Electrocardiography: Chapter 8 Worksheet

Electrocardiography: Chapter 8 Worksheet
Introducing the Atrial Rhythms
Complete the following.
1. Dysrhythmias that originate in the atrial tissues, or in the intermodal pathways, are referred to
as ________ ______________________.
2. Atrial dysrhythmias occur when the SA node fails to generate impulses; other areas within the
___________take over as pacemaker sites.
3. Atrial dysrhythmias are generally not considered to be ____________________________
4. ______________ ____________ ____________________ rhythms may occur when the
pacemaker site wanders of “travels”, through the atria.
5. A variant of wandering atrial pacemaker rhythm is called _____________ _____________
6. ____________________ _______________ can occur in the atria, the junction or in the
7. EKG strips represent only the electrical activity in the heart and not the ___________________
8. ___________ ________________ occurs when a single irritable site in the atria initiates many
electrical impulses at a rapid rate; as a result, flutter, or sawtooth, waves are formed.
9. ____________ _________________ is one of the most common atrial dysrhythmias with
multiple disorganized ectopic atrial foci generate electrical activity at a rapid rate.
10. A rhythm that refers to sudden onset or cessation is __________________.
11. Vagal maneuvers are performed to ___________the heart rate.
12. When any premature beat occurs more than six times per minute, the dysrhythmia assumes
more importance and is called ___________________.
13. The initial setting for cardioversion is _______________ jewels in atrial flutter rhythms.
14. ________ is a sudden onset of atrial tachycardia.
Electrocardiography: Chapter 8 Worksheet
Introducing the Atrial Rhythms
15. For a diagnosis of wandering atrial pacemaker, observation of at least ____________ different P
waves is required.
16. Methods used to stimulate barorecptors are called ___________ maneuvers.
17. When a single irritable site in the atria initiates many electrical impulses at a rapid rate, the
rhythm is called ___________ __________________.
18. _________________________ and hypoxia may cause SVT in a healthy person.
19. ___________ ___________________ is the only arrhythmia that is “irregular irregularity”
20. _____________ can be defined as the reactivation of myocardial tissue for a second or
subsequent time by the same electrical impulse.