Tangerine Part 2 Study Guide: Characters, Terms, & Questions

Tangerine Part 2 Study Guide
Betty Bright: Tangerine Middle School soccer coach
Theresa Cruz: Gave Paul a tour of Tangerine Middle School, took him to soccer practice
Tino Cruz: Theresa’s brother, one of the starters on the soccer team
Victor Guzman: Another starter on the soccer team, but very crude and kind of a bully
Luis Cruz: Brother of Theresa and Tino; an expert on growing tangerines
Important Terms:
Direct characterization:
Indirect characterization:
Discussion Questions:
Page 100: Why aren’t the starters able to go to soccer practice?
-They were in trouble for vandalizing the carnival
Page 100-101: What interesting information does Paul learn about the Tangerine soccer team?
-It is a co-ed team; both boys and girls play
Page 101: According to Paul, what’s the most obvious difference between his new school and his old
-“At Tangerine Middle, the minorities are the majority”
Describe the kind of people the Tangerine Middle soccer players are. Find either a quote or a specific
example from Part 2 to support your answer and write it below (with the page number).
Pages 113-114: Who is Mohawk Man?
-Mohawk Man is Joey’s brother, Mike.
Why is Erik using the nickname “Mohawk Man”?
-He is making fun of Mike Costello for being struck by lightning.
What does this indirect characterization tell us about Erik?
-Eric is heartless, mean, and likes to make fun of other people, no matter what. He has no tact.
Page 118: Paul says, “Of course, it wasn’t really a game. It was a war.” Which figure of speech is he
using (i.e. simile, metaphor, personification, etc.)? What does Paul mean by this statement?
-This is a metaphor. It is figurative language that tells us just how dirty and intense this game
Page 120: The Tangerine soccer coach says, “There’s no way this team can beat you. You can only beat
yourselves.” What do you think she means by this?
-She means the team’s lack of sportsmanship is what’s going to cost them the game.
Page 122: What does the Palmetto fullback do to Paul?
-He pulled Paul’s goggles off and rubbed mud into his eyes.
Page 124: What does Victor say to Paul? Does this indirect characterization change your opinion of
him? How?
-Victor apologizes to Paul. This behavior shows that Victor might not be as bad as he originally
Page 124-125: What news does Joey give Paul about his situation in school?
-Joey tells Paul he is transferring to Tangerine Middle School.
Page 126: Paul tells Joey about the Tangering soccer team: “They’re super-focused on the game, you
know. On winning. It’s like it’s life or death for them.” What figure of speech is Paul using here and
what does it mean?
-This is a simile. He is saying that to the Tangerine soccer players, winning is just about the most
important thing in their lives.
Page 130: What embarrassing thing happened to Erik when he tried to punt the ball in the game?
-Antoine pulled the football away from Erik and he kicked the air and fell into the mud; Antoine
went toward the endzone for a 2-point conversion, winning the game.
Page 133: At the end of this chapter, Paul says something about Erik that foreshadows what’s going to
happen later in the book. Below, paraphrase what Paul says, then make a prediction about what’s going
to happen.
Page 134-137: What happens to Victor? As a result, what happens to Paul?
-Victor was hurt in the game (his head was bleeding) so he was taken out of the game. Paul
replaces him and scores a goal.
Pages 138-139: Who calls Paul? Why?
-Joey’s girlfriend, Cara, calls Paul to see if he is interested in her friend, Kerri.
Pages 145-146: Why does the news reporter show up to soccer practice?
-Paul’s mom called about a story because the girls on the soccer team are the leading scorers and
should make the All-County Boys’ Team.
Page 166: Why does Wayne say, “Y’all are having a regular ten plagues of Egypt over here, aren’t you?”
-This is a metaphor for all of the houses infested with termites in Lake Windsor.
Page 166: According to Wayne, why are termites such a problem in this area?
The land used to contain lots of tangerine trees. They were burned down and termites began
feeding on the rotten wood underground. Termites have to come to the surface for water, then they begin
feeding on homes.
Page 167: Paul recalls a flashback. What is the flashback about? Summarize in 1-2 sentences.
-Paul remembers his parents trying to diagnose his vision problems. While they were doing so,
his brother, Erik, taunts him and tries to sneak up on him.
Pages 172-175: List three things you learned about Luis in this section (indirect and direct
His mother died
He used to play soccer
He was the goalie
He hurt himself clipping tangerines
He is very sensitive and poetic
He has a lot of respect for nature
He is a horticulture genius
Page 175-176: How does Tino react when he learns that Paul is responsible for telling on him after the
-He kicks his butt… literally.
Pages 181-182: Paul has another flashback involving his grandparents. In 1-2 sentences, summarize the
Page 193: What happens to Paul when he plays goalie in the game?
-The other team scores a goal against him.
Page 194: What does Coach Walski tell Betty Bright about Paul?
-He tells her Paul is ineligible to play because of his address.
Pages 198-199: How does Part 2 end? Respond in 1-2 complete sentences.
-Paul is put in as goalie. He thinks he misses the ball when the other team shoots, but he doesn’t;
they win the championship. They take a photograph for the newspaper and Paul rides the bus home with
his teammates.