LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Integrated Systems & Solutions – S & R Systems Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Floyd Millet August 2005 1 Work was done under US Government contract. Radar Applications LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Air Traffic Control Remote Sensing the Earth Air traffic and weather Ground Control approach landing Flood monitoring Crop and forest assessment Location of archeological ruins Aircraft Navigation Altimeter Doppler navigation Weather avoidance Remote Sensing the Solar System Planetary rotation rates Range to the moon and planets Meteor tracking Law Enforcement Police speedometers Intrusion alarms Ship Safety Collision avoidance Piloting in restricted waters Military Surveillance and reconnaissance Weapon guidance and control Proximity fuzes for weapons Bomb damage assessment Space Rendezvousing of spacecraft Spacecraft docking and landing Satellite tracking RaDAR is an acronym for Radio Detection And Ranging 2 Radar Imaging LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Problem Form a terrain image using a radar in a moving airborne vehicle Simplest approach: Real-Beam Imaging Radar Example: Plan Position Indicator (PPI) Range Azimuth Individual image points (pixels) must be discriminated in two dimensions, range and azimuth PPI Display 3 Target Not Identified When Coarse Resolution Used Cell Size: 1/5 Major Dimension 4 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Corresponding Map Target Identified When Fine Resolution Used Cell Size: 1/20 Major Dimension 5 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Corresponding Map Resolution Required for Various Mapping Applications da Resolution Cell dr 6 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Features to be resolved Cell Size Coast lines, large cities, outlines of mountains 150m Major highways, variations in fields 20-35 m “roadmap” details: city streets, large buildings, small air fields 10-20 m Vehicles, houses, small buildings 1-3 m LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS High-Resolution Mapping Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) 7 What is High Resolution Radar Mapping? LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS • HRM involves breaking up real antenna beam into fine resolution cells Footprint of mainlobe on ground • The map is made by forming cells and measuring signal intensity in each cell dAZ dr dAZ = Azimuth Resolution dr 8 = Range Resolution Resolution Cell What Does a Radar Measure? LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Amplitude versus Time All other SAR parameters are derived: Range (known time relationship) Phase - coherent transmission plus demodulation Doppler frequency Range resolution (pulse compression) Azimuth Resolution 9 Range Discrimination LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS The transmitted pulse travels at the speed of light 300,000 km/second 3.3 nanoseconds/meter Round-trip “radar time” 6.7 nanoseconds/meter (²d = 2 meters ² = 13.3 nanoseconds) But target returns overlap if targets are separated by less than c/2 10 Short Pulse Range Resolution LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS R2 = R1 + ΔR R1 Transmitted Pulse O Time Received Pulses 2(R1 + ΔR/c) 2R1/c 2ΔR/c Pulses Just Resolvable ΔR = c/2 2ΔR/c 11 Shorter Pulses LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS So for better resolution, just make the transmitted pulse SHORTER However, the shorter pulses must somehow transmit the SAME ENERGY to the target As the pulse gets SHORTER, the peak power gets HIGHER Problem Peak power gets MUCH to high before pulse length even approaches high resolution 12 Coded Pulses LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Solution Transmit a long coded pulse that can be decoded (compressed) after reception into a much shorter pulse f1 f2 Linear Frequency Modulation (FM) Linear Swept Frequency “Chirp” Note: A typical 200 microsecond pulse extends over 60 km resulting in a range resolution of 30 km 13 Pulse Compression LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Frequency f2 Transmitted/Received Pulse Resolution = c/2 Δf f1 1 f2 Variable Delay Line “Compression” Filter Decoded/”Compressed” Output Resolution = c/2Δf = (/2)(fo/ Δf) F number = fo/ 2Δf 2 Time Delay Time Δf f1 f2 Δf 1/Δf f1 Time Resolution varies as 1/ Δf , that is, it varies with transmitted bandwidth 14 Linear FM (Chirp) Waveform LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS o Swept frequency having bandwidth BWt across the pulse length S x ( n,t ) = A cos(2p f t + pαt2 ) 0 ft ( n,t ) fc + BWt 2 A f0 = fc - BWt 2 -A Tran smit w aveform o Transmit bandw idth given by: f (n, t ) = 2 p f0 t + pαt2 1 d f (n, t ) ft ( n,t ) = 2p dt = fo + αt ,0 t ,0 t BW t = ατ o Linear FM has desirable properties over other w aveform types : • Easy to generate • "Stretch mode"demodulation 15 t Frequ ency mod ulation of p ulse o Phase function given by: o Transmit frequency given by: fÝ fc t Pulse Compression LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS 2 Sr ( n,t ) = C (n , t ) cos [ 2 p f0 ( t - TR ) + pα ( t - TR ) ] o Received S ign al Given By: Sx (0, t ) S r (0 , t ) Puls e n=0 A -A 2 R tgt c 2 Rtgt + c R tgt = Range-to-Target o Com plex S ign al (after dem od u lation an d/or sideb an d removal)* G iven By: Sv ( n,t ) = Sr (n,t ) e - jw 0 t = [C(n,t ) e - jw0 TR ] exp{ jpα (t - T R ) } = D(n,t ) exp{ jpα(t - T R ) } 2 2 o G oal of Pu lse Comp res sion : • Produ ce finest possib le resolution, w hich is analogous to: • Maximizin g the signal-to-noise ratio BUT: We h ave th e ad