Pathology - People Server at UNCW

Deviance as Pathology
1876, Cesare Lombroso: The Criminal Man
◦ "atavistic anomalies"
Phrenology (late 1700s through mid 1800s)
Benjamin Rush (1785): disease model of
Body Types
Organismic Dysfunction/Infection
Earnest Hooten
William Sheldon
Richard Dugdale
◦ The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Disease
and Heredity (1877)
 Margaret Jukes, “The Mother of Criminals”
Henry Goddard
The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity
of Feeble-Mindedness (1912)
Kallikak family tree
Xx  female
Xy  male
Xxy  Klinefelter’s syndrome
◦ “Low masculinity”
1961, Patricia Jacobs
◦ Xyy  “Supermale syndrome”
NIMH study: no
Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis
◦ id, ego, superego
◦ developmental stages
 Oral
 Anal
 Phallic
The Psychopath (Sociopath)
◦ Hervey Cleckley, The Mask of Sanity
Problems with psychological explanations
◦ Causal logic
 Circularity
◦ Sample
◦ Over-determinism
◦ Little predictive value
◦ Harry Laughlin (Eugenics Records Office)
 Model Eugenical Sterilization Law 1914
◦ By 1914, 12 states
 By 1924, 3,000 sterilized
"...At one hearing, Laughlin plastered
the walls of the meeting room with
photographs taken at Ellis Island.
Above the photos hung a banner that
read 'Carriers of the Germ Plasm of
the Future American Population.'"
◦ 1924, Virginia: Eugenical Sterilization Act
 Carrie Buck (17, single mom)
 James Bell (Sup’t, VA State Colony for Epileptics &
Feebleminded (to have Buck sterilized)
◦ Arthur Estabrook
 Sociologist, Eugenics Record Office
◦ Upheld by Circuit Court
◦ Upheld by Supreme Court
 O. W. Holmes
 “3 generations of imbeciles are enough”
◦ By 1935: 28 states, 6 pending
◦ Between 1907-1935: 21,359 involuntary
sterilizations in the U.S.
◦ 1936: Laughlin’s honorary degree
 University of Heidelberg
 For his work in “the science of racial cleansing”
◦ 1942: Skinner v. Oklahoma
 Chicken thief; armed robbery
 To U.S. Supreme Court
 William O. Douglas: violates “equal protection”
 14th amendment
 OK law: Can sterilize a chicken thief but not an embezzler
◦ Sterilization cont’d through 1970s
 60,000
 Buck v. Bell never overturned
◦ Gottlieb Burckhardt (Switzerland, 1892)
◦ Antonio Moniz (Portugal, 1935)
Walter Freeman & James Watt (U.S., 1950)
◦ “Ice-Pick” Lobotomy
◦ 1967 last surgery
◦ Stripped of license
Freeman performing a lobotomy
◦ Howard Dully’s surgery
Howard Dully, 2005
◦ Bus driver in California
Biological & Psychological Pathology
◦ Good Intentions
◦ Ignores choice
◦ Ignores social factors
◦ Dubious claims to moral neutrality