Magistra Shelly McCormick-Lane

Shelly McCormick-Lane—Clear Creek I. S. D., Clear Lake High School: Latin 1 Syllabus
Latin 1 Syllabus
Shelly McCormick-Lane
CLHS 610
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to provide students an introductory survey of Latin syntax and basic sentence structure.
Students will develop their abilities to translate elementary Latin prose from level-appropriate texts as literally as
possible, to read, comprehend, and analyze seen and unseen passages, and to understand and appreciate Roman
historical, cultural, and literary context of those texts. Students will develop their knowledge of Latin vocabulary as
well as English vocabulary from Latin roots.
Students are responsible for keeping notes in this class. Students have the opportunity to download a Latin
notebook at if they are using tablets in school this year. Students
are expected to bring their tablets fully charged to school each day. Paper copies of all handouts, etc., will be
available for students choosing not to use district provided tablets. Please have one composition notebook as well
for translations which will be graded separately (I have some old ones available in the room if you don’t want to
buy a new one). Several times a week the student will be asked to read aloud and translate for the class part of an
assigned passage. Each passage will be reviewed in conjunction with comprehension and analysis activities. With
appropriate assistance, students are responsible for learning and maintaining unfamiliar Latin vocabulary as it is
encountered in the texts. Students are asked always to consider the context and cultural implications of the
assigned readings in modern and ancient terms.
 5% Reading—Students will answer English passage based questions in an open-ended response format,
usually on some aspect of Roman history, culture, or literature.
 45% Daily—Students’ individual work on class objectives will be assessed (homework, quizzes, daily work,
 50% Major—Students’ knowledge and skills will be assessed on tests, exams, and research projects. There
will be a minimum of three major grades per nine week period.
Text and Materials:
 Class Materials distributed by the teacher
 Textbooks
o Pope, Stephanie, Revision Team, et al. Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1. 4th. New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.
o Pope, Stephanie, Revision Team, et al. Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2. 4th. New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print.
Students are encouraged to sit for the National Latin Exam. The cost of this exam is $6, unless the student is a
member of the Latin Club, in which case the cost for the exam is included in your club membership dues. Please do
Shelly McCormick-Lane—Clear Creek I. S. D., Clear Lake High School: Latin 1 Syllabus
not allow cost to determine participation in this exam – there is some scholarship money available for financial
hardship. The due date for this money is December 1. Students have the possibility of winning awards on this
exam, depending on their performance.
In addition, students are encouraged to sign up for a Cambridge Latin Course online account. The cost of this is
also $4, and again, there is financial aid available for those who need it. The online access allows students extra
vocabulary, grammar, and cultural and historical practice, from anywhere. Students opting for the online edition
may choose to not take a hardcover copy of their textbook. The due date for this money is Friday, September 12.
It is recommended for students utilizing the district supplied tablet to obtain a stylus and keyboard for the tablet, if
possible. This will just make your life easier, trust me.
Please complete an online form for class:
This will give me access to emails for reminders for upcoming projects, tests, etc.
Please sign up for my Remind101 texting service. Text @941b3 to (469) 208-6607 OR visit the link and you will receive reminders for upcoming tests, projects, major quizzes, etc. This
is available to both parents and students. Due dates for assessments will always be posted on my web page, in my
classroom, and I will often send out a Remind 101 reminder. If you are absent the day of an assessment you will
take it upon your return, in accordance with district policy.
Please become accustomed to accessing my webpage for important information, not e4. I tend to keep the
calendar fairly well updated, have copies of most handouts there, and other information that students will need to
be successful in Latin! The CCISD syllabus can be found there as well, under Latin I information.
Students who are present when an assignment or test / quiz is assigned but is absent the date of the assessment
will be required to submit the work or take the test upon the day they return to class. Any work handed in late is
subject to a reduced grade, and work more than three days late may be subject to a grade of 0.
School rules are strictly enforced in room 610. Cell phones are not allowed at any time – any confiscated cell
phone will be turned in to the appropriate AP. Dress code compliance is firmly imposed – you are here to learn, I
expect you to dress like it. Students will follow all aspects of the CCISD Honor Code. In other words, don’t cheat. A
grade of zero will be awarded for any infraction, as well as a referral to the assistant principal. Please remember
that any tablets that have been deployed to you are tools, not toys. If students are told “Hands Up!”, then it is
expected that all students will immediately remove their hands from any keyboards, mice, etc., attached to their
tablets, so that the teacher may check that all students are on task. Any student not complying immediately will be
assumed to be in non-compliance and not on task. Any student not on task will be subject to disciplinary action.
Thanks for signing up for Latin! Time travelling is going to be terrific this year!
Magistra Shelly McCormick-Lane
print student name
student signature
parent / guardian signature