ditional req uirem ent th at we min im ize artifacts in th e image ( G ood s id elob e con trol on th e im pu ls e respon se (IPR) ) * d oes no t apply to "Stretch Mo de"s ig nals after the IF m ixer s tag e--w e w i ll co ver thi s sho rtly 16 Fine Range Resolution Requires Large Radar Bandwidth Fourier Transform Pair Time 17 1/ Frequency LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Pulse Compression Advantages LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Range resolution independent of transmit pulse length • Transmit long pulses • Keep peak power comfortably low Set range resolution with transmitted bandwidth • Resolution inversely proportional to bandwidth – 150 MHz 1 meter resolution – 300 MHz 0.5 meter resolution • Resolution independent of slant range 18 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Azimuth Resolution 19 Ability to Resolve Closely Spaced Targets is Beamwidth Dependent LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS A B The half-power (3dB) beamwidth is a measure of angular resolution of radar AB 20 (1/2)3dB A B 3dB A B (3/2)3dB Azimuth Considerations LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS SAR Synthetic-Aperture Radar Antenna beamwidth is inversely proportional to the number of wavelengths in its length (aperture) = /L radians L = C/f 21 R R Azimuth Discrimination LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Flight Path R/L L Δd R/L L R Real-beam imaging radar As the collection vehicle moves along the flight path, targets are detected as they move in and out of the antenna pattern But target returns overlap if the targets are separated in azimuth by less than the antenna beamwidth • So achievable azimuth resolution degrades with range 22 Azimuth Discrimination LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS So for better azimuth resolution, just make the antenna beam NARROWER! • Generate more wavelengths in the antenna aperture by lengthening the antenna or by shorting the wavelength (increasing the frequency) However, very LONG antennas are difficult to carry and position and very HIGH frequencies limit performance in weather and at long ranges Problem Antennas get MUCH too long and frequencies MUCH to high before the beamwidth even approaches high resolution 23 Synthetic-Aperture LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Solution Synthesize a long antenna aperture using a physically short antenna SAR Synthetic-Aperture Radar Store the data collected sequentially and coherently across a long aperture and then process the data to synthesize a full aperture collection 24 Design Options for Improving Resolution Before SAR LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Range Resolution •Decrease pulsewidth, at expense of power and range •Operate at short range/decrease power Azimuth Resolution •Increase operating frequency to Ku and Ka-bands or higher, with increased atmospheric and weather attenuation, lower available power sources •Increase antenna aperture, with attendant installation and stabilization problems 25 The Resolution Breakthrough LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Range Pulse Compression - Increased range resolution without loss of power Azimuth Synthetic Aperture - Increased azimuth resolution without large antenna installation Note: 1. Both use special waveforms 2. Both use signal processing techniques 26 Synthetic Aperture Radar LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS 27 Phase History of a Scatterer LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS From Hovanessian, “Introduction to Synthetic Array and Imaging Radars” 28 Anamorphic Hologram LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS 29 SAR Collection Geometry LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS 30 Resolution Limitation on Sidelooking SAR LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Maximum Synthetic Aperture Length Lmax Ro Beamwidth beam Range Resolution R Minimum Resolution = o 2 L max Azimuth Beam Coverage L max = beam R o R o d d Minimum Resolution 2 where d is the antenna length 31 Synthetic Aperture LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Tgt 1 "Integration Angle" INT Ls Ro = 0.886k A 2WAZ INT Ro Ls -Resolution limitation on sidelooking SAR: Maximum θINT is limited by azimuth antenna beamwidth az Waz , Lant is length of linear array Lant 2 IN T Wazmin 2 az ( )= Lant 2 Lant 2 -This limitation does not apply to spotlight collection 32 Point-Target Phase History Compressed in Both Range and Azimuth 33 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS First SAR Imagery 34 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS ADTS Advanced Detection Technology Sensor Ft. Devens, MA 35 GHZ HH Polarization ± 20 Deg Depression Angle 35 LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Where Do You Fit in? LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Future Topics Implementation of Theory September 6 Algorithm Architecture for SAR Ground Processing Creating an Image September 20 Concepts in Image Processing From Idealization to Realization October 11 36 PACE: An Autofocus Algorithm for SAR Texts and Software LOCKHEED MARTIN INTEGRATED SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS Texts Curlander, John and McDonough, Robert Synthetic-Aperture Radar - Systems and Signal Processing Skolnik, Merrill Introduction to Radar Systems Nathanson, Fred Radar Design Principles Carrara, Walter et al Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar Oppenheim, Alan and Schafer, Ron Discrete Time Signal Processing Skolnik, Merrill Radar Handbook Software Mathcad V6 Matlab 37