Study Guide – Middle Ages (SOL 9)

WH 1 Lesson 51 Activity 51
Test SOL 9
1. List 3 elements that comprised the Medieval society.
2. The ________________________ was a time of disorder and decline that lasted from
476 until about 1000 A.D.
3. During that time, _____________________ and ______________________ were
neglected and the arts and sciences ignored.
4. What served as the unifying force in Europe during after the fall of the Roman
5. ___________________________ was crowned first Holy Roman Emperor on
____________________ by Pope Leo III.
6. List 4 influences that contributed to the increase of importance of the Roman Catholic
Church in the Middle Ages.
7. Pope, who gained power during the Middle Ages, was the head of the
8. In the Middle Ages, monks were supposed to live a live of _____________________,
________________________, and ______________________.
9. What group founded a large empire in Western Europe in the 8th century?
10.The coronation of the first Holy Roman Emperor resulted in greater political influence
for the _______________________.
11.The first Frankish king who unified all of his people and converted to Christianity was
12.Charlemagne was the most important Frankish king who tried to expand
13.The word _______________________ in Latin means Middle Ages.
14.Medieval society consisted of what three groups of people?
15.Relationship between lords, knights, and peasants based on land, mutual obligations,
and protection was called ____________________________.
16.Who lived in castles during the Middle Ages?
17.__________________________ is an economic and social system that existed in selfsufficient villages in Europe.
18.The people of Europe looked to rich and powerful nobles, called
__________________, for protection.
19.Chivalry –
20.Exclusion from the Catholic Church as a punishment for refusing to obey the Church is
called ____________________________________.
21.Crusades –
22.When the Crusades ended, _________________ grew between Western Europe and
the Near East.
23.In the Middle Ages, another word for land was _____________________.
24.____________________________ was a court set up by the Catholic Church to
investigate and punish heretics.
25.________________________ was a source of protection and necessary goods and a
center of social life for many people in the Middle Ages.
26.Who held the lowest social position on an estate in medieval Europe?
27._______________________ was the major economic and social structure in medieval
Europe, under which monarchs granted land to local lords, who administered it and
protected _______________________, who farmed it.
28.________________________ held the highest social position on an estate in medieval
29.In the Later Middle Ages, ___________________ became the centers of trade, culture,
and learning.
30.Angles and Saxons spread from Europe to ________________________.
31.What group migrated from central Asia to Hungary?
32.Vikings, a tribe of Northmen from Scandinavia, migrated as far east as
33.The wave of barbarian invasions weakened towns by disrupting _________________.
34.The Middle Ages lasted for about ______________________ years until the beginning
of the Modern Period in the 1400’s.
35.Explain the system of feudalism. What elements comprised the system and what
classes were involved? Draw a chart if you wish.