New American Diplomacy Notes

Trade in Asia and Latin America
American Diplomacy in Asia
 The Open Door Policy
 War erupted between China and Japan over Korea
Korea was part of China
 Japan easily defeated China
 Russia was worried that Japan would take over
 Japan had mastered western technology and industry
 Sphere of Influence
 Foreign nations controlled economic development such as
railroad construction and mining.
 Russia, France, Germany, and Britain also wanted land leases
in China
The Boxer Rebellion
 Chinese societies organized to fight foreign control
 Decided to destroy “foreign devils” and Chinese
Christian Converts
 Took over foreign embassies in Peking and Tientsin
 Killed more than 200 foreigners
 8 countries intervened
 China had to pay a fine for causing the damage to the
other nations.
Roosevelt’s Diplomacy
 September 6, 1901
 William McKinley assassinated by an anarchist
 Teddy Roosevelt took over as President
 Roosevelt wanted to expand into other parts of the
 He wanted people to be aware of what was going on in
other regions.
Balancing Power in the East
 Support Open Door Policy
 Negotiated an end to the
war between Japan and
 Roosevelt won the Noble
Peace Prize
 Relations with Japan were
unsteady after peace treaty
 Wanted more power in
The Panama Canal
 Speak softly and carry a
big stick
 Create a canal between
 Save money and time in
shipping American
Panama Canal
Acquiring the Canal Zone
Panama Revolts
 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
 United States had exclusive
rights to build a canal in
Central America
 French started to build a
 Feared losing the money from
canal, but didn’t have the
money to finish the job
the canal
 Did not like the Columbian
 Small uprising in Panama
 Did not like the President’s
decision to aggressively take
over the land.
Roosevelt Corollary
 Venezuela defaulted on its debt
 US would intervene in Latin America to help maintain
 Wanted to keep Europe out of the region
 US helped with funding to keep Europe out of the region
Dollar Diplomacy
 William Howard Taft created this program
 Less military aide and more help with Latin American
 American businesses would increase trade and Latin
American industry
 Took over loans to block European Intervention
Woodrow Wilson Diplomacy in
 University Professor and
 Opposed Imperialism
 Interested in domestic
affairs rather than
international issues
Mexican Revolution
 Foreigners owned much of the industry
 People rebelled in 1911
 Francisco Madero led the revolution
 Killed by Victoriano Huerta
 Huerta was a brutal leader
 Wilson did not want to trade with Mexico
Wilson sends troops
 Americans arrested in
 No apology from Mexico
 Wilson wanted to invade
 Anti-American riots
broke out
 Pancho Villa and
guerillas invade New
 Killed 16 Americans
 Wilson sent 16,000
troops to find Villa