Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning Assignment

Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning Assignment
1. Define the following four sources of United States law. (Constitutional law; statutory law;
administrative law; and case law/common law)
What is common law?
3. What are statutes of limitations?
4. What is stare decisis? What is a binding authority? What is positive about stare decisis?
Should a court always follow precedent? Why or why not?
5. What is a case of first impression? What factors does a judge use in reaching a decision in this
6. What are the four basic steps of legal reasoning? (IRAC)
7. Define the following schools of jurisprudential thought: (Natural Law; Positivist School;
Historical School; Legal Realism School; Sociological School)
8. Write a brief for the case Buck v. Bell. Look up how to brief a case in your workbook or look at
internet resources.
9. Read the story of compensation for victims of forced sterilization in North Carolina.
10. Using some of the course resources, make an argument for whether or not sterilization of
prisoners upon the advice of prison officials is constitutional.