Introduction to the Middle Ages 500s

Introduction to the European Middle Ages
500s-1500s CE
• Events and people from this period described as
“medieval” (e.g., We are studying Medieval History)
• Latin: medium (middle) + aevum (age)
• Word first used during Italian Renaissance (1500s)
– Greece and Romepinnacle of human culture
– Their own cultureResurrection of culture of Greece and
– Period in between (500-1500)No culture, barbarican
age between cultural greatness
• Not really the case, but name stuck
Cultural Sophistication
Here’s what those Italians meant . . .
1500 CE
1000 CE
500 CE
Subdivisions of Middle Ages
Early Middle Ages
c.500s-1000s CE
High Middle Ages
c.1000s-1300s CE
Late Middle Ages
c.1300s-1500s CE
Early Middle Ages, 500s-1000s
• Began with collapse of WRE (476 CE)
• Caused by waves of invasions
• Effect?
Population declined
Agricultural production declined
Trade declined
Cities abandoned
High Middle Ages, 1000s-1300s
• Began when invasions of EMAs ended
• Period of recovery
– Population growth
– Agricultural production rebounded
– Trade expanded
• High water mark of Middle Ages
Late Middle Ages, 1300s-1500s
Large scale warfare
Black Death
Religious conflicts
First nation-states
The Church
Christian Church in Western Europe
Leader of the Church
Area where the Church exists and where the
Pope exercises his authority
Office of the Pope
Church officials (e.g., priests, abbots, bishops,
the pope)
Spiritual lords Clergy
Secular lords
Political leaders