EngSoc 235 Syllabus

SYLLABUS (Preliminary Draft)
Women in a Changing Society
3 credits
Tuesday and Thursday
11:00am-12:49 pm
Room 102, Jackson North Campus
Course Description: Inquiry into historical and changing roles of women, looking at cause of
these changes and their effects on women and society through literature, sociology, biology and
Prerequisites: ENG 085 and ENG 131
Instructor: Ellen Shannon
Email Address: shannonellenj@jccmi.edu
Phone: 734-545-0233
Required Texts: Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions. Shaw. 5th ed. 2012 ISBN: 9780073512327
Thousand Splendid Suns. Hosseini. 2007. Penguin. ISBN: 9781594401
Yellow Wallpaper & Other Writings. Gilman, ISBN: 9780553213751
Course Goals:
Students who complete English/Sociology 236 should be able to:
Demonstrate an awareness of intergroup dynamics in the United States using sociological
models of gender identity and literary interpretation
Apply sociological principles to understanding and discussing issues of power, privilege, gender
in the United States
Define terminology related to race, ethnicity, class, gender, ability, social identity
Learn to recognize complexities of social interaction and social identity in the United States
Participate in responding to various interpretations of individual, institutional, and structural
Produce a project using research methodology
Understand social identity as it applies on a personal, group, and national and international
Demonstrate understanding of the role of diverse audiences and actors in a multicultural
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Performance Objectives:
Complete all required readings
Identify an area of interest within the scope of the course to develop and complete a significant
individual learning assessment plan
Present individual learning project (may also be done in a group) to the class
Participate in group exercises and discussion groups
Complete all assignments and quizzes (if used)
Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to discuss issues of diversity and intergroup relations
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The Board of Trustees has determined that all JCC graduates should develop or enhance certain
essential skills while enrolled in the college. Several of these ADO and discipline-based outcomes
are addressed in this class and are listed below specific course objectives.
Skills & Behaviors
Analysis and
Explains the historical,
cultural, and social contexts
of works in the fine arts (art,
music, and theater) and/or
works in the humanities
Research-based paper or project, (written and/or oral, in
Essays and/or Essay Exams
Applies methods of analysis
and interpretation via writing,
speaking, or performance.
Confidently and fluently uses
discipline-specific language to
support critical reflection.
Research-based paper or project, (written and/or oral, in
Initiates and sustains a
discussion of the creative
contexts within which an artist
works and the artist’s
resulting creative choices.
Small and large group discussions
Essays and/or Essay Exams
Quizzes, Projects
Online discussions
Collaborative group projects
Research-based paper or project, (written and/or oral, in
Articulates a personal critique
of an artist’s work, based
upon aesthetic standards
Essays and/or Essay Exams
Small and large group discussions
Skills & Behaviors
Small and large group discussions
Skills & Behaviors
Making Collective Decisions
Approaches a work of
creative expression with
openness and interest;
appreciates the world of the
creative imagination as a
form of knowledge expressed
in formal discussion or writing
Online discussions
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Collaborative group projects
Reader-response journals
Informal and formal writing
There is a clear definition of member
roles and tasks to be accomplished.
All members take an active role.
Task are defined by the group and
assigned to all members.
Reaches consensus for decisions
and solutions.
Supporting Team Members
Every team member is treated with
respect. All members listen to all
ideas. The work of each person is
acknowledged. Members seek
assistance from each other and ask
Managing Conflict
Conflicts are consistently resolved
through open discussion and
compromise by students.
Students will participate in small group activities, supporting each ot
learning model
Skills & Behaviors
Skills & Behaviors
Knowledge of and regard for
groups with which one
Knowledge of and regard for
individuals from groups other
than one’s own
Group members assess and
evaluate self, individual, and group
Students will participate in assessment and evaluation using a coop
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Articulates and evaluates the
contributions of individuals from
groups with which one identifies.
Articulates and evaluates the
contributions of individuals from
groups other than one’s own
Recognizes and evaluates
Identifies examples of
ethnocentrism, oppression and
dominant group privilege.
Understanding of and regard
for diversity
Challenges barriers to
understanding and appreciating
diversity, or demonstrates behaviors
that promote and defend diversity.
Writing concepts or issue papers from textbook reading that are gra
Articulates benefits of interacting
with individuals from groups other
than one’s own.
Initiates interactions with individuals
from groups other than one’s own.
