Bone Markings and Joints
Quiz Corrections
Questions pg. 173
Explore the joints of the body
Of a joint; relating to the joint
EXAMPLE: Arthritis?
Inflammation of the joint
Joints have 2 functions
Hold bones together
Allow for flexibility
Structural classification
Synarthorotic Joints
Amphirarthrotic Joints
Diarthrotic Joints
Immovable Joints
Joints of the skull
Sutures of the flat bones that make up the skull
Slightly Movable Joints
Don’t have full motion but provide enough motion with in the back
Freely moveable
Lubricated for joint movement
Synovial fluid
Ball and Socket Joints
Hip and shoulder
Shoulder is relatively unstable
Golf ball on a golf tee
Hinge Joint
What do you think of with a hinge?
1 plane of movement
Elbow joint
What does it mean to pivot?
Allows for rotational movement
Atlas and axis vertebrae
Concave/convex articulation
Cowboy sitting on a saddle
Movement in 2 planes, no rotation
Thumb joint
Caropometacarpal joint
Bones joined by fibrous tissue
Some are slightly moveable, most are synarthrotic (no movement)
Sutures – bones interlock and are connected by short tissue fibers
EX: Skull joints
Articulating ends connected by cartilage
For the most part, these joints are slightly moveable
EX: Intervertebral joints
Articulating bones are separated by joint cavity containing synovial fluid
Movements vary from 1 axis to multiaxial
All synovial joints contain:
Joint surface enclosed by 2 layer articular capsule
Outer part of the capsule is a dense fibrous connective tissue.
Lines inside by synovial membrane
Articulating surfaces lined with articular cartilage
Articular capsule reinforced with ligaments, bursae or tendon sheaths
Read pg. 114 from the packet about “Movements Allowed by
Synovial Joints”
Understand diagrams on pg. 115
Complete pg. 117 from packet