10.4 Notes

Name: _________________________
Date: ______________
Chapter 10
Section 4 Notes - ______________ as a World __________
Teddy _______________ and the _____________
Roosevelt the _________________
________________ does not want _________________ to control world
______________, politics
_______, Japan, __________ dispute control of _______
________________ negotiates Treaty of ______________________:
o Japan gets ____________, Korea
o ____________ wins Nobel __________ Prize
Panama ____________
U.S. wants _________ to cut travel _______ of commercial, ______________
U.S. buys __________ company’s route through ______________
Negotiates with _____________ to build Panama Canal; talks _________ down
French _____________ agent helps _______________ Panamanian
o U.S. gives ___________________ aid
U.S., Panama sign _________; U.S. pays $10 _____________ for Canal
The Roosevelt ___________________
Roosevelt ____________ European _________________ if Latin America
Reminds _________________ of Monroe ________________, demands they
stay _________
Roosevelt __________________ -- U.S. to use __________ to protect
_______________ interests
Dollar ____________
Early _______s, U.S. exercises _____________ power on several
Name: _________________________
Date: ______________
Dollar ________________ - U.S. guarantees ___________ loans by U.S.
Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy
Missionary ________________ -- U.S. has _________ responsibility:
o Will not ________________ regimes that are _______________,
1911, ___________, workers led by ______________ Madero overthrow
General _________________ Huerta takes over ___________________; Mero
is ___________
Wilson ______________ to recognize ____________’s government
Intervention in _________________
Huerta’s ______________ arrest U.S. ___________, quickly ______________
Wilson ____________ Marines to occupy ______________
Argentina, __________, _____________ to avoid war
Huerta __________ falls; nationalist ___________________ Carranza new
Rebellion in ________________
Francisco “____________” Villa, Emiliano _____________ oppose Carranza
o ______________ wants land reform
o Villa a fierce ________________
Wilson recognizes ________________’s government; Villa threatens
o Villa’s men kill __________________
Chasing ____________
Brig. Gen. ___________________________ leads force to ________________
Carranza demands ________________ of U.S. troops; ____________ at first
U.S. faces _______ in Europe, wants ___________ on southern ___________
Name: _________________________
Date: ______________
o Wilson __________ Pershing home
_______________ adopts new _____________________:
o government _________________ oil, ________________
o restricts ___________________ investors
1920, ___________________________ new president; ends _______________,
starts ___________