Interaction with individuals
from groups other than one’s
Oral presentation to class
Relates personal experiences that
have led to embracing diversity.
Each assignment will be posted to the Assignments section of our Moodle site with requirements for
specific format, content, assessment criteria, and due date.
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Grading Scale:
Below 60
Incompletes will be given only at the discretion of the instructor and will be in accordance with JCC
Note: At periodic intervals during the semester, student progress and participation will be reported.
The following definitions of Participation/Progress Symbols will apply:
H—The student is not doing acceptable work and needs Help to be successful.
Q—The student has not participated and the instructor believes they have unofficially withdrawn
(Quit).These students will be dropped/withdrawn from the class.
V—The instructor Verifies that the student is participating and doing acceptable work.
Students may check their progress through E-Services. The instructor will post an announcement at the
grading intervals to let students know they can check their progress.
Class Participation: Active participation (defined as maintaining timely interactive participation on
current discussion and completion of reading and writing assignments) is a requirement to pass this
What Can I Expect in this Course?
We will be discussing gender, privilege, power, and difference from a sociological and literary
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perspective. We will be analyzing and discussing the articles in our book and we will be speaking from a
basis of personal experience at times. Sometimes we will do group exercises to heighten our awareness
to see issues from a variety of perspectives. Doing so will enhance our ability to interact with sensitivity
and awareness in a variety of situations. The issues we discuss are complex and will sometimes raise
difficult issues. So we will operate from a basis of respect and openness. The purpose is not to label,
blame, or cause guilt for past actions. The purpose of this course is to increase understanding in a safe
and trusting, yet challenging environment where critical thinking and analysis is expected. We will
discuss possibilities for change and improved communication among the gender, cultural and social
identity groups.
Course Management:
You will receive a 100% tuition refund for any class you drop on or before the last day of the
ADD/DROP period for the semester or session. No refunds will be made after this date. For a list
of these important dates please click here. Student service fees are not refundable.
W - Withdraw:
After the add/drop period, a student may withdraw from a course in accordance with the dates
published TBA
Discuss your situation with your instructors and an academic advisor. You may have options that
are more favorable than withdrawing from courses.
Students receiving federal aid who withdraw completely should contact the Financial Aid office
for details of the Return of Funds policy that is in place for all recipients of federal financial aid.
Call 517.796.8410 for assistance.
Course Policies:
Participation in discussion and group work on an important requirement of this course, so
attendance at all class sessions is necessary. Grading will include deductions for absences
exceeding one absence per semester. Tardiness will also be taken into consideration when
assessing grades.
Attention to the discussion and presentation of material is important. Cell phones and using
computers while others are talking is strictly prohibited. Silence cell phones, turn off computers,
and keep these devices out of sight during the class.
Complete all readings and assignments prior to the class period when they are due. Do not rely
on printing work when you arrive at class. Printing should be completed prior to class.
Prepare to hear views with which you may not agree or which are new to you. You do not have Page | 7
to agree with these perspectives, but you do need to seek to understand the material and ideas
and to respect a diverse set of expressions.
Critical thinking and analysis will be required as a learning tool.
Films will be shown as part of this course and should be used for discussion and reflection
Course Requirements and Assignments:
(100 points each) Weekly reflection papers which are approximately two full type-written
double spaced pages. These reflection papers will be based upon Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of
Learning and will give students an opportunity for creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying,
understanding, and remembering. A sample will be distributed in class for students to see how
to apply the principles of this assignment.
(100 points) A group or individual project to be presented to the class with the purpose of
examining at least two perspectives raised by the selected issue. Topics must be instructor
approved and relate to the material covered in this class. A handout will be distributed to show
students the requirements of this project which will entail a 10-20 minute class presentation.
(100 points) A research paper of at least 4 full type-written pages using source material to
support ideas on a topic of interest to the student and approved by the instructor.
(200 points) Class participation determined by attendance and contribution to the course
Jackson College Academic Honesty Policy:
Please check the Student Handbook for a full description of this policy.
Students needing assistance should either schedule time with me or contact the Center for Student
Success at 796-8415.
Instructor Office Hours: By appointment. Do not hesitate to schedule time. I enjoy meeting with
Class Schedule:
I prefer to meet with students first to determine some of our shared interests. After we have covered
introductions and discussed interests, I will create and distribute a week by week schedule. That
schedule may change due to emerging student needs as we progress. 7