Key Terms Review Sheet CLU3M Our Heritage Chapter 1 The legal right of a person who is imprisoned without explanation to appear in court within a reasonable time Habeus Corpus A person who is sued in a civil action or charged with a criminal offence The basic rule that neither individuals nor the government is above the law To seek to influence the government to make certain laws A prosecutor in criminal matters who works on behalf of society A court decision used to decide a similar case The procedure to change Canada’s Constitution The person who sues in a civil action Defendant Rule of law Lobby Crown Attorney Precedent (stare decisis) Amending Formula Plaintiff Chapter 2 Allows certain limits to be set on rights and freedoms Applying characteristics assumed to belong to one member of a group to all members of that group The power of a court to rule that a law is no longer in effect Beyond the authority of a government to pass a law Allows a provincial or territorial law to be valid even though it contradicts the Charter Rights that have been violated A preconceived opinion about a person who belongs to a particular group Reasonable limits clause Stereotyping Strike down Notwithstanding clause Infringed Prejudice Word Bank Infringed Strike Down Precedent (Stare Decisis) Lobby Reasonable Limits Clause Rule of Law Notwithstanding clause Habeus Corpus Potential Essay Questions: How has law changed over the years to reflect society? Prejudice Plaintiff Stereotyping Defendant Crown Attorney