater

 Watching Our American Cousin with wife and two guests

 Actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln

Part of a conspiracy

“Sic Semper Tyrannus”

 Vice President Johnson & Sec. of State

William Seward were also targets

 Johnson was not attacked

 Seward was stabbed in bed

Lincoln’s Assassination

 Lincoln died at 7:22 a.m. on April 15

 Booth was killed while hiding in a barn

 8 of his co-conspirators were tried & found guilty

 4 were hanged

 Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and

George Atzerodt

 4 were sentenced to prison

 Andrew Johnson became president

Johnson’s Plan

Similar to Lincoln’s plan

 Confederate leaders & wealthy southerners had to apply for pardon

 State must ratify 13 th Amendment

 Outlawed slavery

 Republicans in Congress displeased with

Johnson’s plan

Congressional Reconstruction

Southern reaction to Johnson’s plan

Welcomed Johnson’s plan

 New state governments were formed

 Former Confederate officials were elected to public office

 Some were sent to Congress

 Black Codes were passed

 Kept former slaves from attaining equality

Resented Freedman’s Bureau & occupying troops

Radical Republicans

 Unhappy with presidential reconstruction because of:

 Former Confederate leaders holding office

 Black Codes

 Wanted tougher rules for restoring state governments

 Wanted to reshape southern society

 Give Freedmen political & economic equality

 Wanted to punish the South

Congressional Reconstruction

 1866 Congress passed two bills

Continued support of Freedman’s Bureau

 Civil Rights Act of 1866

 Gave blacks citizenship & outlawed discrimination

 Johnson vetoed both bills

 Angered moderate Republicans who then supported Radical Republicans

Radical Reconstruction

 14 th Amendment

 Granted blacks citizenship & made Bill of

Rights apply to state governments

 4 Reconstruction Acts were passed over

Johnson’s veto

Divided South into 5 military districts

Set 3 conditions for state’s readmission

 Must ratify 14 th Amendment

 New state constitutions guaranteeing black vote

Form new gov’t. elected by all male citizens

Radical Reconstruction

 Tenure of Office Act, 1867

 Senate approval to remove any appointed official that Senate had approved

 Johnson challenged the law by firing Sec. of

War Edwin Stanton

 Congress impeached Johnson

 1 vote shy of removing him

 Fifteenth Amendment

 Protected voting rights of African-American males

Radical Reconstruction

Johnson’s impeachment

Edward Stanton, Lincoln’s secretary of war, had stayed on in Johnson’s cabinet.

 Stanton supported congressional

Republicans and prevented Johnson from undermining Congress’s program. In response, Johnson fired him.

 The House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson for violating the

Tenure of Office Act.

 The Senate failed to convict by one vote, and Johnson remained in office.

 Although no longer in control of

Reconstruction, Johnson continued to issue pardons, and by the end of 1868 the rights of almost all Confederate leaders had been restored.

The Fifteenth Amendment

 During the impeachment trial,

Republicans nominated General Grant as their presidential candidate.

 The 1868 election was close, but the

African American vote in the South gave Grant an electoral college victory.

 Republicans pushed through the

Fifteenth Amendment , which extended suffrage to all African

American males nationwide.

 This brought millions of potential new voters to the Republican Party and aimed to protect freedmen from pardoned former Confederates.

However, it did not ban denial of suffrage for reasons other than race.

Radical Governments

 Political power in the South shifted

 Carpetbaggers

 Northerners who were in the South

 Scalawags

 Southerners who supported Radical Reconstruction

 Freedmen

 700 African Americans served in state legislature

 16 elected to Congress

 Created first public schools, eliminated property requirements for voting, illegalized discrimination, repealed Black Codes


• Some:

– Sought long-lost relatives

– Owned land or got a job

– Moved to cities

• Faced discrimination & low pay

– Moved West

• Soldiers & cowboys

– Sought education

• Freedman’s Bureau established 4000+ schools

– Established churches

• Most remained in the South


• Sharecropping

– Work for someone in exchange for a share of the crop

– By late 1870s most freedmen were sharecroppers

– Employer provided land, seed, tools, etc.

• Tenant farming

– Renting land from the landowner

– Grow any crop


 South very violent during Reconstruction

 KKK & others attacked black leaders & members of the Freedman’s Bureau

 Southerners wanted to restore the old political & social order

 Congress passed Enforcement Acts, 1870-71

 Set heavy penalties for trying to prevent someone from voting

 Gave army & federal courts power to punish the KKK

Discontent with Reconstruction

 People were dismayed that the army remained in the South

 Republican governments appeared ineffective, insufficient, & corrupt

 Blacks were unhappy: still impoverished & no land reform

South’s poor economic condition

End of Reconstruction

 By 1870s support for Reconstruction was declining

 Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner died

 Lawlessness was increasing in the South

Northerners were getting tired of South’s problems

Election of 1876

 (R) Rutherford B. Hayes v. (D) Samuel J. Tilden

 Tilden won popular vote & led in majority of electoral votes

 Votes in South were disputed, so Tilden lacked majority of electoral votes

 Two sets of returns from some states

 Compromise

 Republican congressional commission gave votes to


 Republicans agreed to pull troops out of the South ending Reconstruction
