
First Five
 In your notebooks silently answer the following:
 Perform a self evaluation on yourself in regards to the
quiz we took.
 Did you study?
 How did you study?
 How well do you think you did?
 If you think you did poorly why do you think you should do
next time?
 If you think you did well, explain why.
 Past Due:
 Kingdom Classification
 Lizard Phylogeny
 Check your grades
Presentation Time
 Presentations should last roughly 2 minutes.
 You will receive a graded rubric next class.
 Once presentations are done everyone needs to
perform an evaluation on themselves and their group
members. This will be part of your rubric.
 Did everyone contribute?
 If no, who didn’t
 If yes, what was the contribution.
Key Ideas of Cells
 Cells are highly organized
 Different parts of the cells have
specific functions
 Today, we will be focusing on
“Eukaryotic” cells, meaning plant
and animal cells.
Variation in Cells
Types of
Important for now
What are organelles?
Definition: Organelles are specialized cell parts that
carry out a specific job
You have a body that has organs that do specific
things so your whole body will work. An organelle
is a little organ for the cell.
“The Control Center”; a large
organelle in the center of the cell
that controls everything that
happens in the cell
 Stores and
protects all genetic
material (DNA)
needed to make
Control center for plant and
animal cells:
Chromosome =
coiled DNA:
instructions for
characteristics of
an organism.
Chromatin = protein
composing chromosomes
Let’s use an analogy:
The cell is like a nightclub!
 Nucleus is the DJ
 The DJ controls what music
gets played at the club and
also holds all the CDs/ mp3
songs at his booth
 The Nucleus is like a control
center for the cell and stores
all the DNA (genetic
information) for the entire
Jelly-like fluid that holds all
the organelles outside of the
 Provides support for
the cell and
Cell Analogy: The Nightclub
 Cytoplasm is the air inside
the club
 All dancers in the club need
air that contains all the gases
to survive and have a good
 The cytoplasm in the cell
supports all the organelles
and has all the needed
molecules for the cell to
Cell membrane
 Partially permeable barrier that
surrounds the cytoplasm
 Controls what goes into and out
of the cell
Cell Analogy: The Nightclub
 The cell membrane is the bouncer
at the door of the club
 The bouncer decides
who gets to enter the
club and who should be
kicked out
 The cell membrane
protects the cell by
controlling what enters
and leaves the cell
 What is a body part that is similar to each
of the cell parts we just discussed?
 Nucleus
 Cytoplasm
 Cell membrane
 a tiny organelle that helps the cell
make protein by linking amino acids
together. It floats freely in the
 Function: Links amino acids together
to form proteins for the cell
Cell Analogy: The Nightclub
 Ribosome is like the snack
 The snack machine in the
club is there to feed hungry
dancers and is usually small
and out of sight from
everyone. It takes the code
you enter and gives you a
snack. Most snacks contain
protein to satisfy your hunger.
 The ribosome is very small
and helps make proteins
which fuel all the cells’
Network of tubes that produces,
processes, distributes proteins
 Rough or smooth
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Rough” with Ribosome
for protein synthesis
“Smooth” =
Membrane “highway”
For transport of materials
Cell Analogy: The Nightclub
 The chef/bartender of
the club
 Takes protein materials
(food or drink) and
modifies it to meet the
need of the customer
 Membrane bound
sacs that process,
package, sort, and
deliver proteins
Cell Analogy: Golgi Apparatus
 Waitress at the club that makes sure
to deliver your order to your table
 a bean-shaped
organelle that
creates all the
energy the cell
needs to survive
 Second-largest
Cell Analogy: The Nightclub
 Mitochondria are like
the speakers of the
sound system.
 The speakers play all
the music in the club
which gives dancers
the energy to have a
good time. Music is
similar to energy!
 The mitochondria
supply all the energy
needed for the cell to
Chloroplast= absorbs light, changes
light energy into chemical energy for
photosynthesis = GrEEN Sacks
Sac-like structure
in the middle of
the cell that stores
water, food,
enzymes that the
cell needs
Vacuole =
storage for food and water
Why are plant vacuoles larger than animal vacuoles?
Plant Vacuole
Some Animal cell vacuoles pump
water out by contracting:
Do you see 2 Contractile vacuoles
in this Paramecium?
Cell Analogy
 Storage basement beneath the club
to hold extra equipment, food,
drinks, and tables
Contains digestive enzymes
Breaks down large molecules
First Five
 Silently review today's worksheet and grab a computer
Cell Structure Web Activity
1. Get a computer and the handout
2. Complete the first side of the handout
using the laptop
3. Use colored pencils to color the
pictures on the back
4. Answer the questions
Review Time
Name that Organelle!
 Choose the name that matches the organelle being
 Nucleus
 Cytoplasm
 Cell membrane
 Ribosome
 Mitochondria
 Endoplasmic reticulum
 Vacuole
 Chloroplast
Round 1
 Jelly-like material that supports the cell and holds all
molecules needed by the cell
 Contains enzymes to digest and breakdown material
 Links amino acids together to form proteins for the cell
 Stores water, food, enzymes that the cell needs
 Thin layer that controls what materials can move in and
out of the cell
 Contains enzymes that process, package, sort, and
deliver proteins
 Stores and protects all genetic material (DNA) needed
to make proteins
 Produces, processes, distributes proteins
 Creates all the energy the cell needs to survive
Bonus: Label this diagram
 First, on your whiteboard, number from 1 to 10. Then,
you will write down the names of the cell parts next to
each number.