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Antidysryhthmic drugs

Antidysrhythmic Medication - Drug Therapy
Class I: Sodium Channel Blockers
Disopyramide Phosphate
Monitor BP and HR; hypotension and bradycardia can occur
Monitor for arrhythmias; these agents affect conduction patterns, sometimes increasing
the frequency or severity of dysrhythmias.
Monitor for CNS side effects such as dizziness, anxiety, ataxia, insomnia, confusion,
seizures, and GI distress; may require dose reduction or discontinuation
Monitor for signs of heart failure; can cause HF.
Monitor HR and BP; bradycardia and decreased BP are expected effects.
Assess for wheezing or shortness of breath; can cause bronchospasm.
Assess for insomnia, fatigue, and dizziness; may require dose reduction or discontinuation
Mexiletine hydrochloride
Flecainide acetate
Propafenone hydrochloride
Class II: Beta Blockers
● Assess ventricular arrhythmias, can
have proarrhythmic effects.
Class III: Potassium Channel Blockers - Delays repolarization and prolongs the QT interval.
For all class III potassium channel blockers:
atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias.
Monitor BP and HR. hypotension and bradycardia can occur.
Monitor for arrhythmias. agents affect conduction patterns, sometimes increasing the
frequency or severity of dysrhythmias.
Continually monitor ECG rhythm during infusion. bradycardia and AV block can occur.
This drug can cause serious toxicities (lung damage, visual impairment).
Approval is limited to use for life-threatening dysrhythmias. However, because of
efficacy, use remains very common.
Corneal pigmentation occurs in most patients, generally does not interfere with vision.
Teach patient to take with meals and avoid grapefruit juice. better absorbed with food.
Grapefruit juice alters the effect.
Teach patient to notify provider with signs of HF. contraindicated for pts with HF.
Stop infusion as soon as the dysrhythmia is terminated or in the event of VT. may
cause potentially fatal dysrhythmias.
Assess potassium and magnesium levels before infusion because electrolyte balance
must be corrected prior to and during use.
Teach patient to change positions slowly. Orthostatic hypotension is a side effect.
Monitor HR and BP; bradycardia and hypotension are common side effects.
Teach patients to change position slowly when receiving oral therapy. orthostatic
hypotension can occur.
Teach patients to report dyspnea, orthopnea, distended neck veins, or swelling of the
extremities. HF can occur, necessitating a decrease in dosage or discontinuation.
Assess apical HR before administration; decreased HR is an expected response.
Teach patient to report nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, paresthesias, confusion, or visual
disturbance. can indicate digoxin toxicity.
Monitor HR and rhythm after administration. increased heart rate is expected.
● paroxysmal SVT
Be sure to have emergency equipment readily available!. Significant bradycardia with
pauses, nausea, and vomiting.
Nursing Safety Priority !
Facial flushing, shortness of breath, and chest pain are common side effects.
● atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias.
● AF and atrial flutter.
● AF and atrial flutter
● AF and atrial flutter
Class IV: Calcium Channel Blockers
Class: Other
AF and atrial flutter.
● Bradycardia