RESUME ALBERTO MERLADO Business administrator from EAFIT

Business administrator from EAFIT University with a Master degree in Industrial
Administration of the Universidad del Valle. He studied during three years
Psychoanalysis in the Centro Psicoanalitico Sigmund Freud of Cali. Investigator
of Ken Wilber´s work and one of the Founders of the Transpersonal Psychology
whose dissemination he pioneered in Colombia. Specialists in systemic
decision making referred by Edgar Morin´s Theory of Complex Thinking.
Founding member of the Association of Transpersonal Humanism -SASANA-:
a learning community who aims to facilitate the evolution of consciousness in
society in all the fields of the human activity through an integrated educational
process and the personal human development of its members. He is in charge
of the Spiritual Epistemology theme.
He considers himself basically an EDUCATOR. During his entire career his
work has been oriented to facilitate individual and collective processes in the
human development. His world combines theory with practice. He has never
stopped representing as an educator and simultaneously as a consultant or
organizational manager. He feels proud of not teaching what he has not
He was Dean and founder of the Administration Faculty in Universidad del
Norte, Director of the Business Consultancy Program of the Servicio Nacional
de Aprendizaje (National Service for Learning) – SENA- (for its spanish
acronym) in the Atlantic coast; National Director of Human Development at
Carvajal S.A. and Director of the Master Administration Program at the EAFIT
University in Cali.
He worked as a private consultant in organizational development during 10
years in Cali. Later became the Administrative Vice-president of the Empresa
Colombiana de Petroleos - ECOPETROL where he worked during 12
consecutive years. His responsibilities included managing the relations with the
Union Sindical Obrera (Labor Union) – USO (for its Spanish acronym). He was
one of the creators of the Development and Peace Program of the Magdalena
Medio region, currently in operation, which is built of the application of the
Human Developments Scale Principles whose prime representative in Latin
America is Max Neef. Furthermore he lead the Congress for Peace which was
developed in conjunction with the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace,
which resulted in the current Civil Society’s Permanente Assembly for Peace.
He left ECOPETROL in 1998 and became member of the Administration
Faculty in Universidad de los Andes as full time professor. He then retired in
2004 to become the General Manager of Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota
during Luis Eduardo Garzon’s administration, his union counterpart in
From 2004 to 2008 he coordinated the Labor Consertation Program of the
business guild led by the Asociacion Nacional de Industriales de Colombia
ANDI – (for its Spanish acronym) and Labor Unions, financed by the employers
and Swedish unions.
Author of multiple papers in the Human Development field published in
university journals, specialized in administration, some of these papers where
included as chapters in several books written on human resources corporate
First winner of the Life and Work Prize of the Colombia Association for Human
Resources Management – ACRIP- (for its Spanish acronym).
Nominated by PORTAFOLIO readers as one of the best managers in the
country for his outstanding work as manager of Empresa de Acueducto de
Bogota in the year 2004.
Postgraduate program´s visiting professor in the Administration Faculty of the
Universidad de los Andes and Universidad del Norte of Barranquilla.
He was appointed by the Mayor of Bogota, Gustavo Petro, as General Manager
of the Empresa de Acueducto de Bogota, for a second time in march 2013; non
the less he continuous to work as visiting professor of the postgraduate
programs in the Administration Faculty at Universidad de los Andes and
Universidad del Norte in the Human Scale Administration Area and
Management Skills with emphasis on Conflict Management.
He is also
member of the Board of Director of the Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de
Bogota - ETB and of the Empresa de Energia de Bogota- EEB- on behalf of the
Mayor of Bogota. D.C.