APHUG 2012-2013 PING Regional Conferences : On Monday, Jan. 28th (the day your Unit 4 PING Project is due), you will share the following information with your peers whose PINGs are in the same region as yours: Was your PING a former colony? Of what country? What type of government does your PING have? How is the political leader(s) determined? How were your PING’s current boundaries determined? What type(s) of boundaries does your PING have? What supranational organization(s) does your PING belong to? What is the main purpose of the organization(s)? Semester 1 Final Exam: In light of the changes to the Final Exam schedule and the resulting reduced time frame between the Unit 4 Exam and the 5th period final, I’ve decided to change the plan a bit. On Tuesday Jan. 29th and Wednesday, Jan 30th you will complete an in-class assignment. On Thursday, Jan. 31st, you will take a vocabulary final that will consist of 40 multiple choice questions focused on 40 semester 1 terms (Units 1-4) and their definitions. The 40 terms will be chosen from the following list: Unit 1 human geography globalization cartography reference maps thematic maps absolute location relative location mental maps formal region functional region perceptual region culture complex cultural hearth cultural diffusion expansion diffusion contagious diffusion hierarchical diffusion stimulus diffusion relocation diffusion Unit 2 arithmetic population density physiologic population density population distributions total fertility rates zero population growth natural increase crude birth rate crude death rate demographic transition population pyramids infant mortality rate (IMR) child mortality rate AIDS migration migrant labor immigration internal migration forced migration voluntary migration push factors pull factors colonization APHUG 2012-2013 refugee genocide Unit 3 culture folk culture popular culture local culture material culture nonmaterial culture hierarchical culture cultural landscape placelessness identity race ethnicity language dialects language families Proto-Indo-European extinct language Romance languages Germanic languages Slavic languages lingua franca toponyms religion secularism monotheistic religion polytheistic religion Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Judaism Christianity Eastern Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church Protestant Islam Sunni Shi’ite sacred sites jihad Unit 4 political geography state sovereignty nation nation-state democracy multinational state multistate nation stateless nation capitalism centripetal centrifugal federal gerrymandering boundary geometric boundary physical-political boundary supranational organization